Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

I understand Deany now.

Do you see how much Obama loves Julia and takes care of her and her family? That's what Deany wants for himself, a loving government that will tend to his every need

And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

so who gets to set these "fair compensations" that people will work for?

you brown shirts?
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I understand Deany now.

Do you see how much Obama loves Julia and takes care of her and her family? That's what Deany wants for himself, a loving government that will tend to his every need

And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

so who gets to set these "fair compensations" that people will work for?

you brown shirts?

Liberals always know best. Look at how smart they are! TM, Deany, Mr Charmin, Jillian!
I understand Deany now.

Do you see how much Obama loves Julia and takes care of her and her family? That's what Deany wants for himself, a loving government that will tend to his every need

And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

so who gets to set these "fair compensations" that people will work for?

you brown shirts?

I think it's amusing that you complain about brownshirts. You are obviously ignorant of German history.

Here's the gag. The Nazis were completely in bed with the Krupps and other German industrialists...

But anyway, you see, as I pointed out earlier, the rest of the world doesn't do it this way. In Germany (no more nazis) or Japan, CEO's only make 11 times what their line workers make.

Compared to 475 times for an American CEO... Imagine that.
And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

so who gets to set these "fair compensations" that people will work for?

you brown shirts?

I think it's amusing that you complain about brownshirts. You are obviously ignorant of German history.

Here's the gag. The Nazis were completely in bed with the Krupps and other German industrialists...

But anyway, you see, as I pointed out earlier, the rest of the world doesn't do it this way. In Germany (no more nazis) or Japan, CEO's only make 11 times what their line workers make.

Compared to 475 times for an American CEO... Imagine that.

then I guess you should move to a country you think is, more fair..leave the rest of us alone
so who gets to set these "fair compensations" that people will work for?

you brown shirts?

I think it's amusing that you complain about brownshirts. You are obviously ignorant of German history.

Here's the gag. The Nazis were completely in bed with the Krupps and other German industrialists...

But anyway, you see, as I pointed out earlier, the rest of the world doesn't do it this way. In Germany (no more nazis) or Japan, CEO's only make 11 times what their line workers make.

Compared to 475 times for an American CEO... Imagine that.

then I guess you should move to a country you think is, more fair..leave the rest of us alone

NO, I think we should make this one fair, too.

What a concept!

I know you are standing in line, hoping the bouncer will let you into the cool party, but the party will be closed down long before you get to the door.
Once again. I do not care what European countries are doing. I think you may have noticed that a lot of them are failing economically. We shouldn't model after them. We are not completely socialist, yet. It is none of your business what they make, how they make it, or how much of it they have. Just because someone has more money than you, should not give you the right to take it. It is that simple.

Actually, we have every right to take it. It's called "Democracy".

As a practical matter, the more the CEO's cheat the folks who work for them, the more likely that we are going to get to the point where folks are going to vote for exactly that.

wow, you're becoming more unhinged every day...
You sign up for you brown shit and jack boots yet?

What would we do without your informative, profound posts, Steph???
Okay, then exempt all smoking related illnesses from insurance or government health care programs that I'm paying into.

Maybe we should exempt all obesity related illnesses as well......
Being that obesity is the number one killer.
I understand Deany now.

Do you see how much Obama loves Julia and takes care of her and her family? That's what Deany wants for himself, a loving government that will tend to his every need

And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

I'm sorry, you're not making a lick of sense. Did your worst enemy hack your account in an effort to make you look like an idiot?

How does Romney get richer off of Julia's efforts?
I understand Deany now.

Do you see how much Obama loves Julia and takes care of her and her family? That's what Deany wants for himself, a loving government that will tend to his every need

And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

Really? Romney is going to force a fictional character to work for him for as little as possible.

You are aware that if she did exist (which is much more probable to occur under a Romney administration, just saying), she could say no, right?
I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

In what universe can "billionaire elite" dictate your life???

Last time I checked dummy - only congress can dictate your life via legislation.

The rich can't make you do anything, however your bitch government can....

I don't see billionaires saying "if you don't do X, Y and Z we will throw you in jail and confiscate your private property..."

The real threat is the socialist federal government - not those generating wealth (which the federal and state governments steal from at will.)
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Okay, then exempt all smoking related illnesses from insurance or government health care programs that I'm paying into.

Maybe we should exempt all obesity related illnesses as well......
Being that obesity is the number one killer.

Obesity is more genetic than a life-style choice. So we'd actually be in the area of discrimination if we did that.
I understand Deany now.

Do you see how much Obama loves Julia and takes care of her and her family? That's what Deany wants for himself, a loving government that will tend to his every need

And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

I'm sorry, you're not making a lick of sense. Did your worst enemy hack your account in an effort to make you look like an idiot?

How does Romney get richer off of Julia's efforts?

Funny, I was about to ask you the same question, but I can't imagine anyone making you look like more of an idiot than you already do to yourself.

Hmmmm... HOw does Romney, who produce dnothing, created nothing, and did nothing benefit off the work of all the Julias who worked at Dominos, Staples, AmPad and DDi Medical and all the other companies he put a stack of chips on? Hmmmmm...
I understand Deany now.

Do you see how much Obama loves Julia and takes care of her and her family? That's what Deany wants for himself, a loving government that will tend to his every need

And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

Really? Romney is going to force a fictional character to work for him for as little as possible.

You are aware that if she did exist (which is much more probable to occur under a Romney administration, just saying), she could say no, right?

And if we had a system that put working people ahead of the rich, she could do so.
Maybe they think it will help them to be rich someday. Who knows. It's a mystery to me why people that most certainly make only average money would vote for Mitt Romney!!! He doesn't care about helping anybody but the rich. And he looks down on everybody else. You can tell!!!

Yet all of these average working class people are supporting him. Weird.

While you support a President that has absolutely no respect for the Supreme Court, and would obviously rather disband the republic and become a democracy. Who needs checks and balances? He may care about the middle class and poor, but that does not mean he could, or would do anything to help them without a basic understanding of economics or the way our government works. Threatening the Supreme Court? Oh yes he did.

I will never be rich, I'm happy being middle class and working hard to support my family. I just do not think it is fair to tax someone more simply because they have more than me.

He did not threaten the supreme court. Why must you people persist in telling that lie?? If you cannot criticize him for things that really happened, then perhaps you shouldn't criticize him at all.
In the court of public opinion and the perception of most of We The People, Yes Obama most certainly DID threaten the SCOTUS.
Obama committed another in long list of Breaches of Presidential Protocol.
Our government was established with a system of checks and balances. Each branch functions with independence. The President has NO SAY over the opinions of the SCOTUS.
What Obama said is unprecedented in US History.
Of course as a fan and disciple of Obama, you show blind loyalty to Obama. Your choice.
Your worship of Obama is almost sycophantic.
You need not comment on USMB any further. Reason:...You state the same thing over and again.
Look, we get it. You have a crush on Barack Obama. Let it go at that.
I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

Just exactly what is the difference between a Millionaire Elite, Ivy league asshole, and a Billionaire Elite Wall street smuck?

By the Way, I have to Fire people all the time in my Job, usually it's not fun, but every now and then you get some asshole they really has it coming, some dick weed welfare abusing ass munch who wont lift a finger to help himself, and in those cases it's almost fun to fire them.

It's always fun to watch some dick head who does nothing to help himself, Who cheats, and cuts corners, and lies at every turn, scream and whine about how the big bad man is abusing him when they get shit canned.

Were not talking about a Job it's easy to get fired at, the position comes with a lot of Flexibility, and Very Little Direct Supervision, and I am a VERY easy going, and tolerant Boss, so if I am firing you, you really must be a fucking loser.


Latest example, with out going into Detail, Had a Guy that after I told him my main roll was to make sure the cost of our LABOR was less than 10% of the Total Sales we generate, Literally only a min later he asked me if it was ok if he worked only 6 Hours a Day but turned in 8 hours a Day.

I mean, For Fucks sake grow a brain. LOL
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And Romney's goal is to have Julia work for as little as possible, on two jobs, to make a douchebag like himself richer.

How about we have a society where Julia is fairly compensated for her work and doesn't have to depend on governemnt at all?

Really? Romney is going to force a fictional character to work for him for as little as possible.

You are aware that if she did exist (which is much more probable to occur under a Romney administration, just saying), she could say no, right?

And if we had a system that put working people ahead of the rich, she could do so.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH...We lost all those union manufacturing jobs....
Stop longing for your version of the good old days.....The world has become a much smaller place. No longer are we insulated from global competition.
Would you pay $3,000 for a standard grade American made refrigerator built by union labor in a closed shop where the chances of an average person who does not "know the right people" could never become employed? If so, good for you.
Most of us will not and quite frankly could not. So don't go on about you view of labor. Nobody cares.
While you support a President that has absolutely no respect for the Supreme Court, and would obviously rather disband the republic and become a democracy. Who needs checks and balances? He may care about the middle class and poor, but that does not mean he could, or would do anything to help them without a basic understanding of economics or the way our government works. Threatening the Supreme Court? Oh yes he did.

I will never be rich, I'm happy being middle class and working hard to support my family. I just do not think it is fair to tax someone more simply because they have more than me.

He did not threaten the supreme court. Why must you people persist in telling that lie?? If you cannot criticize him for things that really happened, then perhaps you shouldn't criticize him at all.
In the court of public opinion and the perception of most of We The People, Yes Obama most certainly DID threaten the SCOTUS.
Obama committed another in long list of Breaches of Presidential Protocol.
Our government was established with a system of checks and balances. Each branch functions with independence. The President has NO SAY over the opinions of the SCOTUS.
What Obama said is unprecedented in US History.
Of course as a fan and disciple of Obama, you show blind loyalty to Obama. Your choice.
Your worship of Obama is almost sycophantic.
You need not comment on USMB any further. Reason:...You state the same thing over and again.
Look, we get it. You have a crush on Barack Obama. Let it go at that.

I would not call it a Threat Because in Practice the President has very little he could actually do to the Supreme Court. He might think he is a King, but he isn't.
Okay, then exempt all smoking related illnesses from insurance or government health care programs that I'm paying into.

Maybe we should exempt all obesity related illnesses as well......
Being that obesity is the number one killer.

Obesity is more genetic than a life-style choice. So we'd actually be in the area of discrimination if we did that.
Bullshit. Most fat people eat too much and exercise too little.
If I owned a business where people needed to be physically fit to perform their assigned tasks and with that requirement, I developed a policy whereby obese people were excluded from eligibility for employment, would I, in your world, be guilty of illegal discrimination?
He did not threaten the supreme court. Why must you people persist in telling that lie?? If you cannot criticize him for things that really happened, then perhaps you shouldn't criticize him at all.
In the court of public opinion and the perception of most of We The People, Yes Obama most certainly DID threaten the SCOTUS.
Obama committed another in long list of Breaches of Presidential Protocol.
Our government was established with a system of checks and balances. Each branch functions with independence. The President has NO SAY over the opinions of the SCOTUS.
What Obama said is unprecedented in US History.
Of course as a fan and disciple of Obama, you show blind loyalty to Obama. Your choice.
Your worship of Obama is almost sycophantic.
You need not comment on USMB any further. Reason:...You state the same thing over and again.
Look, we get it. You have a crush on Barack Obama. Let it go at that.

I would not call it a Threat Because in Practice the President has very little he could actually do to the Supreme Court. He might think he is a King, but he isn't.
Yes. I believe Obama views himself as an elected ruler or monarch.
In the court of public opinion and the perception of most of We The People, Yes Obama most certainly DID threaten the SCOTUS.
Obama committed another in long list of Breaches of Presidential Protocol.
Our government was established with a system of checks and balances. Each branch functions with independence. The President has NO SAY over the opinions of the SCOTUS.
What Obama said is unprecedented in US History.
Of course as a fan and disciple of Obama, you show blind loyalty to Obama. Your choice.
Your worship of Obama is almost sycophantic.
You need not comment on USMB any further. Reason:...You state the same thing over and again.
Look, we get it. You have a crush on Barack Obama. Let it go at that.

I would not call it a Threat Because in Practice the President has very little he could actually do to the Supreme Court. He might think he is a King, but he isn't.
Yes. I believe Obama views himself as an elected ruler or monarch.
Sometimes it seems that way. :(

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