Why are the Democrats so oppose to the middle class tax cuts?

Maybe the Greedy Corrupt Democratic Party regards the middle class taxpayers to be its slaves
Because Obama who wanted to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world nation, but wasn't able to finish, is now going to see all his hard work on making everyone equally poor and equally miserable, it will go down the drain along with the Democrap Party...

Maybe the Greedy Corrupt Democratic Party regards the middle class taxpayers to be its slaves
for some reason, that can't be explained, with logic, the left thinks the government can fix what it broke.

we have had 4 depressions and 1 big recession and 1 majorly stalled economy.

in 3 of the depressions, taxes and spending were cut, deeply, they all ended in around 18 months.
in the stalled economy the same was done and we had the largest growth in history.
in the 2 remaining, taxes and spending we increased, the Great Depression lasted 10+ years and still needed a war that led to many dead Americans to recover from.
the same was done for the Great recession, but even with a war.....
Democrats in Dem run states tax the shit out of the poor and middle class, is it really surprising DC is infested with tax and spend Dem's too?
well hillary lost by 8 million votes, so if another 8 million people find jobs next year,,,,,2018 landslide!!!
Holy Fuck! I bet if you really, really tried you could come up with an OP even MORE asinine, fatuous and misinformed than your fucking baiting OP title and supercilious post! What a waste of air!

So you can't explain why the Dems object to middle class tax cuts? Noted. I'm guessing it is because you believe what the Democrats and the MSM tell you that only the rich gain from this. They certainly never bring up that the rates are going down and people will have more money in their pocket. So quit listening to and accepting the lies and do a little thinking on your own. Why are the Dems opposed to middle class tax cuts?
Holy Fuck! I bet if you really, really tried you could come up with an OP even MORE asinine, fatuous and misinformed than your fucking baiting OP title and supercilious post! What a waste of air!

Why do the greedy corrupt Democrats want to rob from the paychecks of middle class workers?
Holy Fuck! I bet if you really, really tried you could come up with an OP even MORE asinine, fatuous and misinformed than your fucking baiting OP title and supercilious post! What a waste of air!

So you can't explain why the Dems object to middle class tax cuts? Noted. I'm guessing it is because you believe what the Democrats and the MSM tell you that only the rich gain from this. They certainly never bring up that the rates are going down and people will have more money in their pocket. So quit listening to and accepting the lies and do a little thinking on your own. Why are the Dems opposed to middle class tax cuts?

Yep, The dumb liberal bigots are shitfedsheep who are unable to think for themselves
The Press/Hollywood Hate Machine is really spinning hard(lying) about the Tax Reform Bill

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