Why are we rooting for failure?

We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?
Obama pelosi Reid tried to get us out of bush recession and republicans obstructed.

Republicans don’t need our votes and they can’t pass anything because what they want to pass isn’t popular with voters. Republicans are scared they’ll lose seats if they pass bad legislation.

We’re hoping you wake up before the midterms and put democrats back in charge. And then get rid of trump in 2020.

A free country needs an opposition party. I would love it if republicans proved me wrong. But they have to do it first. I have to be won over. I’m not going to go along when I object. But if what they do raises the living standards lowers the debt and gets us out of Iraq then I’ll admit I was wrong.

Trump promised 5% growth. Only doing as good as obama did is not why you elected trump
Dodd, Frank, and Waters recession, caused by their lack of oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.. Come on man up and take responsibilities for your failures which shows every where a liberal touches...
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There is no real separation in the politics ... Just the public and the pundits.

When Democrats win ... Democrats control the dialog and get most of what they want.
When the GOP wins ... Democrats control the dialog and get a little less of what they want.

Either way ... We are always headed in the same direction ... Who wins just determines how fast we are getting there.
The parties are beneficial because it supplies someone else to blame for their failures.

Hardcore partisan ideologues put ideology over country. I don't think that's a big secret.

If the other guys are in power, hope for the worst, no matter what. Your ideology is more important.
Shame that "Make America Great Again", is the antithesis of the left and their "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a 3rd world nation. Shows who loves the United States and who hates it.....
Hardcore partisan ideologues put ideology over country. I don't think that's a big secret. If the other guys are in power, hope for the worst, no matter what. Your ideology is more important.
Shame that "Make America Great Again", is the antithesis of the left and their "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a 3rd world nation. Shows who loves the United States and who hates it.....
Well, I'd agree that a person doesn't want to "fundamentally transform" and "change" something they love. That's pretty obvious.

My post does apply to both ends, though.
Hardcore partisan ideologues put ideology over country. I don't think that's a big secret. If the other guys are in power, hope for the worst, no matter what. Your ideology is more important.
Shame that "Make America Great Again", is the antithesis of the left and their "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a 3rd world nation. Shows who loves the United States and who hates it.....
Well, I'd agree that a person doesn't want to "fundamentally transform" and "change" something they love. That's pretty obvious.

My post does apply to both ends, though.
I was called a radical right wing nut job, because not only did I help defend this country from the Red Scourge of the Communist USSR, but because I continue to love this country and want to keep it RIGHT. Because I believe that insane people need to be put away, I am called every name in the book for my beliefs. The kids at Columbine shot up the bullies of that school. What the left doesn't realize is that they continue to bully the NORMAL citizens of the United States, and soon those bullies are going to regret their actions..Antifa, KKK, BLM, Liberal nut jobs, are the enemy of the United States, it is only a matter of time, that they WILL cross the line...
Hardcore partisan ideologues put ideology over country. I don't think that's a big secret. If the other guys are in power, hope for the worst, no matter what. Your ideology is more important.
Shame that "Make America Great Again", is the antithesis of the left and their "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a 3rd world nation. Shows who loves the United States and who hates it.....
Well, I'd agree that a person doesn't want to "fundamentally transform" and "change" something they love. That's pretty obvious.

My post does apply to both ends, though.
I was called a radical right wing nut job, because not only did I help defend this country from the Red Scourge of the Communist USSR, but because I continue to love this country and want to keep it RIGHT. Because I believe that insane people need to be put away, I am called every name in the book for my beliefs. The kids at Columbine shot up the bullies of that school. What the left doesn't realize is that they continue to bully the NORMAL citizens of the United States, and soon those bullies are going to regret their actions..Antifa, KKK, BLM, Liberal nut jobs, are the enemy of the United States, it is only a matter of time, that they WILL cross the line...
Took all of one post to start the blame game on this thread. It reminds me of when my kids were little I would give them a job to do around the house. They would start arguing and blaming and the end result noithing got accomplished but a bunch of blame.
I certainly hope Trump and the GOP fail at taking healthcare from millions, starting WW3, raising taxes on the lower and middle class so they can lower them for corporations and the wealthy, killing DACA, writing religion into our laws, and many other things.
All fake news spread by liars fed by the media.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?
Obama pelosi Reid tried to get us out of bush recession and republicans obstructed.

Republicans don’t need our votes and they can’t pass anything because what they want to pass isn’t popular with voters. Republicans are scared they’ll lose seats if they pass bad legislation.

We’re hoping you wake up before the midterms and put democrats back in charge. And then get rid of trump in 2020.

A free country needs an opposition party. I would love it if republicans proved me wrong. But they have to do it first. I have to be won over. I’m not going to go along when I object. But if what they do raises the living standards lowers the debt and gets us out of Iraq then I’ll admit I was wrong.

Trump promised 5% growth. Only doing as good as obama did is not why you elected trump
Dodd, Frank, and Waters recession, caused by their lack of oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.. Come on man up and take responsibilities for your failures which shows every where a liberal touches...
I was heavily involved with Dodd Frank and I can tell you this it was not the democrats that were limiting oversight. Dodd Frank did not realy change shit for the lenders all it realy changed shit for was the appraisers. The lenders walked away with more power. They ended up owning the appraisal management companies and had more control over appraisers than ever before.

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.

:crybaby: your double talking has been called out.
Your foolishness has been laid bare once again.

Attempts to destroy the ACA and it's continued popularity can both exist at the same time, dope.

Trump sabotaged Obamacare yet Obamacare remains a huge success...:eusa_think:...so you libs have nothing to bitch about.
They couldn't eliminate it legislatively precisely because it is popular, dope.

You dopes have accepted so much disinformation on the subject that you are hopelessly lost.
You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.

:crybaby: your double talking has been called out.
Your foolishness has been laid bare once again.

Attempts to destroy the ACA and it's continued popularity can both exist at the same time, dope.

Trump sabotaged Obamacare yet Obamacare remains a huge success...:eusa_think:...so you libs have nothing to bitch about.
They couldn't eliminate it legislatively precisely because it is popular, dope.

You dopes have accepted so much disinformation on the subject that you are hopelessly lost.

Obamacare is so popular passing it cost you morons the House, Senate, and White House that's how popular it is...oh wait :eusa_think:
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?
Obama pelosi Reid tried to get us out of bush recession and republicans obstructed.

Republicans don’t need our votes and they can’t pass anything because what they want to pass isn’t popular with voters. Republicans are scared they’ll lose seats if they pass bad legislation.

We’re hoping you wake up before the midterms and put democrats back in charge. And then get rid of trump in 2020.

A free country needs an opposition party. I would love it if republicans proved me wrong. But they have to do it first. I have to be won over. I’m not going to go along when I object. But if what they do raises the living standards lowers the debt and gets us out of Iraq then I’ll admit I was wrong.

Trump promised 5% growth. Only doing as good as obama did is not why you elected trump
Dodd, Frank, and Waters recession, caused by their lack of oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.. Come on man up and take responsibilities for your failures which shows every where a liberal touches...
Yea sure Delay Hastert and Bush had nothing to do with it. We know you guys never take blame for anything.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.
So you think decency is molesting 14 year old girls? GOP, Grand Old Perverts party. The GOP of Alabama has stained the reputation of the entire GOP.
If Judge Moore, molested 14 year old girls, where is the CONVICTION? You libfucks defended crooked Hitlerly and Benghazi, where she was accused of allowing 4 American citizens to die at the hands of Al Qaeda, yet you always said where was her CONVICTION. Fucking hypocrites all of you liberals...

^What a loser.

Not only are they entirely different issues, there were no less than eight separate investigations into the events surrounding the attack in Benghazi. Each concluded that administration did nothing wrong.

There is no more reason to discount Moore's accusers then there is anyone elses.
Hardcore partisan ideologues put ideology over country. I don't think that's a big secret.

If the other guys are in power, hope for the worst, no matter what. Your ideology is more important.

All I care about is being able to retire comfortably like our parents did at 65. And not dying broke. If Republicans can take us back to that great but they can't. Not with their policies. Their policies will leave the middle class broke.

If it doesn't then why would I complain? My dad worked at Ford for less than 30 years and he has a million dollars now at at 72. Will you be able to say that? Fuck no!

Are Republicans making healthcare more affordable? No. That means whatever you save, expect to lose it all when you get old and start getting sick. I fear the future because of Republican policies.
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Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.

:crybaby: your double talking has been called out.
Your foolishness has been laid bare once again.

Attempts to destroy the ACA and it's continued popularity can both exist at the same time, dope.

Trump sabotaged Obamacare yet Obamacare remains a huge success...:eusa_think:...so you libs have nothing to bitch about.
They couldn't eliminate it legislatively precisely because it is popular, dope.

You dopes have accepted so much disinformation on the subject that you are hopelessly lost.

Obamacare is so popular passing it cost you morons the House, Senate, and White House that's how popular it is...oh wait :eusa_think:

How's that "repeal and replace" working out for you?
:crybaby: your double talking has been called out.
Your foolishness has been laid bare once again.

Attempts to destroy the ACA and it's continued popularity can both exist at the same time, dope.

Trump sabotaged Obamacare yet Obamacare remains a huge success...:eusa_think:...so you libs have nothing to bitch about.
They couldn't eliminate it legislatively precisely because it is popular, dope.

You dopes have accepted so much disinformation on the subject that you are hopelessly lost.

Obamacare is so popular passing it cost you morons the House, Senate, and White House that's how popular it is...oh wait :eusa_think:

How's that "repeal and replace" working out for you?

I never wanted it repealed, I'm fine with Obamacare burning the Dem party to the ground. When the people are screaming for relief from Obamafail and Dem's come begging us on their knees then maybe we'll take pity on them.
Your foolishness has been laid bare once again.

Attempts to destroy the ACA and it's continued popularity can both exist at the same time, dope.

Trump sabotaged Obamacare yet Obamacare remains a huge success...:eusa_think:...so you libs have nothing to bitch about.
They couldn't eliminate it legislatively precisely because it is popular, dope.

You dopes have accepted so much disinformation on the subject that you are hopelessly lost.

Obamacare is so popular passing it cost you morons the House, Senate, and White House that's how popular it is...oh wait :eusa_think:

How's that "repeal and replace" working out for you?

I never wanted it repealed, I'm fine with Obamacare burning the Dem party to the ground. When the people are screaming for relief from Obamafail and Dem's come begging us on their knees then maybe we'll take pity on them.

Yes, people are "screaming for relief" at the same time there are record numbers enrolling. It's those screams for relief that keep Republicans from voting to repeal it. :cuckoo:

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