Why are we rooting for failure?

I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
I agree, but I'm also saddened that Trump is not doing what he said he'd do. I'm hardly surprised. But what's worse than even the partisanship or division, because I don't think Trump is actually a republican, is that a good number of people support Trump even if he does nothing to benefit them simply because others oppose Trump. Essentially it's like "I don't care if he is screwing me, the other side screwed me too, so now they're getting screwed."

And I don't know how anyone can persuade these people. Jobs are not coming back because jobs don't exist anymore. You just don't need as many humans to manufacture stuff. And the reason capital is pursuing driverless cars isn't to save lives; it's to get rid of needing to pay people to drive trucks. However, that doesn't mean a person working in a restaurant of or chain retail cannot expect to have a liveable wage that includes healthcare and a decent education for their kids. I'm getting concerned that that message is not being delivered and if was it might not be received. But perhaps Trump/RoyMoore/FrankenandConyers are just depressing.
We knew President Trump wasn't going to be the prefect candidate, but we did know that he was 1000 times better than the crooked bitch....

But how could you I or any one else absolutely know any thing about something that did not happen.
Caving on promises to protect the middle class to give big biz tax breaks is no "he was not a perfect candidate." LOL

How bought you stupid shmucks got fcked.
again, hitlery is not president. I won.
let's see some of those deleted 33k emails.

again, hitlery is not president. I won.

How's that "repeal and replace" working out for you?

I never wanted it repealed, I'm fine with Obamacare burning the Dem party to the ground. When the people are screaming for relief from Obamafail and Dem's come begging us on their knees then maybe we'll take pity on them.
Where's the relief? I thought Republicans were going to loosen regulations that would allow insurance companies to cross state lines and increase competition and that was going to lower prices. Yea, by about 2 cents a month.

Obamacare wasn't passed because we DIDN'T have a problem. We've had a problem with rising healthcare costs since the 80's. Republicans have done nothing to fix it. They think it's great. If you have a good job your company pays for your healthcare. If you don't you're screwed. That's the GOP plan.

I think Republicans help people who are well off. I'm going to find out because I just started being "well off". In other works I make a lot and have no bills. Lets see if my investments double under Trump.

But the fact is the rabble/masses aka fools who voted for Trump are going to be just as broke 4 years from now as they were 4 years ago. And guess who Republicans will blame? THEM! If the people who voted for Trump complain that he didn't make their lives great again, Republicans will tell them that's their fault. They should have went back to school or started their own business. Well they could have gotten that advice under President Hillary. How is that Trump making America great again? Is he lowering college costs? Maybe at Trump U he is. LOL
Trump will blame the dems for being obstructionist and frustrating his big beautiful policies that would have returned jobs that no longer exist on the planet.
then why did those non existence jobs end up in China and mehico?
Apple could assemble Iphones here. But autowokers are automated, and cell phones will follow eventually.
funny, so the non existent jobs still exist. who is going to run the automated programs? there will need to be at least five reps to maintain every ten machines. there will still be jobs needed. retrain, ever hear of it. still doesn't answer why they left.
I agree, but I'm also saddened that Trump is not doing what he said he'd do. I'm hardly surprised. But what's worse than even the partisanship or division, because I don't think Trump is actually a republican, is that a good number of people support Trump even if he does nothing to benefit them simply because others oppose Trump. Essentially it's like "I don't care if he is screwing me, the other side screwed me too, so now they're getting screwed."

And I don't know how anyone can persuade these people. Jobs are not coming back because jobs don't exist anymore. You just don't need as many humans to manufacture stuff. And the reason capital is pursuing driverless cars isn't to save lives; it's to get rid of needing to pay people to drive trucks. However, that doesn't mean a person working in a restaurant of or chain retail cannot expect to have a liveable wage that includes healthcare and a decent education for their kids. I'm getting concerned that that message is not being delivered and if was it might not be received. But perhaps Trump/RoyMoore/FrankenandConyers are just depressing.
We knew President Trump wasn't going to be the prefect candidate, but we did know that he was 1000 times better than the crooked bitch....

But how could you I or any one else absolutely know any thing about something that did not happen.
Caving on promises to protect the middle class to give big biz tax breaks is no "he was not a perfect candidate." LOL

How bought you stupid shmucks got fcked.
again, hitlery is not president. I won.
let's see some of those deleted 33k emails.

again, hitlery is not president. I won.

that you are.
I never wanted it repealed, I'm fine with Obamacare burning the Dem party to the ground. When the people are screaming for relief from Obamafail and Dem's come begging us on their knees then maybe we'll take pity on them.
Where's the relief? I thought Republicans were going to loosen regulations that would allow insurance companies to cross state lines and increase competition and that was going to lower prices. Yea, by about 2 cents a month.

Obamacare wasn't passed because we DIDN'T have a problem. We've had a problem with rising healthcare costs since the 80's. Republicans have done nothing to fix it. They think it's great. If you have a good job your company pays for your healthcare. If you don't you're screwed. That's the GOP plan.

I think Republicans help people who are well off. I'm going to find out because I just started being "well off". In other works I make a lot and have no bills. Lets see if my investments double under Trump.

But the fact is the rabble/masses aka fools who voted for Trump are going to be just as broke 4 years from now as they were 4 years ago. And guess who Republicans will blame? THEM! If the people who voted for Trump complain that he didn't make their lives great again, Republicans will tell them that's their fault. They should have went back to school or started their own business. Well they could have gotten that advice under President Hillary. How is that Trump making America great again? Is he lowering college costs? Maybe at Trump U he is. LOL
Trump will blame the dems for being obstructionist and frustrating his big beautiful policies that would have returned jobs that no longer exist on the planet.
then why did those non existence jobs end up in China and mehico?
Apple could assemble Iphones here. But autowokers are automated, and cell phones will follow eventually.
funny, so the non existent jobs still exist. who is going to run the automated programs? there will need to be at least five reps to maintain every ten machines. there will still be jobs needed. retrain, ever hear of it. still doesn't answer why they left.
Cricket, when did Apple assemble Iphones in the US?

Answer: never.
Why Apple's products are 'Designed in California' but 'Assembled in China'

And while it no doubt escaped your notice, the gop "tax reform" package actually makes it worse for Americans seeking STEM educations.
GOP tax plan rattles higher education

But hey, Hillary isn't president, so lube up and enjoy Trump's ride in your ass.
Where's the relief? I thought Republicans were going to loosen regulations that would allow insurance companies to cross state lines and increase competition and that was going to lower prices. Yea, by about 2 cents a month.

Obamacare wasn't passed because we DIDN'T have a problem. We've had a problem with rising healthcare costs since the 80's. Republicans have done nothing to fix it. They think it's great. If you have a good job your company pays for your healthcare. If you don't you're screwed. That's the GOP plan.

I think Republicans help people who are well off. I'm going to find out because I just started being "well off". In other works I make a lot and have no bills. Lets see if my investments double under Trump.

But the fact is the rabble/masses aka fools who voted for Trump are going to be just as broke 4 years from now as they were 4 years ago. And guess who Republicans will blame? THEM! If the people who voted for Trump complain that he didn't make their lives great again, Republicans will tell them that's their fault. They should have went back to school or started their own business. Well they could have gotten that advice under President Hillary. How is that Trump making America great again? Is he lowering college costs? Maybe at Trump U he is. LOL
Trump will blame the dems for being obstructionist and frustrating his big beautiful policies that would have returned jobs that no longer exist on the planet.
then why did those non existence jobs end up in China and mehico?
Apple could assemble Iphones here. But autowokers are automated, and cell phones will follow eventually.
funny, so the non existent jobs still exist. who is going to run the automated programs? there will need to be at least five reps to maintain every ten machines. there will still be jobs needed. retrain, ever hear of it. still doesn't answer why they left.
Cricket, when did Apple assemble Iphones in the US?

Answer: never.
Why Apple's products are 'Designed in California' but 'Assembled in China'

And while it no doubt escaped your notice, the gop "tax reform" package actually makes it worse for Americans seeking STEM educations.
GOP tax plan rattles higher education

But hey, Hillary isn't president, so lube up and enjoy Trump's ride in your ass.
hitlery isn't president and everyday is a win day. Apple uses child labor and the dems say nothing. fking fascinating. they sexually assault women, fascinating. they are the party of hate and evil. and you support them. I'll stay on my side of the tracks away from those hate mongers and treasonous wretches. I'm not a fan of the new tax bill, but it's better than what we have.
I never wanted it repealed, I'm fine with Obamacare burning the Dem party to the ground. When the people are screaming for relief from Obamafail and Dem's come begging us on their knees then maybe we'll take pity on them.
Where's the relief? I thought Republicans were going to loosen regulations that would allow insurance companies to cross state lines and increase competition and that was going to lower prices. Yea, by about 2 cents a month.

Obamacare wasn't passed because we DIDN'T have a problem. We've had a problem with rising healthcare costs since the 80's. Republicans have done nothing to fix it. They think it's great. If you have a good job your company pays for your healthcare. If you don't you're screwed. That's the GOP plan.

I think Republicans help people who are well off. I'm going to find out because I just started being "well off". In other works I make a lot and have no bills. Lets see if my investments double under Trump.

But the fact is the rabble/masses aka fools who voted for Trump are going to be just as broke 4 years from now as they were 4 years ago. And guess who Republicans will blame? THEM! If the people who voted for Trump complain that he didn't make their lives great again, Republicans will tell them that's their fault. They should have went back to school or started their own business. Well they could have gotten that advice under President Hillary. How is that Trump making America great again? Is he lowering college costs? Maybe at Trump U he is. LOL
Trump will blame the dems for being obstructionist and frustrating his big beautiful policies that would have returned jobs that no longer exist on the planet.
then why did those non existence jobs end up in China and mehico?
Apple could assemble Iphones here. But autowokers are automated, and cell phones will follow eventually.
funny, so the non existent jobs still exist. who is going to run the automated programs? there will need to be at least five reps to maintain every ten machines. there will still be jobs needed. retrain, ever hear of it. still doesn't answer why they left.
Trump didn’t tell blue collar they’d all have to retrain. That they could have done themselves under hillary

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