Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?

It's about the finite amount of time that people have for various endeavors. People make mistakes. They might not see the benefit of studying hard when they're young and have the time to do so. Then as they find that their skills don't amount to didley squat and would like to pursue some worthwhile training, they're trapped by circumstance. You think that's good?

It just is... one thing it's not is my problem.
You don't participate in society? You're a hermit?

Sure I do. I take care of me and mine... and if more people would do so, it would be a much nicer planet. Problem is, too many have bought into the whole "it isn't my fault" thing.
In other words, why do you think you'll never need to be supported through rough times?

They think they are special, that's why. The whims of fate just don't apply to them.

If a person can plan ahead for "rough times" or the whims of fate and not have to ask you or the Taxpayers for help, then maybe they are special..something we don't see too much in this day and age.

good GRIEF
....foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!

Not true then? So long as you plan well, fate won't be able to harm you much, right?
Or they could be working those jobs to pay to out-of-pocket to learn that trade.

Or they could be working those jobs to pay their taxes, while the other spouse works to keep the family eating and living indoors.

Or they could be working those jobs to just have something to do, rather than sitting around and collecting handouts.

Unlike lolberal snobs like you, I don't disparage people who work rather than mooching.

It's about the finite amount of time that people have for various endeavors. People make mistakes. They might not see the benefit of studying hard when they're young and have the time to do so. Then as they find that their skills don't amount to didley squat and would like to pursue some worthwhile training, they're trapped by circumstance. You think that's good?

It just is... one thing it's not is my problem.

It just is... one thing it's not is my problem.
You don't participate in society? You're a hermit?

Sure I do. I take care of me and mine... and if more people would do so, it would be a much nicer planet. Problem is, too many have bought into the whole "it isn't my fault" thing.

You build and maintain the road that leads to your house? You rely on businesses that do not require an educated workforce?
In other words, why do you think you'll never need to be supported through rough times? Our economy is rapidly changing - moving towards a knowledge based system. Outsourcing to third world countries is killing our manufacturing base and thanks to trade agreements, no one profits from that except the multinational corporations. Illegal immigrants fill the niche for unskilled labor. Few people have enough land or have sufficient water rights to produce their own food. And most middle class Americans are drowning in a sea of mortgage and credit card debt.

Does the constitution afford you a safety net?

Yes, I interpret the "promote the general welfare" clause in that way.

Considering that clause isnt a grant of power, Im not sure how any honest person could.
They think they are special, that's why. The whims of fate just don't apply to them.

If a person can plan ahead for "rough times" or the whims of fate and not have to ask you or the Taxpayers for help, then maybe they are special..something we don't see too much in this day and age.

good GRIEF
....foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
Not true then? So long as you plan well, fate won't be able to harm you much, right?
If you plan well, fate will not harm you as much as the person who plans not at all.

Do you dispute that?
It's about the finite amount of time that people have for various endeavors. People make mistakes. They might not see the benefit of studying hard when they're young and have the time to do so. Then as they find that their skills don't amount to didley squat and would like to pursue some worthwhile training, they're trapped by circumstance. You think that's good?

No one is trapped by circumstances. Especially when people are incredibly idle with their spare time.
It's about the finite amount of time that people have for various endeavors. People make mistakes. They might not see the benefit of studying hard when they're young and have the time to do so. Then as they find that their skills don't amount to didley squat and would like to pursue some worthwhile training, they're trapped by circumstance. You think that's good?

It just is... one thing it's not is my problem.
You don't participate in society? You're a hermit?

Those lazy people sitting on welfare are my children or dependents??

No.. the PERSONAL responsibilities of those who do not provide for themselves are not the responsibilities of others
You don't participate in society? You're a hermit?

Sure I do. I take care of me and mine... and if more people would do so, it would be a much nicer planet. Problem is, too many have bought into the whole "it isn't my fault" thing.

You build and maintain the road that leads to your house? You rely on businesses that do not require an educated workforce?

WE pay STATE taxes for that...
If a person can plan ahead for "rough times" or the whims of fate and not have to ask you or the Taxpayers for help, then maybe they are special..something we don't see too much in this day and age.

good GRIEF
....foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
Not true then? So long as you plan well, fate won't be able to harm you much, right?
If you plan well, fate will not harm you as much as the person who plans not at all.

Do you dispute that?

Yes. Someone who plans not at all might win the lotto (literally or figuratively) and be fine. Someone who plans extremely well may still wind up destitute despite their best efforts. That's obvious.

Fate and chance works both ways. That should be obvious!

EDIT: As to whether or not your question is true more often than it is not true - perhaps - but its hardly always true.
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In his case, I think he started believing that he had the Midas touch. His intial success was relatively easy, he figured the gravy train would keep rolling for him in one way or another. When he saw that the video business was starting to go to the big guys, he bought a hair cutting franchise which he was clearly not cut out for.

So it sounds like his pride did more than the "big corporations" did in hurtng his business.
They think they are special, that's why. The whims of fate just don't apply to them.

I may very well have tough times again...


In a world of hermits maybe.

Good.. pay my electric bill bitch... because if everyone is responsible for everyone else's responsibilities, you're well overdue for paying my bills, asshole

The fact is, idiot, that personal responsibilities, wants, and needs are not the responsibilities of others... this is not some goddamn borg hive, nor should it be
Sure I do. I take care of me and mine... and if more people would do so, it would be a much nicer planet. Problem is, too many have bought into the whole "it isn't my fault" thing.

You build and maintain the road that leads to your house? You rely on businesses that do not require an educated workforce?

WE pay STATE taxes for that...

Why can't you take care of it yourself? You don;'t need the rest of the world, be SELF reliant!
In other words, why do you think you'll never need to be supported through rough times?

They think they are special, that's why. The whims of fate just don't apply to them.

If a person can plan ahead for "rough times" or the whims of fate and not have to ask you or the Taxpayers for help, then maybe they are special..something we don't see too much in this day and age.

good GRIEF
They do not plan because we have intentionally stopped teaching them to plan, and have removed the impetus or motivation to plan.

They have been told from birth that anything that happens to you that is bad will be covered by the government.

It is the insidiousness of a big brother that worms its way into the everyday choices we make.
So much for the the notion that 'people will voluntarily help others'.

First, why would people be inclined to help others who are currently robbing them through government? That's a major problem with government programs. They rob people not only of money but of the desire to care for others. Ebeneezer Scrooge is a perfect example of that.

Second, How can someone else help you develop skills you wont do anything to learn?
I may very well have tough times again...


In a world of hermits maybe.

Good.. pay my electric bill bitch...

If you don't have the money to pay it and you have medical equipment that requires electricity and that you require to stay alive - then I've no trouble with my tax dollars subsidizing your expense, or with the law requiring the electric monopoly do so (at ultimate expense to paying customers).

because if everyone is responsible for everyone else's responsibilities, you're well overdue for paying my bills, asshole

Well its gotta be eithe all or nothing, right? Either we're all 100% responsible for everyone else - or we're 0% responsible for everyone else. Its gotta be that way because anyway in between would just be way to complex and it would blow your tiny little brain to bits.
So much for the the notion that 'people will voluntarily help others'.

First, why would people be inclined to help others who are currently robbing them through government? That's a major problem with government programs. They rob people not only of money but of the desire to care for others. Ebeneezer Scrooge is a perfect example of that.

Second, How can someone else help you develop skills you wont do anything to learn?
An even more fundamental questions is;

What would make a normally generous person stop and say, "No, not you."

Is it the behavior of the generous person at question, or the behavior of the person who would have benefited from the generous person?

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