Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaughs Past?

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Inmates are folks involved in the Criminal Justice system, not enemy combatants on a battlefield.

Two different situations entirely.
Torture is torture. We do not torture anyone, at anytime, for any reason. Period.

I considered it 8 years of torture having to listen to a doofus like Barry Soetoro dba B. Hussein O, as president.

No one had any mercy on me.
Doofus is the kindest thing anyone can say about the pussygrabber. Obama is a man of integrity. No one has ever said that about 45.
How could a man of integrity sell his 19 year old daughter to Harvey Weinstein for campaign donations and an invite to Hollywood parties? You know that shitstain obama sold Malia to his friend Harvey. She was an intern. Inside and turning.
Check out what was asked and required for the last two seated in the court? compare, then ask if its unfair.
Interesting read to say the least. The only problem I see is that he supports the constitution and bill of rights, which apparently several have serious problems dealing with. The role of the court is the interpretation of law as it regards the constitution not creating law. Those left of center are employing obstructionist behaviour in the vein attempt to derail his appointment. Same old game nothing has changed.
What does it matter if the GOP is covering it up?

Every Democrat announced long ago that they would oppose
anybody that Trump appointed.

They're not going to vote for him anyway. (Well, a couple are gonna
vote for him. With the latest jam that Nelson has himself in in Florida
I imagine he'll be wearing a Kavanaugh Sweat Shirt before the week
is out.
Now give the left a break they might find some very serious stuff like more debt over buying baseball game tickets.
What does it matter if the GOP is covering it up?

Every Democrat announced long ago that they would oppose
anybody that Trump appointed.

They're not going to vote for him anyway. (Well, a couple are gonna
vote for him. With the latest jam that Nelson has himself in in Florida
I imagine he'll be wearing a Kavanaugh Sweat Shirt before the week
is out.

Donnelly in Indiana is getting a shit storm over it. I suspect he'll vote to confirm. He's in a tough race this Nov
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

Why are you lying? Oh, right, you're a desperate Progressive! Got it!

Senate digs through record 1 million pages of documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Erin Kelly, USA TODAYPublished 7:55 a.m. ET July 31, 2018 | Updated 4:54 p.m. ET July 31, 2018

WASHINGTON – Senators have begun the deepest dive ever into the writings of a Supreme Court nominee, digging into a record 1 million-plus pages of legal opinions and emails from Brett Kavanaugh's career as a federal judge, White House attorney and assistant to the prosecutor who investigated President Bill Clinton.

The volume of Kavanaugh's records dwarfs those of the past two Supreme Court justices to be confirmed: Neil Gorsuch and Elena Kagan. Senators reviewed about 182,000 pages of documents on Gorsuch and about 170,000 pages on Kagan.


Senate digs through record 1 million pages of documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

My highlights to make it easier or you to read.
What does it matter if the GOP is covering it up?

Every Democrat announced long ago that they would oppose
anybody that Trump appointed.

They're not going to vote for him anyway. (Well, a couple are gonna
vote for him. With the latest jam that Nelson has himself in in Florida
I imagine he'll be wearing a Kavanaugh Sweat Shirt before the week
is out.

Donnelly in Indiana is getting a shit storm over it. I suspect he'll vote to confirm. He's in a tough race this Nov

Agree. Most of them are like that.

The Prez and the GOP should gather their voting records their first
4 years of office and compare to their fake promises the last 2
years of their term.

That would set the stage for the GOP to convince the voters that those
dems are just saying what they want the voters to hear and once
reelected will return to the same-o, same-o.
I'm sure that's the Liberal plan anyhow, regardless of what happened to Kavanaugh.

And if the Dems control the Senate, it will save the President the hassle of sending nominations over at all. It will give him more time to sign executive orders and work on his golf game

I wouldn't bet the farm just yet Polishprince. You'll need it to eat all that crow!
They’re trying to hide the fact that Trump’s Supreme Court nominee is hostile to settled, accepted Constitutional case law that protects the rights and protected liberties of the American people, a nominee who would seek to overturn that settled, accepted case law for solely political reasons, having nothing to do with the Constitution or the original intent of the Framers.

Wait he is a Democrat ?
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

Could cover up some potential blah, blah, blah, from his past. When can we find out? Before the update about Trump and could be Russian collusion? The docialists already lost, and have no one. Maybe we should lower the age to be president to say 21. I’m sure it would help your cause. More like minded people who don’t know [emoji90] and have no life experience. Thanks for the interesting bathroom reading.

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They deliberately did that so they wouldn't be charged with war crimes later. They called waterboarding EI. Waterboarding is torture. If waterboarding is EI, then why did the Reagan DOJ put 4 Texas sheriff's in prison for doing that to inmates?

Inmates in our prison system are totally different from terrorists and enemy combatants captured in the field of battle.

Do you believe that savages who will happily do this will answer questions when posed politely to them?

Doofus is the kindest thing anyone can say about the pussygrabber. Obama is a man of integrity. No one has ever said that about 45.

Yep, no one would deny that failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was a nice guy. Unfortunately, for our country, being a nice guy did not equate to even a halfway decent president.


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