Why are we rooting for failure?

We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.
huh, who has transgender men going into women's restrooms. who is for illegal aliens entering the country illegally. the separators are well known and you resemble them.

oh and the antifa's ruining our universities. still got nothing eh?

That's not separation, dope. That's called inclusion.
no, no it isn't. it is separatist. you chose an ideology war with us. how much more separatist can you get. you just say hey you......fk off.
People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?

People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.

Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha

People like me" have always outnumbered people like you..

Sorry, no.

You supremacist types are put down every time you try to assert yourselves. You're marginal and have always been so.

Haha...you still haven't figured it out have you? The best quality people have spoken, there is nothing marginal in that....this isn't about ethnicities....it's about Decency vs. Indecency, Moral vs. Immoral, Normalcy vs. Bat Shit Craziness, Asset vs. Liability....now take your filthy shitholes, Mexifornia and Loon York and run.



"Roem, 33, ousted 73-year-old incumbent Republican Robert G. Marshall for the seat in Virginia House of Delegates' 13th District. While Roem focused her campaign on such parochial issues as heavy traffic, she was as unabashed about her transgender status as Marshall was about his distaste for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Marshall was the author of an unsuccessful bill last year to force people to use the public bathroom assigned to their birth sex. He also opposed same-sex marriage, saying in a 2006 appearance that the “natural order of things” prohibited such unions. He added in comments that year at the University of Virginia School of law that “a woman’s arm is constructed at a certain angle so she can adequately cradle a baby. That’s the way we’re created. There are certain things nature intended.”

Roem, more than a decade later, put her own body front and center, publishing on YouTubean ad showing her taking hormones, putting on makeup, and discussing very frankly a gender transition she said had nothing to do with her ability to represent the people of northern Virginia.

Marshall, who had served the district for more than a quarter century, had refused to debate Roem and kept referring to her as “him,” something transgender people and their advocates find very offensive."

We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.
huh, who has transgender men going into women's restrooms. who is for illegal aliens entering the country illegally. the separators are well known and you resemble them.

oh and the antifa's ruining our universities. still got nothing eh?

That's not separation, dope. That's called inclusion.
no, no it isn't. it is separatist. you chose an ideology war with us. how much more separatist can you get. you just say hey you......fk off.

That is your choice to be separated, dope.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.
huh, who has transgender men going into women's restrooms. who is for illegal aliens entering the country illegally. the separators are well known and you resemble them.

oh and the antifa's ruining our universities. still got nothing eh?

That's not separation, dope. That's called inclusion.
no, no it isn't. it is separatist. you chose an ideology war with us. how much more separatist can you get. you just say hey you......fk off.
Imo Trump accomplished a positive in showing that, at lease in Fla, a zero tolerance for people working here who are illegally here is not an absolute no vote from all latinos. Polls showed that was true, but the election results proved that out.

Trump probably did kill the gop with some latinos with his comments about a Judge and rapists and murderers, but the establishments of both parties are FOR illegal immigration.

The transgender folks .... the dems fell into a trap of their own making. Rural Alabama is going to view transgender people differently that the New Orleans' quarter or NYC. Marriage is a fundamental right, and even if one doesn't like gays being married, you're not gonna want the gummit screwing with your marriage ... unless you're Roy Moore. LOL
By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?

People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.

Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha

People like me" have always outnumbered people like you..

Sorry, no.

You supremacist types are put down every time you try to assert yourselves. You're marginal and have always been so.

Haha...you still haven't figured it out have you? The best quality people have spoken, there is nothing marginal in that....this isn't about ethnicities....it's about Decency vs. Indecency, Moral vs. Immoral, Normalcy vs. Bat Shit Craziness, Asset vs. Liability....now take your filthy shitholes, Mexifornia and Loon York and run.

View attachment 163004


"Roem, 33, ousted 73-year-old incumbent Republican Robert G. Marshall for the seat in Virginia House of Delegates' 13th District. While Roem focused her campaign on such parochial issues as heavy traffic, she was as unabashed about her transgender status as Marshall was about his distaste for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Marshall was the author of an unsuccessful bill last year to force people to use the public bathroom assigned to their birth sex. He also opposed same-sex marriage, saying in a 2006 appearance that the “natural order of things” prohibited such unions. He added in comments that year at the University of Virginia School of law that “a woman’s arm is constructed at a certain angle so she can adequately cradle a baby. That’s the way we’re created. There are certain things nature intended.”

Roem, more than a decade later, put her own body front and center, publishing on YouTubean ad showing her taking hormones, putting on makeup, and discussing very frankly a gender transition she said had nothing to do with her ability to represent the people of northern Virginia.

Marshall, who had served the district for more than a quarter century, had refused to debate Roem and kept referring to her as “him,” something transgender people and their advocates find very offensive."


Put all them statues at Mar a Lago. Trump can use the biz I hear. LOL
There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.

People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.
huh, who has transgender men going into women's restrooms. who is for illegal aliens entering the country illegally. the separators are well known and you resemble them.

oh and the antifa's ruining our universities. still got nothing eh?

That's not separation, dope. That's called inclusion.
no, no it isn't. it is separatist. you chose an ideology war with us. how much more separatist can you get. you just say hey you......fk off.

That is your choice to be separated, dope.
yep, it is.
By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?

People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.

Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha

People like me" have always outnumbered people like you..

Sorry, no.

You supremacist types are put down every time you try to assert yourselves. You're marginal and have always been so.

Haha...you still haven't figured it out have you? The best quality people have spoken, there is nothing marginal in that....this isn't about ethnicities....it's about Decency vs. Indecency, Moral vs. Immoral, Normalcy vs. Bat Shit Craziness, Asset vs. Liability....now take your filthy shitholes, Mexifornia and Loon York and run.

View attachment 163004


"Roem, 33, ousted 73-year-old incumbent Republican Robert G. Marshall for the seat in Virginia House of Delegates' 13th District. While Roem focused her campaign on such parochial issues as heavy traffic, she was as unabashed about her transgender status as Marshall was about his distaste for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Marshall was the author of an unsuccessful bill last year to force people to use the public bathroom assigned to their birth sex. He also opposed same-sex marriage, saying in a 2006 appearance that the “natural order of things” prohibited such unions. He added in comments that year at the University of Virginia School of law that “a woman’s arm is constructed at a certain angle so she can adequately cradle a baby. That’s the way we’re created. There are certain things nature intended.”

Roem, more than a decade later, put her own body front and center, publishing on YouTubean ad showing her taking hormones, putting on makeup, and discussing very frankly a gender transition she said had nothing to do with her ability to represent the people of northern Virginia.

Marshall, who had served the district for more than a quarter century, had refused to debate Roem and kept referring to her as “him,” something transgender people and their advocates find very offensive."


Aww yes, LefTards are now electing chicks with dicks to public office...I love it...it's awesome, it's another confirmation of just how fucked up in the head Liberals actually are.....Haha...what does that prove?
The ideologies of bat-shit crazy Loons have infiltrated Virginia as well as Mexifornia and Loon York?
Here's that "it" you wacks are so proud of....its a good one isn't it?
If I were bat-shit crazy like you I'd blow that photo up, frame it and hang over my fireplace. You should be so proud.
People like you have always been marginal in American society. Trump has attempted to mainstream your cause. The American people aren't having it. Back to your hole, cockroach.

Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha

People like me" have always outnumbered people like you..

Sorry, no.

You supremacist types are put down every time you try to assert yourselves. You're marginal and have always been so.

Haha...you still haven't figured it out have you? The best quality people have spoken, there is nothing marginal in that....this isn't about ethnicities....it's about Decency vs. Indecency, Moral vs. Immoral, Normalcy vs. Bat Shit Craziness, Asset vs. Liability....now take your filthy shitholes, Mexifornia and Loon York and run.

View attachment 163004


"Roem, 33, ousted 73-year-old incumbent Republican Robert G. Marshall for the seat in Virginia House of Delegates' 13th District. While Roem focused her campaign on such parochial issues as heavy traffic, she was as unabashed about her transgender status as Marshall was about his distaste for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Marshall was the author of an unsuccessful bill last year to force people to use the public bathroom assigned to their birth sex. He also opposed same-sex marriage, saying in a 2006 appearance that the “natural order of things” prohibited such unions. He added in comments that year at the University of Virginia School of law that “a woman’s arm is constructed at a certain angle so she can adequately cradle a baby. That’s the way we’re created. There are certain things nature intended.”

Roem, more than a decade later, put her own body front and center, publishing on YouTubean ad showing her taking hormones, putting on makeup, and discussing very frankly a gender transition she said had nothing to do with her ability to represent the people of northern Virginia.

Marshall, who had served the district for more than a quarter century, had refused to debate Roem and kept referring to her as “him,” something transgender people and their advocates find very offensive."


Aww yes, LefTards are now electing chicks with dicks to public office...I love it...it's awesome, it's another confirmation of just how fucked up in the head Liberals actually are.....Haha...what does that prove?
The ideologies of bat-shit crazy Loons have infiltrated Virginia as well as Mexifornia and Loon York?
Here's that "it" you wacks are so proud of....its a good one isn't it?
If I were bat-shit crazy like you I'd blow that photo up, frame it and hang over my fireplace. You should be so proud.

It proves that R E Lee is out in VA and Roem is in.
IOW, you lose.
Last edited:
Trump hasn't changed one word of the ACA law Obama signed you people own its failure.


ObamaCare signups surge in early days to set new record

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Hey, dude! Them bottom feeders are VOTERS. Don't fergit it!
People like you have always been divided. You always separate people into categories with varrying degrees of worthiness.Trump just let you dopes out into the daylight. The American people will put you back in the closet where you belong.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!

That's very subjective....bad policy to some is great policy to others.
Any specific "policy" you have in mind?
Lets start with repeal and replace. Every one was so in a hurry to prove the ACA a failure they rammed through shit legislation that hgad no prayer of getting pasd instead of treating it like a real issue and take the time for an improvement that could maybe paass. Replace does not mean scrap it can some times mean improve. Good law generaly evolves through trial and error to one that is actually most beneficial. The scrap and start over method is typically not as efficient. If you want proof look at the Browns. Scrap and start over every three years and you end up 0 and 11 for the season. The ACA was flawed from the begining. So start to fix it. Make it more effective and take your time doing it. Get it right for a change!!!

Again, Obeaner Care was flawed from the point of inception...it was Hussein and Democrats that crammed a half-ass bullshit "plan" down the throats of Americans....they had to roll it out on the Democrat watch to look like heroes to their constituents...They knew full well the "plan" was unsustainable in the long term....it's Hussein's MO...defer, defer, defer.
Like DACA.....Obeaner Care was just another one of Hussein's "gifts" to illegals and our lowest class and another way to tell the nations best to pick up the tab and go fuck themselves...PERIOD!

I don't think the lefties remember the guy who was the architect of Ovomit's ACA said later that the plan was stupid and designed to cost more every year

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!
True, and thanks for the thread, btw. But what happens when both parties propose policies that have proven ineffective in addressing the needs of some voters, who want to have jobs and want to provide for families?

Imo, what 2016 gave us was a gop establishment with policies that had proven failures under W and even HW. and Bill and Hill too. The benefits of a growing economy didn't go to some folks who wanted jobs.

Obamacare failed to deliver the healthcare it promised. The details of what was lacking can be debated, it's not debateable that some found it lacking. I don't doubt that the gop used misinformation to inflated that number simply because the gop establishment was heartily against any entitlement to any level of healthcare be mandated to workers. But, it's undeniable that Trump ran of "a big beautiful cheaper" health plan. And of course he's tried to deliver on "no fucking care at all for you losers."

So Trump may be a charlatan and liar, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong that the last election presented three choices: the gop failure; the Obamafailure (or at least Hillary's choice to ignore unmet expectations) and Trump.
then why are these same folks for increased immigration? how is that providing jobs for constituents? dude that makes absolutely no sense at all. but nice try.
I think I need a magic decoder ring for your post. I posted that two parties ran on either failed policies or simply not addressing voter concerns, and Trump ran on addressing the concerns of workers left behind when the econ expanded under both. WTF did that have to do with immigration. Yes, the gop and dems did not address immigration. Happy now?

That's weird...I saw his point clearly.
You want hard working positive contributing REAL Americans to continue hauling bottom feeders around on their backs and paying their way....yet, you're not willing to do a damn thing to slow the growth of the number of bottom feeders by opposing illegal immigration....TA-DA!
Hey, dude! Them bottom feeders are VOTERS. Don't fergit it!
make sure you give em some free shit now.
Trump hasn't changed one word of the ACA law Obama signed you people own its failure.


ObamaCare signups surge in early days to set new record

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.

Just for the record, how many of them are employed?
You find out and report back to us.

By "American people" do you mean the human cockroaches and barely Americans of Mexifornia and Loon York?
Every breathing sole inside our borders suffers through bad policy there are no exceptions in the long run. When Rome fell it started the dark ages. I guess there is not a living breating sole on the planet that does not get fucked in one way or another if America falls!

That's very subjective....bad policy to some is great policy to others.
Any specific "policy" you have in mind?
Lets start with repeal and replace. Every one was so in a hurry to prove the ACA a failure they rammed through shit legislation that hgad no prayer of getting pasd instead of treating it like a real issue and take the time for an improvement that could maybe paass. Replace does not mean scrap it can some times mean improve. Good law generaly evolves through trial and error to one that is actually most beneficial. The scrap and start over method is typically not as efficient. If you want proof look at the Browns. Scrap and start over every three years and you end up 0 and 11 for the season. The ACA was flawed from the begining. So start to fix it. Make it more effective and take your time doing it. Get it right for a change!!!

Again, Obeaner Care was flawed from the point of inception...it was Hussein and Democrats that crammed a half-ass bullshit "plan" down the throats of Americans....they had to roll it out on the Democrat watch to look like heroes to their constituents...They knew full well the "plan" was unsustainable in the long term....it's Hussein's MO...defer, defer, defer.
Like DACA.....Obeaner Care was just another one of Hussein's "gifts" to illegals and our lowest class and another way to tell the nations best to pick up the tab and go fuck themselves...PERIOD!

I don't think the lefties remember the guy who was the architect of Ovomit's ACA said later that the plan was stupid and designed to cost more every year

Haha...oh they remember...but they wouldn't dare point the finger at their Black Messiah
Sorry bud...."People like me" have always outnumbered people like you....we're just finally fed the fuck up....we were busy raising families, putting our heads down and going to work while you sorry lowlife fucks were protesting and begging for shit. Trump had very little to do with it all...In fact I'd say Hussein Obeaner would be the one most responsible for the new crusade.....I'm thinking it's the "let men in dresses shit next to little girls" thing that woke us up....THANK GOD...and now you're fucked...haha
We took all of D.C. from you wack-jobs....your anything goes, no boundaries type of society you seek has been shut down and you filthy fucks can't stand the thought of a higher grade society....Just sit back, let REAL leaders lead and in time you'll pull your head from your ass and stop the resistance...hahaha

It has been going on for so long and we were so tired of it. Trump is only a catalyst...a temporary rally point. The ruling elite used divide and conquer for so long it was shock and awe when Trump marched right through their firewalls...shock and awe which led directly to the Trump Derangement Syndrome we see today. Their monopoly on the media, corporate boardrooms and the huge tax free foundations and educational institutions had always been able to destroy challengers to the status quo with innuendos of racism or sexism or being too pro-American or back talking a favored minority or whatever. Didnt matter how ridiculous the charge the monopoly power they had gave it legs. Mitt Romney picking on a fellow 4th grader in 1952 or Senator Sessions being named by his parents "beauregard" were big big news.
Yes the revolution has begun and there is resistance from those brainwashed by the system. But it is too late fr them. Even after Trump leaves in 2024 we wont give it back to them.
Trump hasn't changed one word of the ACA law Obama signed you people own its failure.


ObamaCare signups surge in early days to set new record

You libs talk out of both sides of your mouth. Trump wrecked Obamacare Trump sabotaged Obamacare...then in the next post you claim Obamacare is wildly successful. LOL

Read the article, dope.

It explains many of the efforts to sabotage including the halving of the open enrollment period.

Despite that though, there are record numbers enrolling.

:crybaby: your double talking has been called out.
Your foolishness has been laid bare once again.

Attempts to destroy the ACA and it's continued popularity can both exist at the same time, dope.

Trump sabotaged Obamacare yet Obamacare remains a huge success...:eusa_think:...so you libs have nothing to bitch about.
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?

There's a division that isn't going away anytime soon...very little of this division is even politically based...it's not Republican vs. Democrat....it's turned into Decency vs. Indecency....politics simply serves as a vehicle to foster the debate.
So you think decency is molesting 14 year old girls? GOP, Grand Old Perverts party. The GOP of Alabama has stained the reputation of the entire GOP.
If Judge Moore, molested 14 year old girls, where is the CONVICTION? You libfucks defended crooked Hitlerly and Benghazi, where she was accused of allowing 4 American citizens to die at the hands of Al Qaeda, yet you always said where was her CONVICTION. Fucking hypocrites all of you liberals...
When do we start rooting for success again?
That depends on how one defines "success."

And BO care does not qualify as a success unless one is a Democrat hack.
Let me be clear. As goes public policy, I define success in terms of the specific goals a policy maker identified for a policy/set of laws and the nature and extent of net progress (qualitative and quantitative gains and losses) one's actions yield with regard to achieving those goals.

Accordingly, when trying to assess whether a measure is or is not successful, I ask and answer the following questions:
  1. What did the initiative's founders identify as their sought outcome(s)?
  2. Did the initiative achieve, or is it achieving, the desired outcome(s)?
If the initiative achieved or shows itself to be achieving what it was intended to achieve, it's a success. If it didn't, it's not a success.

The reason that's how I assess success is because I have to be fair to people. For example:
  • My son entered the Marine Corps Marathon. His goal was to complete the marathon in the time allotted, and in fact, he finished with lots of time to spare, which tells me he underestimated his ability and set his goal too low. (That was, in that instance, okay, however, because he learned something about himself and he learned not to do that going forward.) He did, thus he was successful. Had his goal been to finish in the top "whatever," or to complete the race within a given time period, I'd have measured his success accordingly.
  • A client engaged my firm to implement changes with, among others, a goal of increasing their bottom line by $30M/per year over the following five years. We did the implementation, and the client realized $28.7M in the first year, $32.4M in the second, and over $36M in each succeeding year. The project was thus a success.
  • In war, the combatants usually have one goal that supersedes all others: defeat the opponent. Many lives and much treasure will surely be lost and consumed, respectively, yet whoever wins the war is successful.
Might one have both top-level and subordinate goals? Of course, but the sound/well executed goal setting requires that achieving the top-level goal, regardless of one's performance with regard to the subordinate ones, defines success or failure; achievement of the subordinate goals merely gives one a way to determine the extent of the success, not whether success was achieved. (For goal setting and achievement of them to work any other way is tantamount to what happens when one wins various key battles yet loses the war.) That requirement flows from the need for goals and achievement of/toward them be measurable.

What one notices too is that in order to be fair in assessing "whatever," it's critical to know what a given actor's goals are for the efforts they then undertake. Now, if one doesn't know what goals the actor set, one is no position to evaluate whether the person's actions were successful or not. Quite simply, absent knowing the goals, one doesn't have the full picture, and without the full picture, one cannot judge success or failure.

Applying the approach and principles outlined above, let's look at two public policies, one implemented and the other proposed, because what one must consider differs based on the implementation status of a given plan of action.
  • As goes O-care, what were the goals and their prioritization for that piece of legislation? Were they met, or are they on course for being met? I don't know because I don't know precisely what were the goals and the priority assigned to them. What I do know is what desirable outcomes O-care achieved and what undesirable ones it achieved, yet absent knowing the goals from the outset, I cannot say whether it O-care has been successful. Thus the best I can do is identify what has and has not been achieved, but doing so is observation and declaration, not sound analysis and conclusion. (Forming conclusions based solely on observations is one form of "jumping to conclusions.")
    And BO care does not qualify as a success unless one is a Democrat hack.
    So, to anyone who is going to tell me that O-care is a failure, my response is, "Insofar as that's what you say, point me to the stated goals for O-care and I'll be happy to evaluate the program against those goals." That is my reply because while I can measure O-care against what I think or they think ought to be it's goals, were our normatively defined outcomes what the legislation was written to achieve, the bill's provisions would have been differed -- some aspects the same, others not the same, and yet others added that aren't present in the bill -- from the provisions we in fact find in the ACA legislation.
  • As goes "The Wall," what is it supposed to accomplish? Absent The Wall, we've been told that illegal immigration across our border has dropped by about 75% from some baseline measure of illegal immigration across the Southern border. Well, that necessarily means that The Wall's goal must be to curtail some share of the remaining 25% of illegal immigration across the Southern border. Insofar as the nation's leading conservative economist on illegal immigration's economic impacts has shown that illegal immigration has a net positive impact on the economy; thus what needs to be addressed is the merit of the goals one might set for The Wall, for whether The Wall can further reduce illegal immigration across the Southern border is doubted by nobody.
What are the key reasons why I penned the two bulleted discussions above? To illustrate the following:
  • It's that before an idea is implemented, the goal(s) itself is the thing to evaluate; that is the time to ridicule or laud the goal(s), but once the policy has been emplaced, the time for ridiculing or lauding the goal(s) has passed. In contrast, once an idea has been implemented, the point of measurement, if one is to be fair, is the stated goal(s) and the achievement of it.
  • It is thoroughly unfair to judge anything or anyone against goals they didn't themselves set and/or agree to. The exceptions to that apply to/exist for students and, sometimes, employees, though senior government employees and company senior executives who have roles as principals, for instance, are not, however, in the genre of employees for whom the exception applies because part of their job is to define the goals. (Obviously, if principals define no goals, it's a different kind of failure from what I've discussed above; it's dereliction of duty.)
We have seperated ourselves into an us vs. them mentality. A democrat wins an election and every republican in the district starts slinging mud and forcasts of impending doom. They then wait back and every little issue or problem that comes up during his term they hope he fails. Then when failure actually happens they are happy and start singing I told ya so. The democrats are absolutely no different. You watch the economy is going to tank now. The when 10% unemployment hits they are dancing. Ha,ha ya fucked up the economy. Fuck up a trade deal. Ha, ha you fucked up a trade deal!!!! I told ya!!!!! Get us into a war we should not be in "Ha,ha ya fucked up foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mean while we all take it in the ass and every fuck up has cost us as a country dearly. When do we start rooting for success again?
Obama pelosi Reid tried to get us out of bush recession and republicans obstructed.

Republicans don’t need our votes and they can’t pass anything because what they want to pass isn’t popular with voters. Republicans are scared they’ll lose seats if they pass bad legislation.

We’re hoping you wake up before the midterms and put democrats back in charge. And then get rid of trump in 2020.

A free country needs an opposition party. I would love it if republicans proved me wrong. But they have to do it first. I have to be won over. I’m not going to go along when I object. But if what they do raises the living standards lowers the debt and gets us out of Iraq then I’ll admit I was wrong.

Trump promised 5% growth. Only doing as good as obama did is not why you elected trump

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