Why are we rooting for failure?

The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I remember Bill Clinton and Al Gore at a rally speaking of how bad unemployment was...with these huge grins on their faces.
But never think it isnt "us vs them". It is.
By sabotaging the ACA markets through which millions get their insurance. Duh. Fucking low info rubes :rolleyes:

Trump hasn't changed one word of the ACA law Obama signed you people own its failure.


ObamaCare signups surge in early days to set new record

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?

People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.

Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha
Last edited:
Trump hasn't changed one word of the ACA law Obama signed you people own its failure.


ObamaCare signups surge in early days to set new record

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.
There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!

That's very subjective....bad policy to some is great policy to others.
Any specific "policy" you have in mind?
Lets start with repeal and replace. Every one was so in a hurry to prove the ACA a failure they rammed through shit legislation that hgad no prayer of getting pasd instead of treating it like a real issue and take the time for an improvement that could maybe paass. Replace does not mean scrap it can some times mean improve. Good law generaly evolves through trial and error to one that is actually most beneficial. The scrap and start over method is typically not as efficient. If you want proof look at the Browns. Scrap and start over every three years and you end up 0 and 11 for the season. The ACA was flawed from the begining. So start to fix it. Make it more effective and take your time doing it. Get it right for a change!!!

Again, Obeaner Care was flawed from the point of inception...it was Hussein and Democrats that crammed a half-ass bullshit "plan" down the throats of Americans....they had to roll it out on the Democrat watch to look like heroes to their constituents...They knew full well the "plan" was unsustainable in the long term....it's Hussein's MO...defer, defer, defer.
Like DACA.....Obeaner Care was just another one of Hussein's "gifts" to illegals and our lowest class and another way to tell the nations best to pick up the tab and go fuck themselves...PERIOD!

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Without your aide we'd starve down here! (-: Yes, the divisiveness is the language of losers. Even Bernie senses an opening ... again.

It's really a failure of the gop establishment to offer a conservative option. A conservative option might look something like a hiring freeze on all federal jobs until there's a 10% employment cut, unless the potus declares the certain jobs essential and congress agrees, along with a one time across the board spending cut. Probably have to exempt military pay, and even then not have a real dollar cut to defense ... since the Navy appears to have trouble staying afloat.

But the gop establishment sold this "starve the beast" pile of bullshit for so long they actually believed it meant something other than cut taxes for the 1%. Actual conservatism would argue for a real cut in spending while applying revenue to reducing structural deficits. And even then, we'd be trying to sell Americans to actually accepting a sacrifice in less entitlements.

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Can you make your point using English please?
Sorry bud...I don't speak section 8 or Walmart
You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Can you make your point using English please?
Sorry bud...I don't speak section 8 or Walmart
You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Without your aide we'd starve down here! (-: Yes, the divisiveness is the language of losers. Even Bernie senses an opening ... again.

It's really a failure of the gop establishment to offer a conservative option. A conservative option might look something like a hiring freeze on all federal jobs until there's a 10% employment cut, unless the potus declares the certain jobs essential and congress agrees, along with a one time across the board spending cut. Probably have to exempt military pay, and even then not have a real dollar cut to defense ... since the Navy appears to have trouble staying afloat.

But the gop establishment sold this "starve the beast" pile of bullshit for so long they actually believed it meant something other than cut taxes for the 1%. Actual conservatism would argue for a real cut in spending while applying revenue to reducing structural deficits. And even then, we'd be trying to sell Americans to actually accepting a sacrifice in less entitlements.
I'm all for a cut on spending all they have to do is cut 1% on every program. And it would be huge. They won't, they are as afraid of voters as they are demolosers.
Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Without your aide we'd starve down here! (-: Yes, the divisiveness is the language of losers. Even Bernie senses an opening ... again.

It's really a failure of the gop establishment to offer a conservative option. A conservative option might look something like a hiring freeze on all federal jobs until there's a 10% employment cut, unless the potus declares the certain jobs essential and congress agrees, along with a one time across the board spending cut. Probably have to exempt military pay, and even then not have a real dollar cut to defense ... since the Navy appears to have trouble staying afloat.

But the gop establishment sold this "starve the beast" pile of bullshit for so long they actually believed it meant something other than cut taxes for the 1%. Actual conservatism would argue for a real cut in spending while applying revenue to reducing structural deficits. And even then, we'd be trying to sell Americans to actually accepting a sacrifice in less entitlements.
I'm all for a cut on spending all they have to do is cut 1% on every program. And it would be huge. They won't, they are as afraid of voters as they are demolosers.

Sequestration only cut a fraction of 1% and DC squealed like a stuck pig.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Without your aide we'd starve down here! (-: Yes, the divisiveness is the language of losers. Even Bernie senses an opening ... again.

It's really a failure of the gop establishment to offer a conservative option. A conservative option might look something like a hiring freeze on all federal jobs until there's a 10% employment cut, unless the potus declares the certain jobs essential and congress agrees, along with a one time across the board spending cut. Probably have to exempt military pay, and even then not have a real dollar cut to defense ... since the Navy appears to have trouble staying afloat.

But the gop establishment sold this "starve the beast" pile of bullshit for so long they actually believed it meant something other than cut taxes for the 1%. Actual conservatism would argue for a real cut in spending while applying revenue to reducing structural deficits. And even then, we'd be trying to sell Americans to actually accepting a sacrifice in less entitlements.
I'm all for a cut on spending all they have to do is cut 1% on every program. And it would be huge. They won't, they are as afraid of voters as they are demolosers.

Sequestration only cut a fraction of 1% and DC squealed like a stuck pig.
once a politician gets a penny that is theirs forever.
Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Without your aide we'd starve down here! (-: Yes, the divisiveness is the language of losers. Even Bernie senses an opening ... again.

It's really a failure of the gop establishment to offer a conservative option. A conservative option might look something like a hiring freeze on all federal jobs until there's a 10% employment cut, unless the potus declares the certain jobs essential and congress agrees, along with a one time across the board spending cut. Probably have to exempt military pay, and even then not have a real dollar cut to defense ... since the Navy appears to have trouble staying afloat.

But the gop establishment sold this "starve the beast" pile of bullshit for so long they actually believed it meant something other than cut taxes for the 1%. Actual conservatism would argue for a real cut in spending while applying revenue to reducing structural deficits. And even then, we'd be trying to sell Americans to actually accepting a sacrifice in less entitlements.
I'm all for a cut on spending all they have to do is cut 1% on every program. And it would be huge. They won't, they are as afraid of voters as they are demolosers.

The gop isn't exactly running on cutting actual spending either. Even cutting Obamacare taxes merely shifts expenditures from the gummit to more uninsured people passing costs to the insured ... again.
By sabotaging the ACA markets through which millions get their insurance. Duh. Fucking low info rubes :rolleyes:

Trump hasn't changed one word of the ACA law Obama signed you people own its failure.


ObamaCare signups surge in early days to set new record

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.

Just for the record, how many of them are employed?
You find out and report back to us.
Haven't any of you people learned yet that gridlock is good.

The less the government does the better it is for all of us.
By sabotaging the ACA markets through which millions get their insurance. Duh. Fucking low info rubes :rolleyes:

Trump hasn't changed one word of the ACA law Obama signed you people own its failure.


ObamaCare signups surge in early days to set new record

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.

:crybaby: your double talking has been called out.
Your foolishness has been laid bare once again.

Attempts to destroy the ACA and it's continued popularity can both exist at the same time, dope.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.
huh, who has transgender men going into women's restrooms. who is for illegal aliens entering the country illegally. the separators are well known and you resemble them.

oh and the antifa's ruining our universities. still got nothing eh?

That's not separation, dope. That's called inclusion.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?

People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.

Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha

People like me" have always outnumbered people like you..

Sorry, no.

You supremacist types are put down every time you try to assert yourselves. You're marginal and have always been so.
There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?

People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.

Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha

People like me" have always outnumbered people like you..

Sorry, no.

You supremacist types are put down every time you try to assert yourselves. You're marginal and have always been so.

Haha...you still haven't figured it out have you? The best quality people have spoken, there is nothing marginal in that....this isn't about ethnicities....it's about Decency vs. Indecency, Moral vs. Immoral, Normalcy vs. Bat Shit Craziness, Asset vs. Liability....now take your filthy shitholes, Mexifornia and Loon York and run.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Well, we could get rid of the bottom feeders but we are not going to let the Southern States succeed.

Without your aide we'd starve down here! (-: Yes, the divisiveness is the language of losers. Even Bernie senses an opening ... again.

It's really a failure of the gop establishment to offer a conservative option. A conservative option might look something like a hiring freeze on all federal jobs until there's a 10% employment cut, unless the potus declares the certain jobs essential and congress agrees, along with a one time across the board spending cut. Probably have to exempt military pay, and even then not have a real dollar cut to defense ... since the Navy appears to have trouble staying afloat.

But the gop establishment sold this "starve the beast" pile of bullshit for so long they actually believed it meant something other than cut taxes for the 1%. Actual conservatism would argue for a real cut in spending while applying revenue to reducing structural deficits. And even then, we'd be trying to sell Americans to actually accepting a sacrifice in less entitlements.
I'm all for a cut on spending all they have to do is cut 1% on every program. And it would be huge. They won't, they are as afraid of voters as they are demolosers.

The gop isn't exactly running on cutting actual spending either. Even cutting Obamacare taxes merely shifts expenditures from the gummit to more uninsured people passing costs to the insured ... again.
I'm there with ya. Frustrating. seems no one in DC wishes to help us out. doesn't matter the party.

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