Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaughs Past?

Kavanaugh will be confirmed, nothing you can do to stop it.

My vote for Trump is securing my children's future
By putting a guy in the Supreme Court who thinks its okay to torture people?

I fully support any tactic to harvest information from terrorists. Thanks for that tidbit by enthusiasm for Kavanagh just went up a notch

Will you be trolling me all evening?
I fully support any tactic to harvest information from terrorists. Thanks for that tidbit by enthusiasm for Kavanagh just went up a notch

Will you be trolling me all evening?
You think its okay to torture people? What a scumbag you are. Just like Kavanagh.
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?
They’re trying to hide the fact that Trump’s Supreme Court nominee is hostile to settled, accepted Constitutional case law that protects the rights and protected liberties of the American people, a nominee who would seek to overturn that settled, accepted case law for solely political reasons, having nothing to do with the Constitution or the original intent of the Framers.

Will you stomp your feet, ball up your little fists and pound the table and cry when he's confirmed?

Thank God Trump kicked the hag to the curb
Enhanced interrogation of enemy combatants isn't "torture", and even if we were actually torturing terrorists, it wouldn't be unconstitutional

The Bill of Rights applies to criminal defendants, not foreign evildoers that we are seeking to eliminate, not "bring to trial"
No, it's torture. Just because you change the term, that doesn't change the action.

Actually, President George W Bush consulted the Department of Justice and AG Alberto Gonzalez, who advised him that Enhanced Interrogation of Evil Doers was fine. W isn't a lawyer, so he consulted the experts.
Actually, President George W Bush consulted the Department of Justice and AG Alberto Gonzalez, who advised him that Enhanced Interrogation of Evil Doers was fine. W isn't a lawyer, so he consulted the experts.
They deliberately did that so they wouldn't be charged with war crimes later. They called waterboarding EI. Waterboarding is torture. If waterboarding is EI, then why did the Reagan DOJ put 4 Texas sheriff's in prison for doing that to inmates?
Actually, President George W Bush consulted the Department of Justice and AG Alberto Gonzalez, who advised him that Enhanced Interrogation of Evil Doers was fine. W isn't a lawyer, so he consulted the experts.
They deliberately did that so they wouldn't be charged with war crimes later. They called waterboarding EI. Waterboarding is torture. If waterboarding is EI, then why did the Reagan DOJ put 4 Texas sheriff's in prison for doing that to inmates?

Inmates are folks involved in the Criminal Justice system, not enemy combatants on a battlefield.

Two different situations entirely.
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?
Does it surprise anyone the same dirty party that didn’t even let Obama’s pick, Merrick Garland, even get a chance. The same party notorious for voter suppression laws.
The same party that lets a renegade president do whatever he feels like doing with absolutely no checks.
The GOP can’t win at anything unless they cheat.

Obama’s picks were thoroughly vetted down to the size of their underwear. The GOP is trying to hide Cavanaugh’s anti worker history.
Inmates are folks involved in the Criminal Justice system, not enemy combatants on a battlefield.

Two different situations entirely.
Torture is torture. We do not torture anyone, at anytime, for any reason. Period.

I considered it 8 years of torture having to listen to a doofus like Barry Soetoro dba B. Hussein O, as president.

No one had any mercy on me.
Doofus is the kindest thing anyone can say about the pussygrabber. Obama is a man of integrity. No one has ever said that about 45.
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This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

Funny how you never ask what the FBI has to hide by refusing to give documents to Congress ...
Trying to find out evidence in a criminal investigation is wrong on multiple levels. But if Hannity is for it, you’re all in.
Kavanaugh has a dark past that the Republicans are trying to hide.
There is an internet rumor going around that says Kavanaugh picked a flower in the park once when he was 6 years old.
Kavanaugh has a dark past that the Republicans are trying to hide.
There is an internet rumor going around that says Kavanaugh picked a flower in the park once when he was 6 years old.
The village idiot checks in to ignore Kavanaugh’s horrendous record on worker’s protections and rights.
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?
He's a white nationalist working for Russia....I know it's there, if you only try hard enough you'll find the truth!
This stonewalling by Republican leaders is so extreme that Democratic senators have been reduced to filing unheard-of requests for the missing documents under the Freedom of Information Act — a process that can take many months.

On Wednesday, the National Archives distanced itself from this shady process, calling it “something that has never happened before,” and saying Mr. Burck’s work “does not represent the National Archives.”

Republicans have had the nerve to complain that Democrats are trying to slow down the confirmation process. The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling. But everyone knew about Judge Kavanaugh’s lengthy paper trail; Mitch McConnell was reported to have initially opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for that very reason. Either way, what’s the rush? We don’t recall Republicans expressing concern over delaying a confirmation when they were blocking Judge Merrick Garland.

Opinion | Why Are Republicans Covering Up Brett Kavanaugh’s Past?

What do they have to hide?

Funny how you never ask what the FBI has to hide by refusing to give documents to Congress ...
Trying to find out evidence in a criminal investigation is wrong on multiple levels. But if Hannity is for it, you’re all in.

Do you have anything on what I said or you just want to stick with being a clueless dick?
22 posts that were off topic derailments have been deleted. That's half the thread. The next off topic post will cause the poster to be thread banned.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called it an “unprecedented” degree of stalling.

At least that ridiculous notion offered a bit of humor in this situation.
Let me get this straight. A New York TImes piece ( as biased news source if ever there was one) opines that there maybe could be a past we don't know about for Judge Kavanaugh ( a federal judge that passed confirmation hearings before). Through this opinion piece it clearly states delaying this confirmation is okay because Republicans did it to an Obama selection. Pretty easy to see the Democrats are simply delaying from that statement.

So, Republicans are not covering up a thing, Democrats are just playing politics.

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