Why are waves of refugees being dropped in Louisiana ?

Careful Frank, your parole can be revoked and you can be put back in Stir (you are crazy enough without having to go through a Morrissey Hearing).

That sounds like a threat. Careful hurling those around, silly boi.
Well it works like this

You didn’t vote for Biden, you will get refugees dropped off


Maybe next time you will learn
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Breaking news 2023:

Unforeseen population explosion in alligator population in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Residents petition for opening hunting season year round.

In further news 2023:
Illegal foreign nationals that have committed multiple crimes in Louisiana and Mississippi must have gone back home.


...And they should be concerned--I hope that those ICE responsible are disciplined for deliberately making a risky situation out of what should have been an orderly and well-thought out series of releases--the way they usually do it.
This is just pure vindictiveness~
Yeah, there seems to be a lot of that going on just now. It's kind of a disease all its own. Eventually, the pushing and scamming and punishing of average Americans will trigger violence and it's very likely that people who look like migrants and who cannot "Habla", may well be the targets. That will help no one and it may lead to the kind, concerned filth in DC, sending in troops to "quell the radicals".
Anyone who supports the actions of this administration deserves to share in the consequences it brings to our nation.
Well it works like this

You didn’t vote for Biden, you will get refugees dropped off


Maybe next time you will learn

Whats to learn? we already know Democrats use immigration to flip the votes in states. they saw what happened to California and have pretty much decided they dont like American citizens. They need to be replaced.
This is too close to home man.
Time to take the safeties off.
On May 13, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas told Congress he would be “taking action very quickly” on immigrant detention centers. Within a week, he ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to cut contracts with two detention centers that have been the targets of extended organizing and community-led shutdown campaigns.

At one of them, the Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia, more than 40 predominantly Black or Latina immigrant women came forward last fall with reports of unnecessary, invasive, and nonconsensual gynecological procedures following a whistleblower complaint, leading to investigations by the FBI, Justice Department, and Homeland Security inspector’s office, as well as a lawsuit.
Whats to learn? we already know Democrats use immigration to flip the votes in states. they saw what happened to California and have pretty much decided they dont like American citizens. They need to be replaced.
You caught us

We trained all these immigrants to vote Democratic

What are you going to do about it except cry?
Those lawns aren’t going to mow themselves.
I lived in a home with a lawn and after a while paid people to mow it. The companies I paid were not Hispanic. They were White and Black. After awhile they take advantage of you and do not show up as much as they promote or as good as they can be. This was in a Non Prog County. Being honest. Going from there.

States With the Highest Incarceration Rates

  1. Louisiana
  2. Oklahoma
  3. Mississippi
  4. Arkansas
  5. Arizona
  6. Texas
  7. Kentucky
  8. Georgia
  9. Idaho
  10. Florida
what I noticed more, is they are all republican states.
You do know that in blue areas they are on overflow. So they do not even put people in jail for something minor or the let them out early. Here is another thing. For many decades there are black people who will not indict other black people in court cases. Violent cases at that. It happens in deep blue areas all the time.
I lived in a home with a lawn and after a while paid people to mow it. The companies I paid were not Hispanic. They were White and Black. After awhile they take advantage of you and do not show up as much as they promote or as good as they can be. This was in a Non Prog County. Being honest. Going from there.
Should have hired Mexicans
They aren't refugees. They are illegal aliens who should be packed into busses and sent back to the border. Not dropped off all across our country.
They aren't refugees. They are illegal aliens who should be packed into busses and sent back to the border. Not dropped off all across our country.
They are NOT, by definition, illegal aliens...as their status is that of legal immigrants under the Amnesty program--their stories have checked out and they are lawfully in this country. Most of them are from Cuba and Nicaragua. This program has been in place for well over 50 years and through both parties being in power. The released were held illegally..long past their anticipated release into the community--where they have sponsors and family. It was nothing but spite that delayed their releases..and nothing but spite that motivated the haphazard way they were released. You might not like it..but that's the truth. Anything you post otherwise is a lie.
Don't lie..it demeans you~
Well it works like this

You didn’t vote for Biden, you will get refugees dropped off


Maybe next time you will learn
It's the Biden voters who are learning.
They are NOT, by definition, illegal aliens...as their status is that of legal immigrants under the Amnesty program--their stories have checked out and they are lawfully in this country. Most of them are from Cuba and Nicaragua. This program has been in place for well over 50 years and through both parties being in power. The released were held illegally..long past their anticipated release into the community--where they have sponsors and family. It was nothing but spite that delayed their releases..and nothing but spite that motivated the haphazard way they were released. You might not like it..but that's the truth. Anything you post otherwise is a lie.
Don't lie..it demeans you~
You think they are all refugees and all their stories have been checked out! LOL

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