Why are the alarmist AGW climate people getting pissed?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Anybody else notice a significant uptick in anger and misery amongst the climate crusaders over the last week or so? Check out some of these threads that have been thrown up over the past couple of days!!

Know what seems pretty obvious?

The entire world is talking about the ridiculous amount of cold the northern hemisphere is experiencing......epic low temperatures.........record lows........climate scientists stuck in the ice of Antarctica.......people not showing up at a Packers game due to severe concerns of frostbite....... etc.........etc.........etc..........

In fact, this picture was up on DRUDGE for 36 hours straight >>>

And tomorrow night in New York......coldest temps in 30 years........cold enough to cause frostbite in under 12 minutes. So ummmmmm.........wtf s0ns??!!!

Indeed.......judging by the level of angst seen from the hard core climate crusaders in this forum, the mental meltdowns have begun. And who could blame them.......really........they promised extreme weather ( fAiL)........they promised excessive Cat 5 hurricanes ( fAiL)........the promised no more snow ( fAiL)........they promised tornado activity would go way up ( fAiL)........they promised the arctic ice would be gone by now ( fAiL ).........and that temperatures would continue to go through the roof ( fAIl ).

If I looked like that much of a jackass, Id be pissed too!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Discuss..........( and check out the level of po'd in the thread titles!!! )
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They are simply re-circling the wagons.

Wait for it. Re-wording and double-speak are their forte.

They'll give you your answer soon enough.

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Depends on how you define "pissed".

I prefer the British usage in which the term means drunk to obscene excess.

That given, then they're "pissed" because they're cold and up to their sorry asses in powdered global warming which normal people call "snow".
You know, up to this point I was under the impression that Henry B Hough and Mr H were the same fellow. I now see they are completely different. One of them is a court jester in motley, the other is some sort of iteratively recursive figure in 3-space.

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