Why are waves of refugees being dropped in Louisiana ?

You think they are all refugees and all their stories have been checked out! LOL
Yes..I do. Almost all of them have sponsors and family. Easy to check most stories..and believe me..not everyone gets amnesty status..in fact...Cuba is one of the few countries where you even have a chance...Nicaragua being the other. Of course, by your weird requirement--all--if one person happens to scam the system..the entire program is worthless, right?

But again I'll roll with Occam's Razor and put your post in the partisan trash barrel.
We have been settling people from Cuba in Florida for a very long time now.
It is totally legal and those settled are legal residents..and often become citizens--just like you~
Well it works like this

You didn’t vote for Biden, you will get refugees dropped off


Maybe next time you will learn
We been short of chicken processing labor down here since Trump rounded up all them illegals after their bosses complained they was about to be unionizing.
They are NOT, by definition, illegal aliens...as their status is that of legal immigrants under the Amnesty program--their stories have checked out and they are lawfully in this country. Most of them are from Cuba and Nicaragua. This program has been in place for well over 50 years and through both parties being in power. The released were held illegally..long past their anticipated release into the community--where they have sponsors and family. It was nothing but spite that delayed their releases..and nothing but spite that motivated the haphazard way they were released. You might not like it..but that's the truth. Anything you post otherwise is a lie.
Don't lie..it demeans you~
They can live in Mexico, a Spanish speaking nation.
Nope. We have enough people. Why do you like crowds?
Nope..can't stand them...but we have lots of room still in this country. I live in the big empty...1,000's of miles from the southern border..and I use my Spanish every day.
When four of them are hijacking your car at gunpoint why don't you ask them if they're vaccinated or not.
Yeah...because carjackings are all any of them do, right? So stupid~
Here's the reality check for you...this is the way it is..and this is the way it's going to continue for the foreseeable future.
Don't like it/ Change it--but my reading of the tea leaves does not favor your odds.
In the end..with our form of Govt.--demographics rules..no amount of creative gerrymandering..of selective disenfranchisement...of full on screaming about your alternate narrative--is going to matter.
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Well it works like this

You didn’t vote for Biden, you will get refugees dropped off


Maybe next time you will learn
That’s true because refugees and illegal immigrants are pawns to the elite Left and they don’t want them ruining the Left’s property values.
Yeah...because carjackings are all any of them do, right? So stupid~
Here's the reality check for you...this is the way it is..and this is the way it's going to continue for the foreseeable future.
Don't like it/ Change it--but my reading of the tea leaves does not favor your adds.
In the end..with our form of Govt.--demographics rules..no amount of creative gerrymandering..of selective disenfranchisement...of full on screaming about your alternate narrative--is going to matter.
My gift of bringing out the best in people is
still successful apparently.
Has anyone ever driven across Texas ?
Why can't we just give them a 'reservation' to settle on ? Maybe a ranch in Crawford Texas or someplace . George W Bush can paint pictures of them while they're picking tomatoes.

Or daughter Jenna can have them on their morning Show with Hoda.
Joe is trying to turn red states blue. And if not that then infect all the unvaccinated people and kill them.
As much as I want to agree with you I'm afraid the United States is very much to blame for a lot of the world's refugee crisis happening right now... it's nice to close your eyes and deny it but we have to face the reality that our wars are coming back home.

These refugees are from Cuba ,Nicaragua, Guatemala and other places..... what about the 6.5 million refugees in the Middle East ? Syria, Iraq, Libya , not to mention Afghanistan , other parts of Africa and Southeast Asia.

Many have flooded into Europe but that doesn't mean they won't be coming here..... they already have sleeper cells here ..... been to a "7-Eleven " lately?

All the more reason we must uphold the Second Amendment.
As much as I want to agree with you I'm afraid the United States is very much to blame for a lot of the world's refugee crisis happening right now... it's nice to close your eyes and deny it but we have to face the reality that our wars are coming back home.

These refugees are from Cuba ,Nicaragua, Guatemala and other places..... what about the 6.5 million refugees in the Middle East ? Syria, Iraq, Libya , not to mention Afghanistan , other parts of Africa and Southeast Asia.
The middle east problem is Islam.

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