Why are Republicans so upset about Kavanaugh? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch are nothing special.

Should Republicans dump Kavanaugh for a Woman nominee?

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Because decent human beings find it morally reprehensible to falsely accuse people of vile crimes for political reasons

We really don't know if what this woman, Ford is saying is true or not, do we? And let's face it, men typically don't assault women in public places.

Republicans are really in a corner on this one. Worst case scenario, they confirm Kavanaugh--and then find out that Ford was telling the truth. 2nd scenario--they confirm Kavanaugh without an investigation, showing they could care less about women and their claims of sexual assault or harrassement.

And let's face it Republicans already have a yuuuge problem with women voters in this country. Why add more fuel to the fire.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Yeah, we know she's lying. No one will corroborate her lies and she can't even remember what year anything happened. She doesn't even want a prosecuting attorney in the room to ask questions .
Republicans campaigned on the SCOTUS nominee in 2016, after making certain that Obama's last nominee, Merrick Garland didn't get a chance. Why? Because you never know who Hillary Clinton would have picked. Well as it turns out, Hillary Clinton may have picked Niel Gorsuch or Brett Kavanaugh as her nominee, because she voted to confirm both of them for Federal District court positions.

In fact, Hillary Clinton along with Barack Obama actually voted for both of them, as they came out of the G.W. Bush administration as Federal District Court judges in year 2006, when Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and could have easily rejected them. This while Senate Democrats were historically turning down a lot of G.W's nominee's. IOW--Both have already run the Democrat gaunlet and passed with flying colors.

Kavanaugh was confirmed to the D.C. Circuit in May 2006 after a series of negotiations between Democratic and Republican U.S. Senators
Brett Kavanaugh - Wikipedia

Anthony Scalia NOT'S !!!

In fact here are the Democrats that confirmed both Brett Kavanuagh & Niel Gorsuch in 2006 for Federal District Court of Appeals positions.


Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings that Roe V Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone. The only reason Democrats tried to block him, is because they were upset that Republicans blocked Merrick Garland.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Brett Kavanuagh only caught Trump's attention, because he once stated that Presidents shouldn't undergo prosecution while they're in office. But there is no such thing as prosecution of a sitting President anyway--we have an impeachment process to rid ourselves of criminal and inept behavior of a President.
Analysis | Does Brett Kavanaugh think the president is immune from criminal charges?

So the question is?
Since women have a very unfavorable opinon of Trump, (7 in 10) would it be wiser for Republicans to go ahead with an investigation & or drop Kavanaugh for a woman nominee?
Gallup Poll: 7 in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump
Wow. That's a lot of words to conceal an entirely bogus false premise! :lol:

Hillary would never have nominated Gorsuch or Kavanaugh. Not in a million years.

And if you don't know that, you're even dumber than you sound.
But women won the right to vote just about 100 years ago--and it's here to stay. I don't think that Republicans have realized yet that they have awoken a sleeping giant by electing Trump.

Conservatives like waking Giants. When they raise their head off the bed it makes a much easier target for the bullet.
You vote republican. You support republican goals. You support our crazy republican president. You're a republican even if you are ashamed to admit it.

EXCUSE ME?!?!?! I in fact do NOT vote for the vast majority of Republicans in the ballot. I generally leave most of the offices on the ballot empty because there is no Conservative candidate to vote for.
You vote republican. You support republican goals. You support our crazy republican president. You're a republican even if you are ashamed to admit it.

EXCUSE ME?!?!?! I in fact do NOT vote for the vast majority of Republicans in the ballot. I generally leave most of the offices on the ballot empty because there is no Conservative candidate to vote for.

You support Trump? You're a republican. Sorry if that embarrasses you.
we're upset because a man's life has been destroyed and his dreams crushed. this is not about politics. shame on you for thinking like that

politically, the "smart" thing to do is to appoint Amy Coney Barrett because Democrats would go after her catholic faith making themselves look like fools. i wanted Barret
What special qualifications does a woman have that would make her better than a man?

Dumb poll question by an idiot dumb enough to pander to identity politics.

And you CONTINUE TO PRETEND that you used to be a conservative. Anyone who "lost" their conservative values just because they didn't like the nominee for the GOP was never a conservative to begin with. You're a fraud plain and simple. Now go knit another pussy hat and stop wasting our time with your bogus bullshit
You support Trump? You're a republican. Sorry if that embarrasses you.

I didn’t vote for him but I prefer him over the other option. I’m not embarrassed to say that at all. Trump is a Moderate in my mind.
There are no special Republicans.

They have one goal and that’s to leave this nation looted, polluted and deluded.
What special qualifications does a woman have that would make her better than a man?

Dumb poll question by an idiot dumb enough to pander to identity politics.

And you CONTINUE TO PRETEND that you used to be a conservative. Anyone who "lost" their conservative values just because they didn't like the nominee for the GOP was never a conservative to begin with. You're a fraud plain and simple. Now go knit another pussy hat and stop wasting our time with your bogus bullshit
Conservative means racist and pro billionaires and loot the country. It’s been that way for decades.
What special qualifications does a woman have that would make her better than a man?

Dumb poll question by an idiot dumb enough to pander to identity politics.

And you CONTINUE TO PRETEND that you used to be a conservative. Anyone who "lost" their conservative values just because they didn't like the nominee for the GOP was never a conservative to begin with. You're a fraud plain and simple. Now go knit another pussy hat and stop wasting our time with your bogus bullshit
Conservative means racist and pro billionaires and loot the country. It’s been that way for decades.
Pussy say what?
My feeling in this whole thing is very simple... if Kavanuagh is not confirmed, the next nominee should be an Activist Conservative. If that one is shit down, the next one should be a MORE activist Conservative, etc....

Make it less and less desirable for the Dens to shoot down a nominee when they know he next one will be even less to their liking.
Kavanaught IS an activist conservative.

He really is not. The Dems should have been dancing a jig when he was chosen as opposed to the rest of the short list.

But they are too stupid for that
we're upset because a man's life has been destroyed and his dreams crushed. this is not about politics. shame on you for thinking like that

politically, the "smart" thing to do is to appoint Amy Coney Barrett because Democrats would go after her catholic faith making themselves look like fools. i wanted Barret
I was hoping for Miguel Estrada.
What special qualifications does a woman have that would make her better than a man?

Dumb poll question by an idiot dumb enough to pander to identity politics.

And you CONTINUE TO PRETEND that you used to be a conservative. Anyone who "lost" their conservative values just because they didn't like the nominee for the GOP was never a conservative to begin with. You're a fraud plain and simple. Now go knit another pussy hat and stop wasting our time with your bogus bullshit
Conservative means racist and pro billionaires and loot the country. It’s been that way for decades.
Pussy say what?
Pu$$y say let’s get a woman to do our job because we’re too big a pu$$ies to do it ourselves. We call those pu$$ies Republican senators.
Try to disagree with that.
Republicans aren't like Democrats. We don't believe it's a good thing to launch a world wide character assassination campaign based on ZERO evidence. Democrats obviously think that's cool.
What special qualifications does a woman have that would make her better than a man?

Dumb poll question by an idiot dumb enough to pander to identity politics.

And you CONTINUE TO PRETEND that you used to be a conservative. Anyone who "lost" their conservative values just because they didn't like the nominee for the GOP was never a conservative to begin with. You're a fraud plain and simple. Now go knit another pussy hat and stop wasting our time with your bogus bullshit
Conservative means racist and pro billionaires and loot the country. It’s been that way for decades.
Pussy say what?
Pu$$y say let’s get a woman to do our job because we’re too big a pu$$ies to do it ourselves. We call those pu$$ies Republican senators.
Try to disagree with that.
I think there is a loose thread on your pussy hat. Opps, nope, it's just your tampon flapping again
...Democrap kooks trying to sabotage the SCOTUS process.

That is the real, underlying issue. The dems attacked our democracy before the election of The Donald with fake news, fake polls, direct meddling in their own primary, etc., and The Donald still won in a landslide. The dems and their fake news MSM also attacked our democracy with the fake "Russia Hoax" and once again with this fake "Groping Hoax." The dems are unfit to be in government at any level based on the evidence and as Ann Coulter alluded to today, the fake news MSM needs to be brought to justice and broken up so actual news can be available.
We don't know if what Ford is sayiing is true or not. Republicans are in a corner on this one. 1. Worst case scenario is they confirm Kavanaugh and find out afterwards that what Ford is saying is true. 2. The second scenario is if they don't do an investigation and confirm Kavanaugh anyway--they infer that they don't give a rats ass about women who claim sexual assault or harrassment. They're already in a NO WIN situation.

And let's face it, Republicans already have a yuuuuge problem with the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.


For more on that click this link that will redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Anyone who doesn’t know by now wont look at the evidence and doesn’t want to know

Talking in platitudes will get you nowhere on this board. If you have something specific to say, say it and provide verifiable, credible links to match up to what you state.

Like I said, the only reason you don’t know is you don’t want to

Like I said provide a verifiable--credible link to whatever you're trying to say--otherwise it gets put into the :bsflag:file on this board.

The evidence has been gone over in the media 24/7 for the last week and a half and you don’t know where to find it.

Like I said, you don’t want to know

No the "evidence" has not been all over the news for the last week. I am certain you're watching state run media--aka the Trump media network who are manufacturing evidence, which is exactly why you can't find a verifiable--credible link to any of this so-called evidence--:auiqs.jpg:


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