Why are we allowing this man, ie Trump to divide a nation so poised for greatness?

(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.

You leftists seem to be the only people who are divided, resisting, and obstructing. How about coming away from the wrong side, working with us, and quit being so divisive?

Of course, I don't really expect that would ever happen. :laughing0301:
Can somebody please call a mental van to pick your dumb ass up

Yeah. Maybe it was a crazy idea to think that you leftards could actually work with us.

Never mind. Carry on with your obstructionism and resistance.
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.

You leftists seem to be the only people who are divided, resisting, and obstructing. How about coming away from the wrong side, working with us, and quit being so divisive?

Of course, I don't really expect that would ever happen. :laughing0301:
Can somebody please call a mental van to pick your dumb ass up

Yeah. Maybe it was a crazy idea to think that you leftards could actually work with us.

Never mind. Carry on with your obstructionism and resistance.
Yes, that was a crazy idea.
Trump didn't divide the country. Your dumbass Obama did, when he ignored the law, invited criminals and child traffickers to our border with promises of release if they brought a victim with them.

Trump is bringing us together. But first we're taking out the trash.
The only thing Trump is bringing together is the hair dye and spray he uses on a weekly basis....and I refuse to waste time debating who was the better president, with a clueless shit for brain mop on a stick bitch like you...bye fool


You never disappoint!
And neither do you, you maggot slurping, vomit smelling, shit eating white pile of dog shit fuck neo nut bitch!!
You will rule this day!
Trump didn't divide the country. Your dumbass Obama did, when he ignored the law, invited criminals and child traffickers to our border with promises of release if they brought a victim with them.

Trump is bringing us together. But first we're taking out the trash.
Taking out the trash, Pruitt thus far has taken 4 million of your hard earned tax dollars and abused it, the Trumps have made 82 million pimpin your white house, the tax cut was so bad, the GOP won't even run on it in Nov, this Oct. your healthcare premiums will be so high, you're gonna get hard on missing Obama's ACA, gas will never go below 3 bucks again, need more proof you mindless gutter dwelling shit for brains bitch?
English, Rue, English!
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.

You leftists seem to be the only people who are divided, resisting, and obstructing. How about coming away from the wrong side, working with us, and quit being so divisive?

Of course, I don't really expect that would ever happen. :laughing0301:
Can somebody please call a mental van to pick your dumb ass up

Yeah. Maybe it was a crazy idea to think that you leftards could actually work with us.

Never mind. Carry on with your obstructionism and resistance.
Yes, that was a crazy idea.

Maybe that's my former liberal self showing through. Just trying to be all-inclusive and tolerant. :biggrin:
Trump didn't divide the country. Your dumbass Obama did, when he ignored the law, invited criminals and child traffickers to our border with promises of release if they brought a victim with them.

Trump is bringing us together. But first we're taking out the trash.
The only thing Trump is bringing together is the hair dye and spray he uses on a weekly basis....and I refuse to waste time debating who was the better president, with a clueless shit for brain mop on a stick bitch like you...bye fool


You never disappoint!
And neither do you, you maggot slurping, vomit smelling, shit eating white pile of dog shit fuck neo nut bitch!!
You will rule this day!
Chile, you know and I know Tryone is waiting on you...bye
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.
We need to convince the 80% of the poor that don’t vote every 4 years that they need to show up every 2. If they don’t kiss social security and Medicare as you know it goodbye. Start saving like a mofo
Social Security and Medicare will collapse under their own weight and already account for the majority of Federal spending.
See everyone? They’ve have been feeding us that line for 40 years now. Now they’ve just about dealt the death blow. People will be hurt. People who paid in. But mr bankruptcy doesn’t care about that
Social Security faces a $32 trillion shortfall that will cut your benefit
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.

You leftists seem to be the only people who are divided, resisting, and obstructing. How about coming away from the wrong side, working with us, and quit being so divisive?

Of course, I don't really expect that would ever happen. :laughing0301:
Can somebody please call a mental van to pick your dumb ass up

Yeah. Maybe it was a crazy idea to think that you leftards could actually work with us.

Never mind. Carry on with your obstructionism and resistance.
O... I see it all clearly now! Obama knitted us together and Trump divided us... So assuming this, Trump was elected by a unified Nation, still in the warm afterglow of a glorious 8 years of (all of us with shivers running up our legs) Obama... lol!
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.

You leftists seem to be the only people who are divided, resisting, and obstructing. How about coming away from the wrong side, working with us, and quit being so divisive?

Of course, I don't really expect that would ever happen. :laughing0301:
Can somebody please call a mental van to pick your dumb ass up

Yeah. Maybe it was a crazy idea to think that you leftards could actually work with us.

Never mind. Carry on with your obstructionism and resistance.
O... I see it all clearly now! Obama knitted us together and Trump divided us... So assuming this, Trump was elected by a unified Nation, still in the warm afterglow of a glorious 8 years of (all of us with shivers running up our legs) Obama... lol!
Maybe we need another beer summit........

Trump didn't divide the country. Your dumbass Obama did, when he ignored the law, invited criminals and child traffickers to our border with promises of release if they brought a victim with them.

Trump is bringing us together. But first we're taking out the trash.
trump aint bringing this country together....he is doing as good a job as Obama and Bush did....
And his tax break was hardly a stimulus. I see no boom. Just as good as obama but obama didn’t give away the farm

You see no boom because you only see what you're programmed to see by your deceitful media overlords.

Step outside your narrow little world and see what the rest of us see.
I’m in manufacturing sales. I see reality.

This reminds me of the bush era. You guys said things were great even though they weren’t.

When you say wages are up do you count the ceos wage increases? Because then yes wages are up.

And I got my big raise last year for the sales I made in 2016 back when you said the economy sucked. My sales are flat not growing. Why? Because republicans hurt manufacturing when they help oil and defense
I don't know about the "poised for gteatness" part but other than that I agree.:113:
We were poised for greatness because for a short period of time, we let down our guards and allowed people of color into the white house....for a legacy of slavery and racism....that was a great moment in time for our history and a time we all thought, racism was a dying breed for people of color....only to be tarnished with the election of Trump
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.
You could always put down your failed ideology and join in the MAGA...
Trump didn't divide the country. Your dumbass Obama did, when he ignored the law, invited criminals and child traffickers to our border with promises of release if they brought a victim with them.

Trump is bringing us together. But first we're taking out the trash.
trump aint bringing this country together....he is doing as good a job as Obama and Bush did....
And his tax break was hardly a stimulus. I see no boom. Just as good as obama but obama didn’t give away the farm

You see no boom because you only see what you're programmed to see by your deceitful media overlords.

Step outside your narrow little world and see what the rest of us see.
I’m in manufacturing sales. I see reality.

This reminds me of the bush era. You guys said things were great even though they weren’t.

When you say wages are up do you count the ceos wage increases? Because then yes wages are up.

And I got my big raise last year for the sales I made in 2016 back when you said the economy sucked. My sales are flat not growing. Why? Because republicans hurt manufacturing when they help oil and defense
I work in finance and I am seeing first hand, easy credit being extended to minorities, especially hispanics, I am seeing mortgage companies spring up all over the place, the same shit back in 07 and I am seeing my fellow co workers take on more and more part time jobs to supplement the huge raise they got....:abgg2q.jpg:
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.
You could always put down your failed ideology and join in the MAGA...
The only way I would ever join the GOP is in my next life...until then, I'm good:113:
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.
The phrase is "rue the day".

Obama left us nothing but civil separation. However, back in the day, when Americans did not like the President or the policies that were being promoted, they identified the issues that these so-called policies were addressing. They highlighted why the policy was bad for the issue, and then they promoted their own positive vision of how the issue should be solved.

There was not foaming at the mouth vitriol. Just a simple vision of ideas and a path that they would like to see the country take.

Today, as evidenced by your post, you and the left offer nothing. No vision -- positive or otherwise -- and certainly no real policy that they are willing to defend.

The GOP would do well to remember this. Expose the insanity of the left by addressing the issues that they promote. Foreigners over citizens. Minorities over everyday folk. Undesired history removed from the public square rather than an honest and open dialogue over the lessons that can be learned from said history. World sovereignty over the United States. Hatred of the freedoms protected by the Constitution.
Damn, I was feeling you up until the end and you said the word Constitution.....now your a non effin factor...next?
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.

It's rue...not "rule", dumbass!

In Louisiana it would be "roux".
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.
You could always put down your failed ideology and join in the MAGA...
The only way I would ever join the GOP is in my next life...until then, I'm good:113:
While he may have run as a Republican; Trump really is in a party of his own. Just look at how many establishment RINOs have aligned against him. And then at how much of the constituency has aligned against the establishment RINOs.
Times are a changing. There’s never been a better time than now.
(sigh).....we are all gonna rule the day, the year, the hour we allowed Donald J. Trump and his supporters, ie racist wealthy mf's who exploit the trashies.....to tear this country apart, the damage will be irreversible. Obama had set us up for greatness before leaving the white house, with climate change legislation, protection of consumers and land, an economy growing, TPP, the Iran deal and we had partners and allies....all gone, thanks to Trump. This nightmare you white people are relishing in....is gonna do you so much harm someday and you're too stupid to see it.
You dumb shit. How many times do folks have to point out to your pea brain it’s rue, not rule. Rule is what dimocrats do to most blacks’ brains.

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