Why aren't dems fleeing the coast by the tens of millions ???


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??

Good thought.

Perhaps we should close the state borders.
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
Been asking that question for years....Lest we forget that there are scads of leftbat warmers who have cushy luxury seaside property beside Oboingo.

No answer has ever been forthcoming.
Why do the globalist bankers who fund the marxist parties around the world continue to make loans to fund the construction of coastal resorts or invest in insurance corporations so that these things can be built?

Is it possible they're aware MMGW is BULLSHIT?
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??

Good thought.

Perhaps we should close the state borders.

Perhaps we should close the state borders.

Building dams would be a better idea
So just for you ignorants are some facts. Just about all of Californias coastal homes are 15 to 20 feet above sea level. The valley's on the rivers are 30 plus feet above sea level. Now if you go to floodida there is where problems are. Very few homes are more than 10 feet above sea level.
So just for you ignorants are some facts. Just about all of Californias coastal homes are 15 to 20 feet above sea level. The valley's on the rivers are 30 plus feet above sea level. Now if you go to floodida there is where problems are. Very few homes are more than 10 feet above sea level.

Gators need some new territory too. They filled in swamp land to make Resorts and Housing Tracts In Florida. Nature has a way of reclaiming what is hers no matter what men do to prevent it.
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
I have some waterfront property I'd like to sell you...
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
I have some waterfront property I'd like to sell you...



according to 'predictions', they will all have waterfront properties in the not so far future.
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
Really it comes down to they are not smart enough to make nderstand that if they really are right what the impact will be. Nor are they smart enough to understand if they are wrong just how rediculous they look.
So just for you ignorants are some facts. Just about all of Californias coastal homes are 15 to 20 feet above sea level. The valley's on the rivers are 30 plus feet above sea level. Now if you go to floodida there is where problems are. Very few homes are more than 10 feet above sea level.
well how in the heck are they going to go back and forth to their homes on stilts ??? are there driveways on stilts too ??? and i thought entire states are going to be under water !! is Obamas mansion an stilts ??
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
I have some waterfront property I'd like to sell you...
get out now libb !! swim for your life !! and watch out for floating turds if you're backstroking in Frisco !!
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
I have some waterfront property I'd like to sell you...



according to 'predictions', they will all have waterfront properties in the not so far future.
It's near the Brooklyn Bridge, which it so happens is also for sale if you are interested.
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
I have some waterfront property I'd like to sell you...



according to 'predictions', they will all have waterfront properties in the not so far future.
It's near the Brooklyn Bridge, which it so happens is also for sale if you are interested.

Trying to sell that again?

Try ed, he lives in the area, and is gullible enough to buy anything.
they claim that with global warming the coast and the coastal states will be under water in about 10 to 12 yrs !! if thats true why aren't states like California empty of people ??? and why did the great Obama just spend millions on ocean front mansion ??
I have some waterfront property I'd like to sell you...
Quiet foreigner. Americans are speaking.
So just for you ignorants are some facts. Just about all of Californias coastal homes are 15 to 20 feet above sea level. The valley's on the rivers are 30 plus feet above sea level. Now if you go to floodida there is where problems are. Very few homes are more than 10 feet above sea level.
Yeeeeaaah...And none of the Florida warmer moonbats are evacuating their richity-richrich homes either.

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