Why aren't Muslim countries accepting refugees? Why won't Obama accept Christian refugees?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
While Obama wants more Muslim refugees, without any way to vet them, he has been cruel to the Christian refugees escaping from the vile radicals who will torture and behead them. They were held, then deported and the administration refused to release them to family members here, who would have supported them But when it comes to Muslim refugees, it's no questions asked and they will be released to the public. And there will likely be dangerous radicals among them. Since the administration is still trying to convince Americans that Muslims are good and peaceful, they will never admit to the human scum among them.

Some Muslims are bitching about the aid they are given. They refuse to eat the meals provided by the Red Cross because the boxes have the Red Cross symbol on them. Fuck them. We shouldn't cater to them and bend over for every little demand. If they are hungry, they'll eat and they can thank the Red Cross instead of insulting the symbol. Or they can bitch and starve. Can't make them eat, but if the food is offered and they turn it down, it's their own damn fault they go hungry. And in some countries the people are expected to change to please the Muslim refugees. Women are supposed to dress very conservatively so as not to confuse the men. Wouldn't it be easier to address the men and explain that in other countries women have freedom and aren't forced to wear ugly burkas and cover their bodies from head to toe? Not everyone is Muslim and they need to respect that. Raping, beheading, tossing people off rooftops and treating women like property are not allowed. If they don't understand that or are unwilling to abide by the laws, they are free to return to the shithole they came from.

What we need to do is have a stern talk with any immigrants/refugees/illegal immigrants and tell them straight up that they will abide by our laws or they are out. We should tell them that freedom of speech means that some will be outspoken about their views regarding all religions and that being offended is not an excuse to attack or kill people. We should openly and firmly condemn any violence in the name of religion and let all know that no violence will be tolerated. We won't censor ourselves or walk on eggshells for people who lack common sense and tolerance. If you are offended by our freedoms, our customs or our flag, you have two choices: Suck it up or get the hell out.

Our laws say that driver's license photos must show your face. Don't want to show your face, then you will not have the privilege of driving.

If those Christian refugees went to Mexico first and then walked through the southern border, would they receive all the same benefits that all the other illegal aliens get? None of the other non-citizens are deported, even big time criminals who have been convicted and deported numerous times in the past. Would the sanctuary cities help the Christian refugees fleeing the brutal torture of ISIS? Or is that liberal humanity we keep hearing about just a myth or it is selectively doled out only to those who are likely to support liberal views?

Obama usually doesn't care about the rule of law and thinks his trusty pen can override our constitution. Instead of saying that we should accept refugees who face certain death, Obama is only deeming the Muslims as bonified refugees. He treats the illegal aliens as 'undocumented Americans.' He sees the Christians fleeing the radical Muslims as criminals and treats them as such. Sonofabitch. Would helping those Christians offend the Muslims? Probably. We know Obama likes to play nice with the terrorists. He has shown nothing but tolerance for all the shithead radicals. It doesn't matter that Christians are facing certain torture and death. He does not want to help them. Never mind the illegal aliens (NOT refugees) who flood our borders on a regular basis and get all the help they could want. Christians fleeing the radical Muslims are not welcome and will be sent back to face their torture while the administration plans to import as many Muslims as possible. Why is the left being so cruel to Christians? Are you willing to sacrifice these Christians to avoid offending Muslims?

And why the hell aren't Muslim countries taking in refugees? Saudi Arabia has facilities to accommodate over a million people, yet they sit empty while the people are being sent across the globe. This only makes sense if you look at it from the terrorists point of view because they have said many times that the plan is to send their nasty members to countries that need to be converted. The first thing Muslims do when they get to a new country is bitch about how it's too different from theirr sharia law country. And the host countries too often make changes to try and please them. Of course, none will be truly pleased until every place on earth resembles the Muslim countries.

Muslim refugees welcome, Christian refugees not welcome. This is how Obama rolls.

" Why? Because the Department of State is adhering with all the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee status. The rapes of Christian women and the butchery of Christian children do not count. No matter how moved Americans were this Christmas season by the plight of their fellow Christ followers in Syria and Iraq, no matter how horrific the visuals of beheadings, enslavement, and mass murder, the Christians fleeing death do not engender the compassion of this president.

The Christians are being raped, tortured, and murdered by militias, not by the Syrian government. This technicality condemns them to continue to be victims without hope. And this technicality is being adhered to with all the tenacity with which President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s State Department manipulated quotas and created subterfuges to keep out the Jews fleeing the oppression of Nazi Germany. Obama no more wants the Middle East’s Christian refugees than Roosevelt wanted Europe’s Jewish refugees.

We have seen in the last several weeks that President Obama has no difficulty using his "phone and his pen," as he dramatically boasts, to circumvent the law. When it comes to immigration, he had no difficulty enacting an amnesty that a federal judge subsequently ruled unconstitutional. He has had no problem circumventing Congress to change the relationship with Cuba. This president has shown that he will push back on the constraints of law when he wants to get something done.

But there are not even such constraints when it comes to the Middle East’s Christians fleeing the brutality of ISIS and Al Qaeda. The Department of State chooses to adhere to a definition of refugees as people persecuted by their own government. What difference does it make which army imperils the lives of innocent Christians? Christians are still be slaughtered for being Christian, and their government is incapable of protecting them. Does some group have to come along—as Jewish groups did during the Holocaust—and sardonically guarantee that these are real human beings? "


Jail and deportation for Christian refugees-


"When the Islamic State group beheaded 21 Coptic Christians, for instance, Obama referred to them as "Egyptian migrant workers." He basically did the same thing when al-Shabaab executed 148 Kenyan Christians.

Furthermore, Obama recently decided to hold 27 Christian refugees hostage in a California detention center rather than release them to their families, who for the record were ready and willing to sponsor them.

Yet Obama continually allows both Muslim refugees and illegal immigrants to walk freely in our communities."

Obama is doing what a muslim would do.

What's Obamas middle name again?
That's a pretty long diatribe that's much ado about nothing.

Syrian refugees include Muslims, Christians, Druze, and a number of little known religious minorities like Azidi's. I can't find anything that indicates there will a religious weeding out.

Where are you pulling this crap from?
While Obama wants more Muslim refugees, without any way to vet them, he has been cruel to the Christian refugees escaping from the vile radicals who will torture and behead them. They were held, then deported and the administration refused to release them to family members here, who would have supported them But when it comes to Muslim refugees, it's no questions asked and they will be released to the public. And there will likely be dangerous radicals among them. Since the administration is still trying to convince Americans that Muslims are good and peaceful, they will never admit to the human scum among them.

Some Muslims are bitching about the aid they are given. They refuse to eat the meals provided by the Red Cross because the boxes have the Red Cross symbol on them. Fuck them. We shouldn't cater to them and bend over for every little demand. If they are hungry, they'll eat and they can thank the Red Cross instead of insulting the symbol. Or they can bitch and starve. Can't make them eat, but if the food is offered and they turn it down, it's their own damn fault they go hungry. And in some countries the people are expected to change to please the Muslim refugees. Women are supposed to dress very conservatively so as not to confuse the men. Wouldn't it be easier to address the men and explain that in other countries women have freedom and aren't forced to wear ugly burkas and cover their bodies from head to toe? Not everyone is Muslim and they need to respect that. Raping, beheading, tossing people off rooftops and treating women like property are not allowed. If they don't understand that or are unwilling to abide by the laws, they are free to return to the shithole they came from.

What we need to do is have a stern talk with any immigrants/refugees/illegal immigrants and tell them straight up that they will abide by our laws or they are out. We should tell them that freedom of speech means that some will be outspoken about their views regarding all religions and that being offended is not an excuse to attack or kill people. We should openly and firmly condemn any violence in the name of religion and let all know that no violence will be tolerated. We won't censor ourselves or walk on eggshells for people who lack common sense and tolerance. If you are offended by our freedoms, our customs or our flag, you have two choices: Suck it up or get the hell out.

Our laws say that driver's license photos must show your face. Don't want to show your face, then you will not have the privilege of driving.

If those Christian refugees went to Mexico first and then walked through the southern border, would they receive all the same benefits that all the other illegal aliens get? None of the other non-citizens are deported, even big time criminals who have been convicted and deported numerous times in the past. Would the sanctuary cities help the Christian refugees fleeing the brutal torture of ISIS? Or is that liberal humanity we keep hearing about just a myth or it is selectively doled out only to those who are likely to support liberal views?

Obama usually doesn't care about the rule of law and thinks his trusty pen can override our constitution. Instead of saying that we should accept refugees who face certain death, Obama is only deeming the Muslims as bonified refugees. He treats the illegal aliens as 'undocumented Americans.' He sees the Christians fleeing the radical Muslims as criminals and treats them as such. Sonofabitch. Would helping those Christians offend the Muslims? Probably. We know Obama likes to play nice with the terrorists. He has shown nothing but tolerance for all the shithead radicals. It doesn't matter that Christians are facing certain torture and death. He does not want to help them. Never mind the illegal aliens (NOT refugees) who flood our borders on a regular basis and get all the help they could want. Christians fleeing the radical Muslims are not welcome and will be sent back to face their torture while the administration plans to import as many Muslims as possible. Why is the left being so cruel to Christians? Are you willing to sacrifice these Christians to avoid offending Muslims?

And why the hell aren't Muslim countries taking in refugees? Saudi Arabia has facilities to accommodate over a million people, yet they sit empty while the people are being sent across the globe. This only makes sense if you look at it from the terrorists point of view because they have said many times that the plan is to send their nasty members to countries that need to be converted. The first thing Muslims do when they get to a new country is bitch about how it's too different from theirr sharia law country. And the host countries too often make changes to try and please them. Of course, none will be truly pleased until every place on earth resembles the Muslim countries.

Muslim refugees welcome, Christian refugees not welcome. This is how Obama rolls.

" Why? Because the Department of State is adhering with all the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee status. The rapes of Christian women and the butchery of Christian children do not count. No matter how moved Americans were this Christmas season by the plight of their fellow Christ followers in Syria and Iraq, no matter how horrific the visuals of beheadings, enslavement, and mass murder, the Christians fleeing death do not engender the compassion of this president.

The Christians are being raped, tortured, and murdered by militias, not by the Syrian government. This technicality condemns them to continue to be victims without hope. And this technicality is being adhered to with all the tenacity with which President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s State Department manipulated quotas and created subterfuges to keep out the Jews fleeing the oppression of Nazi Germany. Obama no more wants the Middle East’s Christian refugees than Roosevelt wanted Europe’s Jewish refugees.

We have seen in the last several weeks that President Obama has no difficulty using his "phone and his pen," as he dramatically boasts, to circumvent the law. When it comes to immigration, he had no difficulty enacting an amnesty that a federal judge subsequently ruled unconstitutional. He has had no problem circumventing Congress to change the relationship with Cuba. This president has shown that he will push back on the constraints of law when he wants to get something done.

But there are not even such constraints when it comes to the Middle East’s Christians fleeing the brutality of ISIS and Al Qaeda. The Department of State chooses to adhere to a definition of refugees as people persecuted by their own government. What difference does it make which army imperils the lives of innocent Christians? Christians are still be slaughtered for being Christian, and their government is incapable of protecting them. Does some group have to come along—as Jewish groups did during the Holocaust—and sardonically guarantee that these are real human beings? "


Jail and deportation for Christian refugees-


"When the Islamic State group beheaded 21 Coptic Christians, for instance, Obama referred to them as "Egyptian migrant workers." He basically did the same thing when al-Shabaab executed 148 Kenyan Christians.

Furthermore, Obama recently decided to hold 27 Christian refugees hostage in a California detention center rather than release them to their families, who for the record were ready and willing to sponsor them.

Yet Obama continually allows both Muslim refugees and illegal immigrants to walk freely in our communities."


They create the monsters with their terrorist creating mosques....they don't want those monsters in their countries...
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

I didn't say he didn't support muslim terrorists, I simply stated that he isn't a muslim, he is an atheist. He supports them because they are from the 3rd world and he thinks the U.S. is to blame for all of their problems...so he is going to give them a leg up.....
That's a pretty long diatribe that's much ado about nothing.

Syrian refugees include Muslims, Christians, Druze, and a number of little known religious minorities like Azidi's. I can't find anything that indicates there will a religious weeding out.

Where are you pulling this crap from?

Look what happened to the Christian refugees who came here. They are treated much different than Muslims.
We helped create the shit show in The Middle East so we should help settle some of refugees that want to live in peace, regardless of their faith.
While Obama wants more Muslim refugees, without any way to vet them, he has been cruel to the Christian refugees escaping from the vile radicals who will torture and behead them. They were held, then deported and the administration refused to release them to family members here, who would have supported them But when it comes to Muslim refugees, it's no questions asked and they will be released to the public. And there will likely be dangerous radicals among them. Since the administration is still trying to convince Americans that Muslims are good and peaceful, they will never admit to the human scum among them.

Some Muslims are bitching about the aid they are given. They refuse to eat the meals provided by the Red Cross because the boxes have the Red Cross symbol on them. Fuck them. We shouldn't cater to them and bend over for every little demand. If they are hungry, they'll eat and they can thank the Red Cross instead of insulting the symbol. Or they can bitch and starve. Can't make them eat, but if the food is offered and they turn it down, it's their own damn fault they go hungry. And in some countries the people are expected to change to please the Muslim refugees. Women are supposed to dress very conservatively so as not to confuse the men. Wouldn't it be easier to address the men and explain that in other countries women have freedom and aren't forced to wear ugly burkas and cover their bodies from head to toe? Not everyone is Muslim and they need to respect that. Raping, beheading, tossing people off rooftops and treating women like property are not allowed. If they don't understand that or are unwilling to abide by the laws, they are free to return to the shithole they came from.

What we need to do is have a stern talk with any immigrants/refugees/illegal immigrants and tell them straight up that they will abide by our laws or they are out. We should tell them that freedom of speech means that some will be outspoken about their views regarding all religions and that being offended is not an excuse to attack or kill people. We should openly and firmly condemn any violence in the name of religion and let all know that no violence will be tolerated. We won't censor ourselves or walk on eggshells for people who lack common sense and tolerance. If you are offended by our freedoms, our customs or our flag, you have two choices: Suck it up or get the hell out.

Our laws say that driver's license photos must show your face. Don't want to show your face, then you will not have the privilege of driving.

If those Christian refugees went to Mexico first and then walked through the southern border, would they receive all the same benefits that all the other illegal aliens get? None of the other non-citizens are deported, even big time criminals who have been convicted and deported numerous times in the past. Would the sanctuary cities help the Christian refugees fleeing the brutal torture of ISIS? Or is that liberal humanity we keep hearing about just a myth or it is selectively doled out only to those who are likely to support liberal views?

Obama usually doesn't care about the rule of law and thinks his trusty pen can override our constitution. Instead of saying that we should accept refugees who face certain death, Obama is only deeming the Muslims as bonified refugees. He treats the illegal aliens as 'undocumented Americans.' He sees the Christians fleeing the radical Muslims as criminals and treats them as such. Sonofabitch. Would helping those Christians offend the Muslims? Probably. We know Obama likes to play nice with the terrorists. He has shown nothing but tolerance for all the shithead radicals. It doesn't matter that Christians are facing certain torture and death. He does not want to help them. Never mind the illegal aliens (NOT refugees) who flood our borders on a regular basis and get all the help they could want. Christians fleeing the radical Muslims are not welcome and will be sent back to face their torture while the administration plans to import as many Muslims as possible. Why is the left being so cruel to Christians? Are you willing to sacrifice these Christians to avoid offending Muslims?

And why the hell aren't Muslim countries taking in refugees? Saudi Arabia has facilities to accommodate over a million people, yet they sit empty while the people are being sent across the globe. This only makes sense if you look at it from the terrorists point of view because they have said many times that the plan is to send their nasty members to countries that need to be converted. The first thing Muslims do when they get to a new country is bitch about how it's too different from theirr sharia law country. And the host countries too often make changes to try and please them. Of course, none will be truly pleased until every place on earth resembles the Muslim countries.

Muslim refugees welcome, Christian refugees not welcome. This is how Obama rolls.

" Why? Because the Department of State is adhering with all the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee status. The rapes of Christian women and the butchery of Christian children do not count. No matter how moved Americans were this Christmas season by the plight of their fellow Christ followers in Syria and Iraq, no matter how horrific the visuals of beheadings, enslavement, and mass murder, the Christians fleeing death do not engender the compassion of this president.

The Christians are being raped, tortured, and murdered by militias, not by the Syrian government. This technicality condemns them to continue to be victims without hope. And this technicality is being adhered to with all the tenacity with which President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s State Department manipulated quotas and created subterfuges to keep out the Jews fleeing the oppression of Nazi Germany. Obama no more wants the Middle East’s Christian refugees than Roosevelt wanted Europe’s Jewish refugees.

We have seen in the last several weeks that President Obama has no difficulty using his "phone and his pen," as he dramatically boasts, to circumvent the law. When it comes to immigration, he had no difficulty enacting an amnesty that a federal judge subsequently ruled unconstitutional. He has had no problem circumventing Congress to change the relationship with Cuba. This president has shown that he will push back on the constraints of law when he wants to get something done.

But there are not even such constraints when it comes to the Middle East’s Christians fleeing the brutality of ISIS and Al Qaeda. The Department of State chooses to adhere to a definition of refugees as people persecuted by their own government. What difference does it make which army imperils the lives of innocent Christians? Christians are still be slaughtered for being Christian, and their government is incapable of protecting them. Does some group have to come along—as Jewish groups did during the Holocaust—and sardonically guarantee that these are real human beings? "


Jail and deportation for Christian refugees-


"When the Islamic State group beheaded 21 Coptic Christians, for instance, Obama referred to them as "Egyptian migrant workers." He basically did the same thing when al-Shabaab executed 148 Kenyan Christians.

Furthermore, Obama recently decided to hold 27 Christian refugees hostage in a California detention center rather than release them to their families, who for the record were ready and willing to sponsor them.

Yet Obama continually allows both Muslim refugees and illegal immigrants to walk freely in our communities."


Most of the Illegal aliens from Latin America are Christian refugees from the violence in Latin America.

Aren't you also complaining that Obama is not deporting those Christian refugees?
We helped create the shit show in The Middle East so we should help settle some of refugees that want to live in peace, regardless of their faith.
The middle east has always been a shithole and where they go will turn into a shithole too
Why would we need to bring them here instead of giving them a few bucks to let them relocate to Iraq, Kurdistan, AFG, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, or even to the oil-rich money bag countries in the ME?? Then on second thought, the women and kids should relocate while the young males are given guns and shipped to the Kurds to help fight for their homeland. There is absolutely no reason to bring any of those potential terrorists here to the US.
Here's why. and for Obama if it can hurt us he's all for it. other Muslims know they won't assimilate, but this is what Obama's counting on. the more chaos and Fighting he can have between the people in the country. He sees it as benefiting this Government and especially his dirty rotten party . people need to wake up to this man. he is out TO HURT US

Kuwaiti Politician Explains Why Rich Muslim States Won’t Accept Syrian Refugees (Video)

Jim Hoft Sep 11th, 2015 7:39 pm

350,000 migrants have fled to Europe this year.
Almost 50,000 asylum-seekers reached Greece in July alone.

But the wealthiest Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have accepted NO SYRIAN REFUGEES!

** The wealthiest Gulf nations argue that accepting large numbers of Syrian refugees is a serious threat to the safety of its citizens because terrorists could hide themselves among civilians.

A Kuwaiti politician appeared on Middle East television and explained why the Gulf States won’t accept Syrian refugees-
— They come from different cultures and won’t assimilate.

all of it here:
Kuwaiti Politician Explains Why Rich Muslim States Won't Accept Syrian Refugees (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
Here's why. and for Obama if it can hurt us he's all for it. other Muslims know they won't assimilate, but this is what Obama's counting on. the more chaos and Fighting he can have between the people in the country. He sees it as benefiting this Government and especially his dirty rotten party . people need to wake up to this man. he is out TO HURT US

Kuwaiti Politician Explains Why Rich Muslim States Won’t Accept Syrian Refugees (Video)

Jim Hoft Sep 11th, 2015 7:39 pm

350,000 migrants have fled to Europe this year.
Almost 50,000 asylum-seekers reached Greece in July alone.

But the wealthiest Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have accepted NO SYRIAN REFUGEES!

** The wealthiest Gulf nations argue that accepting large numbers of Syrian refugees is a serious threat to the safety of its citizens because terrorists could hide themselves among civilians.

A Kuwaiti politician appeared on Middle East television and explained why the Gulf States won’t accept Syrian refugees-
— They come from different cultures and won’t assimilate.

all of it here:
Kuwaiti Politician Explains Why Rich Muslim States Won't Accept Syrian Refugees (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

And coming here means an even bigger difference in culture. I hate the way we are always expect to change some things to accommodate them. Huge threat to people who like their freedom of speech when it comes to religions.

And when people get killed for offending the radicals, the liberal politicians shake their finger at the victims and blame them for not being ultra sensitive to people who can' tolerate the fact that non-Muslims exist.

Other Muslim countries know full well that the jihadists will pretend to be Syrians and sneak into countries. Obama must know this, too, but he doesn't object.

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