Why are Republicans trying to cut Social Security benefits for over 2,000,000 disabled children?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
I don't get it. Why do Republicans want to hurt people who are already hurting SO much? At the same time still arguing for more massive tax cuts for the rich, and more and more corporate welfare?

I truly can't comprehend doing something like that. I can't even bring myself to do a 1% paycut with my business. I'll take the hit if I need to. I really can't imagine cutting 20% of someone's measly benefit. I couldn't even do that for someone who ISN'T disabled.

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Because they want to turn us into Mexico. Losertrians are for the rich and hate everyone else.

Time increase the taxes on the rich 2-3% to help our children, our police, infrastructure, science and r&d!
Here comes the FEARMONGING. right on cue. now they are back to USING the CHILDREEEEEEN

Republicans haven't been in control for THREE months. and here they are ALREADY..

DON'T FALL FOR IT. TAKE out the Progressives/democrats and their party of nothing but divisions, LIES, and fear in 2016..... the way you did the last two elections.
I don't get it. Why do Republicans want to hurt people who are already hurting SO much? At the same time still arguing for more massive tax cuts for the rich, and more and more corporate welfare?

I truly can't comprehend doing something like that. I can't even bring myself to do a 1% paycut with my business. I'll take the hit if I need to. I really can't imagine cutting 20% of someone's measly benefit. I couldn't even do that for someone who ISN'T disabled.

how much do you get paid to post this crap?

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