Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaughs Past?

This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

No one has anything to hide, Judge Kavanaugh has already been fully vetted.

All the Democrats are trying to do is to stop the confirmation vote from being done before the election.

It isn't going to work.

The Republicans have a majority in the Senate, elections have consequences. That gives the party the right to bring names up for confirmation or not.

BTW, if the Democrats win a majority in November, I won't whine when no one is confirmed for anything. The President knows that too.
That’s a total lie that Cavanaugh is totally vetted.
If he’s totally vetted why are republicans hiding so many documents?
Because those documents have nothing to do with him as a judge.
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

I see the far left propaganda machine is working overtime. The far left Hack site NYtimes proves that this is about pushing far left propaganda vs any type of journalism.
Kavanaugh will be confirmed, nothing you can do to stop it.

My vote for Trump is securing my children's future

Meanwhile, the debt continues to pile up ....
Do you think Democrats give a damn about that?

Face it, either Republicans are the ones who attempt to fix it, or nothing will get done on it at all.

Why do you think I hate boh parties? Neither cares about future generations. They only care about staying in office.

At least dems are open about not giving a shit. Republicans pretend to care; they trumpet "fiscal conservatism", but then look at what they give you.

And it's our fault. We let them get away with it. We let them lie to us. We even voted in Trump who lies more than anyone. Americans like being lied to. We're a very stupid people.
Did you bitch when it did under Ears? Doubtful

Nope, he didn't say a word

How the fuck would you know, idiot? You don't know me.

So you did bash Obama for deficit spending? That's what you're claiming?

I criticized him, yes. Why?

Yeah, sure

Asks a question, decides not to believe the answer for absolutely no reason.

Why bother man? Apparently you already have all the answers, even when it comes to other people's personal opinions; you know better than they do.
The ultimate democrat of the 20th century, FDR, appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court. Lefties burned cars and smashed windows because they refused to accept the results of a presidential election not to mention the Supreme Court's decision on freedom of religion vs sodomites. The same hypocrites presume to lecture us about President Trump's Supreme Court nominee somehow being "hostile to settled law". How freaking ludicrous.
So...you have to go back over 80 years to make yourself feel better?
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

No one has anything to hide, Judge Kavanaugh has already been fully vetted.

All the Democrats are trying to do is to stop the confirmation vote from being done before the election.

It isn't going to work.

The Republicans have a majority in the Senate, elections have consequences. That gives the party the right to bring names up for confirmation or not.

BTW, if the Democrats win a majority in November, I won't whine when no one is confirmed for anything. The President knows that too.
That’s a total lie that Cavanaugh is totally vetted.
If he’s totally vetted why are republicans hiding so many documents?
Shhhhhhh! That's what they mean by vetted....you don't get to see everything.
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

No one has anything to hide, Judge Kavanaugh has already been fully vetted.

All the Democrats are trying to do is to stop the confirmation vote from being done before the election.

It isn't going to work.

The Republicans have a majority in the Senate, elections have consequences. That gives the party the right to bring names up for confirmation or not.

BTW, if the Democrats win a majority in November, I won't whine when no one is confirmed for anything. The President knows that too.
That’s a total lie that Cavanaugh is totally vetted.
If he’s totally vetted why are republicans hiding so many documents?
Shhhhhhh! That's what they mean by vetted....you don't get to see everything.

You're going to have to remind me when the Senate has delved into the non-judicial experience of SCOTUS nominations

There hasn't been a single hearing on the matter.

Judge Kavanaugh has visited the offices of many senators and been totally open with them.

Just because the single day of hearings for the new SCOTUS justice hasn't been done yet, doesn't mean that the senators aren't impressed.

All that is needed right now is a hearing, and move it directly to the floor for a vote. I think that a majority of Senators are ready to vote even now. They need to get him seated by the fall session.

BTW, Kavanaugh was fully vetted just a few years ago when he got his appeals court gig.
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

skewsy honey..I've asked 3 times now....do you total up your profits at the end of the week and distribute them equally among all your employees there at the Electrician Shop?
Everyone knows that this is just stonewalling and delay by democrats.
That’s hilarious coming from someone who approved of the GOP stonewalling Merrick Garland from even having a chance.

The republicans didn't stonewall, they advised they would withhold consent. It was just that simple.


Well, that will come in handy in the future.

Especially next year when the Democrats who will be controlling the House, and therefor the budget, advise dotard he won't be getting money for anything except what we tell him he's going to get money for. Just as simple as that.

Thanks for that.
Especially next year when the Democrats who will be controlling the House, and therefor the budget, advise dotard he won't be getting money for anything except what we tell him he's going to get money for. Just as simple as that.

Thanks for that.

I'm sure that's the Liberal plan anyhow, regardless of what happened to Kavanaugh.

And if the Dems control the Senate, it will save the President the hassle of sending nominations over at all. It will give him more time to sign executive orders and work on his golf game
Kavanaugh will be confirmed, nothing you can do to stop it.

My vote for Trump is securing my children's future
By putting a guy in the Supreme Court who thinks its okay to torture people?

Enhanced interrogation of enemy combatants isn't "torture", and even if we were actually torturing terrorists, it wouldn't be unconstitutional

The Bill of Rights applies to criminal defendants, not foreign evildoers that we are seeking to eliminate, not "bring to trial"
Enhanced interrogation of enemy combatants isn't "torture", and even if we were actually torturing terrorists, it wouldn't be unconstitutional

The Bill of Rights applies to criminal defendants, not foreign evildoers that we are seeking to eliminate, not "bring to trial"
No, it's torture. Just because you change the term, that doesn't change the action.

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