Why Are White People So Mean to Colored People?

So, why are white people so mean to colored people?

I just LOVE being mean to Blacks!
  1. First, I treat them with the indignity of being my equal, but NO BETTER. Not entitled to reparations for things they never suffered for things I never did, and not entitled to government programs that I myself don't also qualify for just because of the color of my skin!
  2. Next, I actually expect them to get up, get educated, get a job and make something of their lives in support of themselves, paying more INTO the system than they take out.
  3. Finally, as the last indignity, I expect them to hold American values first, speak english, dress reasonable, and be an asset to the community, not live in a private counterculture BASED on antisocial ideology and behavior.

I know I'm a harsh mistress, but that is just how I am.
In general white people are not mean to black people . It's the few who are mean that get all the notice ,just like black people who commit crimes they get most of the attention from media and others.
They are not born that way..they are taught to be. Kind of reminds me of that scene out of Django
So, why are white people so mean to colored people?

Discuss. :)
They are not born to be, they are taught to be. Kind of reminds me of that scene in Django where Leonardo DiCaprio's character Calvin Candie is explaining the difference between the skulls of white men and black men. White men have three dimples near the top of the skull which denotes intelligence while black skulls have them in the very back which denotes subservience. You would be surprised how some white kids are brought up to believe that kind of BS.
I just LOVE being mean to Blacks!
  1. First, I treat them with the indignity of being my equal, but NO BETTER. Not entitled to reparations for things they never suffered for things I never did, and not entitled to government programs that I myself don't also qualify for just because of the color of my skin!
  2. Next, I actually expect them to get up, get educated, get a job and make something of their lives in support of themselves, paying more INTO the system than they take out.
  3. Finally, as the last indignity, I expect them to hold American values first, speak english, dress reasonable, and be an asset to the community, not live in a private counterculture BASED on antisocial ideology and behavior.

I know I'm a harsh mistress, but that is just how I am.
Mistress??? And all this time I thought you were male.:omg:
Ben Thomson blacks are indoctrinated to hate whites
links in my thread:
blacks are taught to hate whites--UNDENIABLE---it's in the MSM EVERYDAY
here's my thread with links:
Ben Thomson blacks are indoctrinated to hate whites
links in my thread:
They are taught to be very wary of white cops late at night..is that whey your referring to?
Mistress??? And all this time I thought you were male.:omg:
I am very much a guy, but we assign female qualities to many things such as she's a fast boat, etc.

The classic image of a cruel task-maker is a harsh mistress in high heel leather boots cracking a whip.


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