Why are there still 143,000 troops in Asia/Europe 70 years after WWII?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
US troops are spread across the globe: over 65,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 78,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region.

Primarily because it prevented the Axis powers from rising.
So why didn't we keep 20,000 troops in Iraq after Iraq was stabilized?
Only to satisfy political promises.
Iraqi people were enjoying the security of American troops. Troops that were training Iraq troops.
Iraqis were enjoying a 900% increase in per person GDP.
A) Under Saddam GDP /person when Saddam was removed in 2003 per capita GDP never rose above $637
B) After Saddam removed, i.e. Surge,etc.... $5,790.US dollars in 2013.
An increase of over 900% over 10 years.
Gross domestic product (GDP); Iraq; 1970-2013
Iraqi people were getting stronger so what happened? Obama screwed up again.
Because he promised no more troops he kept his promise. And so now we have this:
All because this idiot president wouldn't listen to the professionals,i.e. the military telling him history
teaches it takes 70 years to allow Europe/Asia to grow stable.
Because after the invasion President Bush needed legitimacy for the occupation and he went to the UN. Every year they renewed their support until 2008. That forced President Bush to negotiate a SOFA with Iraq. He didn't secure a long term deal and agreed to a time table for withdrawing all our troops.
I believe part of it is NATO treaties. Old treaties that we don't need anymore.

I think we need to pull our troops out of Europe and let them take care of themselves. We should also pull our troops out of everywhere except South Korea.

I think we need troops is in South Korea because of the troll that runs North Korea.
US troops are spread across the globe: over 65,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 78,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region.

Primarily because it prevented the Axis powers from rising.
So why didn't we keep 20,000 troops in Iraq after Iraq was stabilized?
Only to satisfy political promises.
Iraqi people were enjoying the security of American troops. Troops that were training Iraq troops.
Iraqis were enjoying a 900% increase in per person GDP.
A) Under Saddam GDP /person when Saddam was removed in 2003 per capita GDP never rose above $637
B) After Saddam removed, i.e. Surge,etc.... $5,790.US dollars in 2013.
An increase of over 900% over 10 years.
Gross domestic product (GDP); Iraq; 1970-2013
Iraqi people were getting stronger so what happened? Obama screwed up again.
Because he promised no more troops he kept his promise. And so now we have this:
All because this idiot president wouldn't listen to the professionals,i.e. the military telling him history
teaches it takes 70 years to allow Europe/Asia to grow stable.
View attachment 56594

What winners get to do. Occupy and exploit. You wanna risk your life in a war where everyone just goes home afterwords?
Because after the invasion President Bush needed legitimacy for the occupation and he went to the UN. Every year they renewed their support until 2008. That forced President Bush to negotiate a SOFA with Iraq. He didn't secure a long term deal and agreed to a time table for withdrawing all our troops.
Yep...and big-ears came in and said; "Fuck it. This shit means I'll have to stop partying and golfing and have to work for a living for the first time in my life!!"

"Pull the troops out.....now if I can just sink this putt......"
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The OP forgot to add the number of ISIS sympathizers(or province of two or more individuals?) in San Bernardino California. Highlight that on your next map...
I believe part of it is NATO treaties. Old treaties that we don't need anymore.

I think we need to pull our troops out of Europe and let them take care of themselves. We should also pull our troops out of everywhere except South Korea.

I think we need troops is in South Korea because of the troll that runs North Korea.

YES they are part of NATO! And as such the U.S. belongs to NATO. Hence they are there. But why were they there just 5 years after WWII ended?
Again military experts KNEW that the presence of U.S. troops kept any resurrection of the Axis troops at bay. And even then there was an insurgency in Germany.
Ever hear of Werwolf???
Historians Antony Beevor and Earl F. Ziemke have argued that Werwolf never amounted to a serious threat, and furthermore propose that the plan barely existed. This view is supported by the RAND Corporation, which surveyed the history of US occupations with an eye to advising on Iraq. According to a study by former Ambassador James Dobbins and a team of RAND researchers, there were no American combat casualties after the German surrender.[27]

German historian Golo Mann, in his The History of Germany Since 1789 (1984) also states that "The [Germans'] readiness to work with the victors, to carry out their orders, to accept their advice and their help was genuine; of the resistance which the Allies had expected in the way of 'werwolf' units and nocturnal guerrilla activities, there was no sign."[28]
Werwolf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because after the invasion President Bush needed legitimacy for the occupation and he went to the UN. Every year they renewed their support until 2008. That forced President Bush to negotiate a SOFA with Iraq. He didn't secure a long term deal and agreed to a time table for withdrawing all our troops.

And of course YOU were against saving the lives of almost 2 million children that would have starved to death by now because YOU wanted Saddam to continue to do tortures and human rights abuses under Saddam:

4000 prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib Prison in 1984.
3000 prisoners were executed at the Mahjar Prison between 1993 and 1998.
About 2500 prisoners were executed between 1997 and 1999 in a "prison cleansing" campaign.
122 male prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib prison in February/ March 2000. A further 23 political prisoners were executed there in October 2001.
In October 2000, dozens of women accused of prostitution were beheaded without any judicial process. Some were accused for political reasons.
Women prisoners at Mahjar were routinely raped by their guards.
Methods of torture used in Iraqi jails include using electric drills to mutilate hands, pulling out fingernails, knife cuts, sexual attacks and 'official rape'.
Prisoners at the Qurtiyya Prison in Baghdad and elsewhere were kept in metal boxes the size of tea chests. If they did not confess they were left to die.

Saddam issued a series of decrees establishing severe penalties for criminal offences. These include amputation, branding, cutting off ears, and other forms of mutilation. Those found guilty of slandering the President could have their tongue removed.

Much of the recent controversy surrounding Abu Ghraib has made only vague reference to the prison's nightmarish past. Under Saddam Hussein, some thirty thousand people were executed there, and countless more were tortured and mutilated, returning to Iraqi society as visible evidence of the brutality of Baathist rule instead of being lost to the anonymity of mass graves.

Saddam's son Udayy maintained a private torture chamber known as the Red Room in a building on the banks of the Tigris disguised as an electricity installation. He ordered the Iraq football team to be caned on the soles of the feet for losing a World Cup match. He created a militia in 1994 which used swords to execute victims outside their own homes. He has personally executed dissidents, for instance in the Shia uprising at Basra which followed the Gulf War.
Reasons for War: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq.
Because after the invasion President Bush needed legitimacy for the occupation and he went to the UN. Every year they renewed their support until 2008. That forced President Bush to negotiate a SOFA with Iraq. He didn't secure a long term deal and agreed to a time table for withdrawing all our troops.

Remember these people also wanted Saddam to stay in power and when he was removed they became cheerleaders for ISIL!
These Cheerleaders helped as Obama has recently clearly stated that the GOP is doing ...
“I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric coming out of here in the course of this debate,” Obama said, using his preferred acronym for the group."
President Obama Says GOP Acting As Recruitment Tool For ISIS | RedState

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"


Exactly. He was forced by the same UN he went to in 2003 for support during the occupation, to negotiate the SOFA in 2008. He negotiated one without a long term agreement. He agreed to withdraw out troops from the cities by the summer of 2009 and to withdraw all our troop before 2012. Furthermore the occupation Army in Germany and Japan was not fighting an insurgency nor did our occupation in those countries result in a civil war.
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We haven't left Iraq. We still have a presence there. Same goes for Afghanistan. And now it's onto to the next war. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned. Bet on that.
US troops in hotspots around the world are not there because of 'Axis' powers.

In Europe they are/were there to make the Soviet Union think twice about attacking NATO allies. In Korea they are there to do the same for the mental patients in North Korea.

Exactly. He was forced by the same UN he went to in 2003 for support during the occupation, to negotiate the SOFA in 2008. He negotiated one without a long term agreement. He agreed to withdraw out troops from the cities by the summer of 2009 and to withdraw all our troop before 2012. Furthermore the occupation Army in Germany and Japan was not fighting an insurgency nor did our occupation in those countries result in a civil war.
I wonder what would have happened if we had just pulled out of Germany and Japan immediately. Leave them to their own devices. Let them carry out retribution against their own people for starting a war that destroyed them.

Sounds good to a careless prick like Obama. He doesn't like people anyway. Screw them. Not his problem.
I have often pointed out our military spending is as high as it was during WWII, when adjusted for inflation, and yet we are not in a World War.

A lot of that high spending is because of the same reasons which have caused our health care costs to skyrocket. Bigger and better, and therefore more costly, gadgets.

I think our allies need to start picking up their own defense tab. The reason Europe is able to afford so many social welfare programs is because the US is subsidizing those programs on the backs of our taxpayers by picking up the cost of their defense.

If we threw the cost of their defense onto their budgets, Europe's "safety net" would come crashing down to Earth.

So let's do that. Stop paying for everyone else's defense. Stop subsidizing their safety nets as they look down their noses at us.
Another day, another war. Americans seem to love their war. So there's little hope for peace anytime soon.
Another day, another war. Americans seem to love their war. So there's little hope for peace anytime soon.

So what happened with France?
France is at war,' President Francois Hollande says after ISIS attack
'France is at war,' Francois Hollande says - CNN.com

Or how about these incidents...
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace"Mohammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
Quran 48:29

And this is just December!
2015.12.08 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - Nearly forty civilians are slaughtered when Taliban fundamentalists in suicide vests pour machine-gun fire into a crowded market.
2015.12.08 (Tulunan, Philippines) - Three villagers are shot dead by Moro Islamists.
2015.12.07 (Tripoli, Libya) - Sharia advocates behead two men for 'sorcery' at a public event.
2015.12.06 (Aden, Yemen) - A suicide car bomber turns seven 'apostates' into rubble.
2015.12.05 (Koulfoua, Chad) - Three female suicide bombers massacre twenty-seven patrons at a local market.
2015.12.04 (Ramadi, Iraq) - Five suicide car bombers take out over two dozen Iraqis.
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Exactly. He was forced by the same UN he went to in 2003 for support during the occupation, to negotiate the SOFA in 2008. He negotiated one without a long term agreement. He agreed to withdraw out troops from the cities by the summer of 2009 and to withdraw all our troop before 2012. Furthermore the occupation Army in Germany and Japan was not fighting an insurgency nor did our occupation in those countries result in a civil war.
I wonder what would have happened if we had just pulled out of Germany and Japan immediately. Leave them to their own devices. Let them carry out retribution against their own people for starting a war that destroyed them.

Sounds good to a careless prick like Obama. He doesn't like people anyway. Screw them. Not his problem.

Well we had competent leader who ensured there were enough troops to carry out the occupation mission and protect the citizens of the occupied nations. Unlike the Bush administration whose blunders during the occupation led to the violent civil war that is still plaguing us and the region.
we don't need troops anywhere outside the US.

Imagine the border security we could have if they patrolled our borders instead of some other country

fuck asia
fuck europe

No more Americans dying over there for those countries.

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