Why are we rooting for failure?

By sabotaging the ACA markets through which millions get their insurance. Duh. Fucking low info rubes :rolleyes:

Speaking of FLIR's :rolleyes: - the saboteurs are the ones who wrote the damned thing. Insurance companies and unions were 'bribed' to go along with a 'designed to fail' plan. You should be rejoicing...premiums may rise dramatically next year - a baked in the cake 'timed delay'.
Designed to fail? Then why hasn’t it not only NOT failed, but survived massive GOP sabotage?
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
How is Trump taking health care from millions when anyone in America can purchase a health care plan from one many different insurance companies?
By sabotaging the ACA markets through which millions get their insurance. Duh. Fucking low info rubes :rolleyes:

Obeaner Care was sabotaged from the start...everybody knows this...it was a time-bomb set to self destruct.
Like that $10 trillion of taxpayers cash that Hussein spent...nothing he did or constructed was designed to work long term...everything he did was designed for short term success and to have mass appeal only to our lowest class...his legacy is DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
Nah you guys can’t say the ACA was going to implode on its own after all your efforts to kill it because it wasn’t imploding on its own.

I won't even open that debate with you. There's a little website called www.google.com
Look it up bud.....think once.
Of course you won’t open the debate. You’d lose. Bigly.
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
How is Trump taking health care from millions when anyone in America can purchase a health care plan from one many different insurance companies?
By sabotaging the ACA markets through which millions get their insurance. Duh. Fucking low info rubes :rolleyes:

Obeaner Care was sabotaged from the start...everybody knows this...it was a time-bomb set to self destruct.
Like that $10 trillion of taxpayers cash that Hussein spent...nothing he did or constructed was designed to work long term...everything he did was designed for short term success and to have mass appeal only to our lowest class...his legacy is DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
Nah you guys can’t say the ACA was going to implode on its own after all your efforts to kill it because it wasn’t imploding on its own.
You are absolutely right! No one had their premiums doubled or tripled since we "passed the bill so we could read it." Especially the freeloaders who clog up the clinics and emergency rooms when they park their Mercedes.
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
I agree, but I'm also saddened that Trump is not doing what he said he'd do. I'm hardly surprised. But what's worse than even the partisanship or division, because I don't think Trump is actually a republican, is that a good number of people support Trump even if he does nothing to benefit them simply because others oppose Trump. Essentially it's like "I don't care if he is screwing me, the other side screwed me too, so now they're getting screwed."

And I don't know how anyone can persuade these people. Jobs are not coming back because jobs don't exist anymore. You just don't need as many humans to manufacture stuff. And the reason capital is pursuing driverless cars isn't to save lives; it's to get rid of needing to pay people to drive trucks. However, that doesn't mean a person working in a restaurant of or chain retail cannot expect to have a liveable wage that includes healthcare and a decent education for their kids. I'm getting concerned that that message is not being delivered and if was it might not be received. But perhaps Trump/RoyMoore/FrankenandConyers are just depressing.
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.

Nonsense. Obama got everything he wanted and the establishment Republicans were right there. They opposed him verbally but supported him with their votes. Democrats would rather see us in a depression than go along with anything Trump wants to do (or any other Republican).
Democrats are not stopping shit at the moment. Replicans have a super majority and killed the fillibuster. The shit has not been passing because it is shit legislation. The republicans are blocking shit legislation right now. Let's see!! Send them some well thought out cleanly debated in a public forum legislation and see if they pass it. If they do then I say government is starting to function. Right now proposed bills are not even making it through the party that proposed it. Big evidence of shit bills. You can call this a loss for Trump if you want but most of these bills are based on ludicrous campaign promises that I am not even sure Trump wanted him self. I am not realy to pissed about what has happened so far legislation passing wise. I am not to crazy about the fillibuster being killed. There was a reason it was installed. So far the failures have been good for my leanings. They have not passed. I hope that they will be replaced by well thought out bills that will actually benefit the country. I am not holding my breath because I know so many are again hoping for failure that only crazy pendulem swing ideas are going to be floated.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

Do you find it odd that people of the lowest grade hate stereotypes and judgmental people while decent, moral, law abiding folks can't give two shits? Why do you think that is?
We know for absolute fact that illegal Mexican man who wears a dress, slams heroin and molests children can't stand people who judge...huh?
Think once please.
How is Trump taking health care from millions when anyone in America can purchase a health care plan from one many different insurance companies?
By sabotaging the ACA markets through which millions get their insurance. Duh. Fucking low info rubes :rolleyes:

Obeaner Care was sabotaged from the start...everybody knows this...it was a time-bomb set to self destruct.
Like that $10 trillion of taxpayers cash that Hussein spent...nothing he did or constructed was designed to work long term...everything he did was designed for short term success and to have mass appeal only to our lowest class...his legacy is DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
Nah you guys can’t say the ACA was going to implode on its own after all your efforts to kill it because it wasn’t imploding on its own.

I won't even open that debate with you. There's a little website called www.google.com
Look it up bud.....think once.
Of course you won’t open the debate. You’d lose. Bigly.

Rather than hijack this thread PLEASE start one to debate Obeaner Care...(because that hasn't been done yet)
Go ahead...let's do this....I'm standing by.
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
I agree, but I'm also saddened that Trump is not doing what he said he'd do. I'm hardly surprised. But what's worse than even the partisanship or division, because I don't think Trump is actually a republican, is that a good number of people support Trump even if he does nothing to benefit them simply because others oppose Trump. Essentially it's like "I don't care if he is screwing me, the other side screwed me too, so now they're getting screwed."

And I don't know how anyone can persuade these people. Jobs are not coming back because jobs don't exist anymore. You just don't need as many humans to manufacture stuff. And the reason capital is pursuing driverless cars isn't to save lives; it's to get rid of needing to pay people to drive trucks. However, that doesn't mean a person working in a restaurant of or chain retail cannot expect to have a liveable wage that includes healthcare and a decent education for their kids. I'm getting concerned that that message is not being delivered and if was it might not be received. But perhaps Trump/RoyMoore/FrankenandConyers are just depressing.
We knew President Trump wasn't going to be the prefect candidate, but we did know that he was 1000 times better than the crooked bitch....
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!

That's very subjective....bad policy to some is great policy to others.
Any specific "policy" you have in mind?
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!

That's very subjective....bad policy to some is great policy to others.
Any specific "policy" you have in mind?
Lets start with repeal and replace. Every one was so in a hurry to prove the ACA a failure they rammed through shit legislation that hgad no prayer of getting pasd instead of treating it like a real issue and take the time for an improvement that could maybe paass. Replace does not mean scrap it can some times mean improve. Good law generaly evolves through trial and error to one that is actually most beneficial. The scrap and start over method is typically not as efficient. If you want proof look at the Browns. Scrap and start over every three years and you end up 0 and 11 for the season. The ACA was flawed from the begining. So start to fix it. Make it more effective and take your time doing it. Get it right for a change!!!
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

Do you find it odd that people of the lowest grade hate stereotypes and judgmental people while decent, moral, law abiding folks can't give two shits? Why do you think that is?
We know for absolute fact that illegal Mexican man who wears a dress, slams heroin and molests children can't stand people who judge...huh?
Think once please.

Thanks for the timely example, loser.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?

People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

Do you find it odd that people of the lowest grade hate stereotypes and judgmental people while decent, moral, law abiding folks can't give two shits? Why do you think that is?
We know for absolute fact that illegal Mexican man who wears a dress, slams heroin and molests children can't stand people who judge...huh?
Think once please.
How can you post name calling shit like that, and then turn around and ask "oh what policy do you think is bad for America?" Seriously, JFC. Go re-enact a lost battle or something.
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
But he’s already implemented his antienvironment agenda, nixed consumer protections, even permitted hunters to kill hibernating bears. His demise can’t come soon enough.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

Do you find it odd that people of the lowest grade hate stereotypes and judgmental people while decent, moral, law abiding folks can't give two shits? Why do you think that is?
We know for absolute fact that illegal Mexican man who wears a dress, slams heroin and molests children can't stand people who judge...huh?
Think once please.
How can you post name calling shit like that, and then turn around and ask "oh what policy do you think is bad for America?" Seriously, JFC. Go re-enact a lost battle or something.

He re-enacts every day. It's all he has left. Americans aren't having it anymore. Monuments to his heroes are disappearing while the most diverse group ever were elevated in the last election.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
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I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
But he’s already implemented his antienvironment agenda, nixed consumer protections, even permitted hunters to kill hibernating bears. His demise can’t come soon enough.
Ok funny, but no thread derailing please.
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.

Nonsense. Obama got everything he wanted and the establishment Republicans were right there. They opposed him verbally but supported him with their votes. Democrats would rather see us in a depression than go along with anything Trump wants to do (or any other Republican).
Democrats are not stopping shit at the moment. Replicans have a super majority and killed the fillibuster. The shit has not been passing because it is shit legislation. The republicans are blocking shit legislation right now. Let's see!! Send them some well thought out cleanly debated in a public forum legislation and see if they pass it. If they do then I say government is starting to function. Right now proposed bills are not even making it through the party that proposed it. Big evidence of shit bills. You can call this a loss for Trump if you want but most of these bills are based on ludicrous campaign promises that I am not even sure Trump wanted him self. I am not realy to pissed about what has happened so far legislation passing wise. I am not to crazy about the fillibuster being killed. There was a reason it was installed. So far the failures have been good for my leanings. They have not passed. I hope that they will be replaced by well thought out bills that will actually benefit the country. I am not holding my breath because I know so many are again hoping for failure that only crazy pendulem swing ideas are going to be floated.
Wrong, and you aren't addressing what I actually said. It's not just legislation. Every time Trump signs an executive order some liberal federal judge jumps up and blocks it. Doesn't matter if it's something the majority of Americans want. As far as repeal and replace, that one was killed by McCain, who cast the deciding vote. He's always been a liberal and almost always votes with Dems. He called repeatedly for the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, then turned around and voted against it. Why? He got his feelings hurt because Trump didn't take shit from him. And what about the appointment of Gorsuch? Dems had praise for him and confirmed him for another position earlier but when Trump nominated him, you guessed it, they tried to block him. It's all about denying him any kind of accomplishments, even if it's something the people overwhelmingly want (like the travel ban from countries OBAMA named as terrorist countries). You're flat wrong. Democrats will sell their souls to stop him, their actions over the past year prove it.

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