Why are the Wealthy Predominantly Left-Prog?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
how many non-progs in the top five, 10, 15, 20 richest people?

The Progs certainly appear to be highly exploitive powerful people and mobs of useful idiots, yet the opposite claim is made.
Jeff Bezos created a 21st century business empire, while Joe the Plumber and pals yearn for the 19th century. You guys tell me why so many rich people are progressives.
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Not Political--Moved to General Discussion
The super wealthy already made their stash, probably parked in offshore accounts and in assets that are not taxable. Fine with them if the gov't raises taxes on the forms of income that they don't use, how much money do most progressives give back to the gov't or to real charities that actually help the afflicted and less fortunate rather than non-profits that promote in some way their political objectives? As I'm sure the richest Conservatives do also, to be honest.
how many non-progs in the top five, 10, 15, 20 richest people?

The Progs certainly appear to be highly exploitive powerful people and mobs of useful idiots, yet the opposite claim is made.
Because to be a leftist you must live in a bubble world void of reality. Wealth makes that easier.

While no doubt one of the causes for the wealthy to appear Prog how do you explain thing like the blackmail by the Major Sports Franchises?
The super wealthy already made their stash, probably parked in offshore accounts and in assets that are not taxable. Fine with them if the gov't raises taxes on the forms of income that they don't use, how much money do most progressives give back to the gov't or to real charities that actually help the afflicted and less fortunate rather than non-profits that promote in some way their political objectives? As I'm sure the richest Conservatives do also, to be honest.

True but how do they sell their idiot drones on the idea that they do this out of the goodness of their hearts?
how many non-progs in the top five, 10, 15, 20 richest people?

The Progs certainly appear to be highly exploitive powerful people and mobs of useful idiots, yet the opposite claim is made.

Because ultimately they are Authoritarian in nature.
The super wealthy already made their stash, probably parked in offshore accounts and in assets that are not taxable. Fine with them if the gov't raises taxes on the forms of income that they don't use, how much money do most progressives give back to the gov't or to real charities that actually help the afflicted and less fortunate rather than non-profits that promote in some way their political objectives? As I'm sure the richest Conservatives do also, to be honest.

True but how do they sell their idiot drones on the idea that they do this out of the goodness of their hearts?
High and Mighty Lowlife

It's not selling, it's buying the writers, broadcasters, and movie producers who are skilled at making unrealistic views seem insightful. We are trained to think of ourselves as insignificant Little People and that the meaningful world is experienced by those placed above us.
how many non-progs in the top five, 10, 15, 20 richest people?

The Progs certainly appear to be highly exploitive powerful people and mobs of useful idiots, yet the opposite claim is made.
I am not a prog and have brought many of my ex liberal friends(mostly Black) out of the lower middle class and now are in the upper 10%. Once my friends stopped believing that they were victims, they took their God given skills and became self employed with their own businesses and participation in the stock market which once again set a new record high. My friends are reaching out to others that they know and also bring those others into the 10%. I am not scared of the likes of George Soros, Bill Gates or any other liberal elites, because I know that the bleed red just like the rest of US. That is the dirty little secret the liberal elites don't want you to know, they(liberals) think that their blood is blue so you must bow to their royalty and 47% do.

how many non-progs in the top five, 10, 15, 20 richest people?

The Progs certainly appear to be highly exploitive powerful people and mobs of useful idiots, yet the opposite claim is made.

I am a democrat and a truck driver, Masters degree got me here lol. Failed at everything else in life, trucking only thing was successful in.

Most of my family though are Republicans and college grads and make a lot more then I do. Accountants, Lawyers, Teachers, Nurses, Actuaries, PhD's. They score in the gifted range on IQ tests and I am dysfunctional Dyslexic with a learning disability lol. I supposedly scored well on those tests as a kid psychologists told me, but I never believed them I thought it was just what Psychologists tell a stupid Dyslexic kid to make him feel good in life. Told me I scored in top 1% in the nation in reasoning and science yet I am treated like an idiot by everyone lol. Got fired from McDonalds because couldn't count change, misreading numbers too much reversing them ,mix my 6's and 9's up lol.

The richest in my family are Republicans, I am a Truck Driver and a strong democrat and a black sheep in the family.
how many non-progs in the top five, 10, 15, 20 richest people?

The Progs certainly appear to be highly exploitive powerful people and mobs of useful idiots, yet the opposite claim is made.

I am a democrat and a truck driver, Masters degree got me here lol. Failed at everything else in life, trucking only thing was successful in.

Most of my family though are Republicans and college grads and make a lot more then I do. Accountants, Lawyers, Teachers, Nurses, Actuaries, PhD's. They score in the gifted range on IQ tests and I am dysfunctional Dyslexic with a learning disability lol. I supposedly scored well on those tests as a kid psychologists told me, but I never believed them I thought it was just what Psychologists tell a stupid Dyslexic kid to make him feel good in life. Told me I scored in top 1% in the nation in reasoning and science yet I am treated like an idiot by everyone lol. Got fired from McDonalds because couldn't count change, misreading numbers too much reversing them ,mix my 6's and 9's up lol.

The richest in my family are Republicans, I am a Truck Driver and a strong democrat and a black sheep in the family.
Your Dyslexia Is Psychosomatic. You Are Afraid to Assert Your Intelligence.

"Gifted" is a dishonest and insulting term. By the manipulation of the knuckle-dragging millionaires who made their fortunes by freeloading off humiliated High IQ pushovers, the slavish puppets treat their most valuable fellow students like freaks and losers. Geniuses become sissy nerd pushovers by this scheme of the plutocratic parasites and run away to college, where they gladly live like teenagers who are afraid to grow up. After being castrated by the mandatory absurdity of college being basically work without pay, the gutless geeks either continue to rot their minds and personalities in the safe space of academia or become well-milked Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys. But someday smartkids may man up and take down the manipulative freeloaders off talent. We not only created all the world's wealth, we created all the world's weapons.


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