Why are we making Russia into an enemy? ...Again.


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Thought occurs, why make Russia into an enemy over Ukraine when if the USA, Russia, and China united into an alliance, we could pretty well conqueor Earth without firing a shot?
The last two administrations have been foolish enough to think they could meddle in Russia's backyard without any consequences.
Film producers had better box office draw when the bad guys were Ruskies...
The Military Industrial Complex needs enemies to survive.

And let's face it, when whities go to war against other whities, it's pretty fucking spectacular and extremely costly.
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No shortage of surly Arabs. And since they're not likely to ever give up and place nicely with others eventually it's going to come to a head. Eventually, they'll get nukes just as Pakistan did. So what is everyone waiting for? Gonna have to resolve this issue eventually, why wait until we loose a few cities and millions of people. Hit em now. If the major world powers united together we could dictate to everyone else and no one would be left to challenge us. Wouldn't even have to go to war. Instead of China and Russia being routine vetoes on the UN Security Council, unite with them and take over the world together. Split the loot three ways. :)
Thought occurs, why make Russia into an enemy over Ukraine when if the USA, Russia, and China united into an alliance, we could pretty well conqueor Earth without firing a shot?

1) what makes you think we want to take over the world?
2) What makes you think we don't already rule the world?

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