Why aren't Presidents Required to Serve in the Military to be President?

I like the Starship Trooper model. Only those who served their country can be citizens.

Of course the original idea by our Founding Fathers would have been the best. Only White land owning males would be allowed to vote.

Sexist, racist and elitist in one fell swoop.

What a fucking monumentally worthless person you must be.
At a minimum no person that is getting any kind of government welfare should be allowed to vote.

Having the ability to vote to have the government steal stuff on your behalf is against the best interest of the country.
Yes we were.
First of all we had illegally limited Japan's military size, forced all of the trade partners of Japan into bad deals, and then we cut off Japan from the iron, oil, coal, and food it needed.
As for December 7, 1941, it was the US that fired the first shots.
The USN Ward Destroyer sank a Japanese minisub early in the morning, many hours before the Japanese attack.
That means the claim it was a "sneak attack" was a lie.
We had decoded all the messages and knew exactly when and where, and deliberately allowed the attack to take place.
Newsflash, the Japanese Navy was already close to Hawaii for "the attack," so sinking the Japanese first, was irrelevant as the attack on Pearl Harbor was going to happen even if there was no minisub. As for "limiting" the size if the Japanese military, that was part of a series of treaties in the 1920's which Japan signed on to, the reason being an effort to reduce the likelihood of conflict "in that region, however, it was only on paper, the U.S. actually turned a blind eye to Japan's military build up, which Japan wanted to do to create a British style empire in the Asia pacific theater, as it was resource poor. The U.S. also ignored the Japanese invasion of China until the Japanese began murdering women and children, which the U.S. strenuously objected to. The U.S. sided with China when Japan's barbarity became clear and pulled out of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with Japan. As Japan continued its carnage throughout China, the U.S. in 1940, declared a partial embargo of oil, gasoline and metals to Japan. In mid-1941 the U.S., initiated a "full" embargo on Japan, as well as seizing its assets, in an attempt to reign them in on their aggression. Japan, feeling they were forced up against a wall by the U.S., sided with the Nazi/Fascist powers and made plans to do a quick surprise attack on Pearl Harbor when all of the U.S. Pacific fleet was harbored in Pearl Harbor, in an effort to enlarge their territorial control in the Asia Pacific theater.
In my opinion it should be illegal. Don't get why it isn't. Granted, all these life time loser politicians would probably find a way around it anyway.
I am pretty sure our second and third presidents never did military service.
I am pretty sure our second and third presidents never did military service.
Jefferson was a Colonel as were Madison and Monroe. Neither of the Adams' were ever in the Armed Services. Of the first 26 all but 5 had served in the military.
Jefferson was a Colonel as were Madison and Monroe. Neither of the Adams' were ever in the Armed Services. Of the first 26 all but 5 had served in the military.
Jefferson never served. He was in the government and then governor of Virginia during the Revolutionary war. Not sure about Madison and Monroe.
Jefferson never served. He was in the government and then governor of Virginia during the Revolutionary war. Not sure about Madison and Monroe.
He was a Colonel in the Ablemarle County Regiment of the Virginia Militia.

Madison Colonel Orange County Virginia Militia
Monroe Colonel Virginia Militia
I don’t give a rip about you or your dopey trolling

You just said you do since it was so important to tell me that.

Here's the secret to not giving a rip, you are too busy not giving a rip to need to tell people you don't give a rip.

Rookie, what a moron
It seems backward to me that military service seems to be something some here want though that is blatantly against the spirit of the constitution as outlined by White but no one ever says they should be required to be a governor first. The ONLY job in the US that actually directly relates in terms of experience for the job.

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