Why are the poorest people the most privileged on earth? (...Covid 19, Health, Inequality, Trump, Racism & more...)


Nov 3, 2020

Coronavirus is really dangerous, and we have to take into consideration all the official anti-Covid 19 guidelines. All! And almost all of the global official guidelines have already proved deeply-positive about the rights of workers and the unemployed! Check below why:

1) There are always hopes that coronavirus could keep many politicians away from their duties! (But not away from their life, ok, we want them alive, of course!). This is an extremely positive probability because it is a common secret that almost always the politicians make things worse about the employees! The quarantine of politicians and their self-isolation could be a type of solution!

2) On the other hand, as you remember, the problem that we faced a few months ago was that the politicians put in quarantine all the others around the globe apart from themselves! But even in the case of the first general lockdowns, the workers and the unemployed were the most privileged groups! Thanks to the lockdown, which meant an almost total quarantine, we returned to our values! We had the chance to realize that our families are most important compared to our jobs! We almost shared with our own people 24 hours daily. This was a good reminder of how it is to scold every day continually!
On the contrary, even in the lockdown, entrepreneurs and politicians could only have time to take care of how to keep alive their enterprises and their job positions for our good!

3) The Covid 19 Pandemic Crisis increased unemployment globally. This is exactly what absolutely launched the total happiness figures for the people of our planet! The jobless people were the luckiest one more time. Now they would have even more time for themselves when simultaneously they will still have the solutions of allowance and charity (and the solution of divine providence, of course). And please keep in mind that now there are some extra allowances globally thanks to the Pandemic Crisis! Furthermore, as it is commonly known, money does not bring happiness! Happy moments and feelings are not products for buying and selling, and the poorest people know this even better now! Nevertheless, on the contrary to the happiness of the poorest people, there are a few disconsolate billionaires and ultra-rich people who got super-richer even from the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic! What really can we say for these miserable and unfortunate pillars of our society?? Unfortunately, their only hope is the Great God! However, God loves more the poorest people, the USA, and the British Monarchs! (Do you remember Sex Pistols 'God Save the Queen' song??). Therefore there is no hope for billionaires, apart from those who are from the US!

4) God bless America indeed! And as you can probably guess, God bless the US President too, and even more, God bless the US (poorest) people! That is why Donald Trump is in his last years, the favorite billionaire of God. Besides, everyone knows that Donald and God have also talked to each other sometimes! This is a really 100% helpful fact for all humanity! Some days ago, Donald Trump was found positive for Covid 19. As a real American hero, Donald was hospitalized for 2-3 days only and returned to his duties soon. God just wanted to give the US (poorest) People the chance to live for a few days without hearing every day many wise quotes from Trump! The US (poorest) people had the challenge for self-improvement and for thinking and acting wisely just like its own President but without his own daily active political presence! Of course, Donald Trump guided the US (poorest) people with his spiritual support! This spiritual progress took place only thanks to Covid 19 Crisis! As for the US (richest) people, unfortunately, they did not have the time for self-improvement because they had to think about their next investments (and some of them had to count their profits)! But how did one of the world's most powerful people become ill with coronavirus? The truth is simple! God just wanted to give Trump a break! Besides, if Donald needed any help during his small break, he could tell groups like "Proud Boys" to come forward to helping the country! As you probably remember, Donald Trump has recently said for the "Proud Boys" that they should “stand back and stand by.” What a wise quote indeed! The small problem is that this group has been characterized as a "violent, far-right, neo-fascist organization", and as we know, fascism and nazism led to millions of deaths some decades ago! Unfortunately for Donald Trump and other supporters, admirers, or just "friendly interlocutors" and "friendly advisors" of groups like "Proud Boys", there are millions of people in the USA and around the globe who prefer to love rather than to hate!

5) Last, but not least, the homeless around the globe are probably the luckiest people during the Pandemic Crisis because it is less likely to get the coronavirus outside. Covid-19 spreads better in indoor environments, and as you can understand, homeless people do not have to be concerned about indoor environments! Moreover, thanks to the current curfews which take place in various regions across Europe, some homeless people will probably even find to be housed for free! Maybe in jail, but who cares?

How the hell the poorest people are always so lucky and almost scandalously privileged??

PS: Contrary to the above statements, I would like to clarify that this article is written as a reminder that the people of the poorest strata, the homeless, unemployed, and workers have to demand from their leaders and governments, not paying again, the effects of one more Crisis. To my mind, everyone in the world deserves to have high-quality medical services for free, and everyone in the world deserves all the income which is needed for a good living, regardless of whether s/he works or not!
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
God is greater than that. He requires his own to not punish the ox who works for him for eating a little of the food he is yoked into threshing and what not. We are required to allow them to eat it or else.

Coronavirus is really dangerous,
and we have to take into consideration all the official anti-Covid 19 guidelines. All! And almost all of the global official guidelines have already proved deeply-positive about the rights of workers and the unemployed!

You have no clue whereof you speak. NO CLUE. This is because you are an emotional Leftist.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
God is greater than that. He requires his own to not punish the ox who works for him for eating a little of the food he is yoked into threshing and what not. We are required to allow them to eat it or else.
We have a First Amendment and faith in God requires morals, including true witness bearing.
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
God is greater than that. He requires his own to not punish the ox who works for him for eating a little of the food he is yoked into threshing and what not. We are required to allow them to eat it or else.
We have a First Amendment and faith in God requires morals, including true witness bearing.
If that were carried to your extreme, God would only care for perfect people. And because you seem to have a different view that everyone who believes in God must be perfect according to you, I am placing you on my ignore list. Ta ta, Mr. Holier than anyone and everyone else.
If that were carried to your extreme, God would only care for perfect people. And because you seem to have a different view that everyone who believes in God must be perfect according to you, I am placing you on my ignore list. Ta ta, Mr. Holier than anyone and everyone else.

Nowhere did he suggest that morality be "carried to (his) extreme."
Those are your words, not his. He did not say that believers must be perfect. You did.
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
God is greater than that. He requires his own to not punish the ox who works for him for eating a little of the food he is yoked into threshing and what not. We are required to allow them to eat it or else.
We have a First Amendment and faith in God requires morals, including true witness bearing.
If that were carried to your extreme, God would only care for perfect people. And because you seem to have a different view that everyone who believes in God must be perfect according to you, I am placing you on my ignore list. Ta ta, Mr. Holier than anyone and everyone else.
However did you reach that conclusion? Depending on dogma, we are original sinners who can save ourselves by belief in God who has the Power to save us if He chooses; purgatory or hell awaits the incorrigible.

Coronavirus is really dangerous, and we have to take into consideration all the official anti-Covid 19 guidelines. All! And almost all of the global official guidelines have already proved deeply-positive about the rights of workers and the unemployed! Check below why:

1) There are always hopes that coronavirus could keep many politicians away from their duties! (But not away from their life, ok, we want them alive, of course!). This is an extremely positive probability because it is a common secret that almost always the politicians make things worse about the employees! The quarantine of politicians and their self-isolation could be a type of solution!

2) On the other hand, as you remember, the problem that we faced a few months ago was that the politicians put in quarantine all the others around the globe apart from themselves! But even in the case of the first general lockdowns, the workers and the unemployed were the most privileged groups! Thanks to the lockdown, which meant an almost total quarantine, we returned to our values! We had the chance to realize that our families are most important compared to our jobs! We almost shared with our own people 24 hours daily. This was a good reminder of how it is to scold every day continually!
On the contrary, even in the lockdown, entrepreneurs and politicians could only have time to take care of how to keep alive their enterprises and their job positions for our good!

3) The Covid 19 Pandemic Crisis increased unemployment globally. This is exactly what absolutely launched the total happiness figures for the people of our planet! The jobless people were the luckiest one more time. Now they would have even more time for themselves when simultaneously they will still have the solutions of allowance and charity (and the solution of divine providence, of course). And please keep in mind that now there are some extra allowances globally thanks to the Pandemic Crisis! Furthermore, as it is commonly known, money does not bring happiness! Happy moments and feelings are not products for buying and selling, and the poorest people know this even better now! Nevertheless, on the contrary to the happiness of the poorest people, there are a few disconsolate billionaires and ultra-rich people who got super-richer even from the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic! What really can we say for these miserable and unfortunate pillars of our society?? Unfortunately, their only hope is the Great God! However, God loves more the poorest people, the USA, and the British Monarchs! (Do you remember Sex Pistols 'God Save the Queen' song??). Therefore there is no hope for billionaires, apart from those who are from the US!

4) God bless America indeed! And as you can probably guess, God bless the US President too, and even more, God bless the US (poorest) people! That is why Donald Trump is in his last years, the favorite billionaire of God. Besides, everyone knows that Donald and God have also talked to each other sometimes! This is a really 100% helpful fact for all humanity! Some days ago, Donald Trump was found positive for Covid 19. As a real American hero, Donald was hospitalized for 2-3 days only and returned to his duties soon. God just wanted to give the US (poorest) People the chance to live for a few days without hearing every day many wise quotes from Trump! The US (poorest) people had the challenge for self-improvement and for thinking and acting wisely just like its own President but without his own daily active political presence! Of course, Donald Trump guided the US (poorest) people with his spiritual support! This spiritual progress took place only thanks to Covid 19 Crisis! As for the US (richest) people, unfortunately, they did not have the time for self-improvement because they had to think about their next investments (and some of them had to count their profits)! But how did one of the world's most powerful people become ill with coronavirus? The truth is simple! God just wanted to give Trump a break! Besides, if Donald needed any help during his small break, he could tell groups like "Proud Boys" to come forward to helping the country! As you probably remember, Donald Trump has recently said for the "Proud Boys" that they should “stand back and stand by.” What a wise quote indeed! The small problem is that this group has been characterized as a "violent, far-right, neo-fascist organization", and as we know, fascism and nazism led to millions of deaths some decades ago! Unfortunately for Donald Trump and other supporters, admirers, or just "friendly interlocutors" and "friendly advisors" of groups like "Proud Boys", there are millions of people in the USA and around the globe who prefer to love rather than to hate!

5) Last, but not least, the homeless around the globe are probably the luckiest people during the Pandemic Crisis because it is less likely to get the coronavirus outside. Covid-19 spreads better in indoor environments, and as you can understand, homeless people do not have to be concerned about indoor environments! Moreover, thanks to the current curfews which take place in various regions across Europe, some homeless people will probably even find to be housed for free! Maybe in jail, but who cares?

How the hell the poorest people are always so lucky and almost scandalously privileged??

PS: Contrary to the above statements, I would like to clarify that this article is written as a reminder that the people of the poorest strata, the homeless, unemployed, and workers have to demand from their leaders and governments, not paying again, the effects of one more Crisis. To my mind, everyone in the world deserves to have high-quality medical services for free, and everyone in the world deserves all the income which is needed for a good living, regardless of whether s/he works or not!


Content aside, you delivered a well thought out presentation of your perspectives on life and society.

Assuming there is no way you could be American, if you choose to travel to our country ...
Be prepared to embrace the actual joy that true accomplishment, productivity, success and fulfilment can provide.

Have A Lovely Day


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