Why aren't the Republicans in Congress trying to impeach the fake president?

They will not be able to stop it in the House. It only requires a simple majority and the Rs look to be winning in historic numbers this November.
The the Republicans should wait until after the November elections to do it...
The scum who executed the coup. Try it again and the reaction on 1/6 will look like a pillow fight in comparison. You people need to wake up and understand that the fact that you believe what your media is saying, does NOT serve to compel millions of other Americans to accept it. Do you get that? If another election has the same problems that 2020 had, it isn't going to matter how much you believe your media. This nation is going to come to blows OR we'll see a wave of civil disobedience so widespread that even our military and law enforcement will have no power to stop it.

Frankly, I see your party resorting to civil conflict in every state they control unless a D wins in '24. This nation has always been based on a common acceptance of the rules. When that is no longer the case, the power of government ends.
I see, you gonna pull another putsch and get yer ass kicked, again?
The last Rasmussen poll showed generic Democrats with about 25% support from Independents. That's the only number that really matters but when you factor in the growing numbers of Hispanics and young voters who are turning away from your party, "bloodbath" may be a kind description for what's inbound for you in November.
I give the Dems and Repubs zero percent chance of getting my vote because they both suck equally. Nothing changes with these stale turds.
I see, you gonna pull another putsch and get yer ass kicked, again?
Did you see the words "civil disobedience"? That means that once the respect for electoral results is gone, so is the authority to impose legal sanctions. Unless you think you have enough cops and soldiers to compel compliance.
again, i had momentarily forgotten that... but also.. it's not like I would like 2 see that because I know it would be... "justice" somehow...

I know it wouldn't go anywhere. It's just that the dims need to know that sometimes... Rs will fight fire w/ fire... but they obviously do not alwayss want to do that... :(
Much like when the dims opened the nuclear option regarding court appointees, they will live to regret politicizing impeachments. I hope the repubs impeach biden and harris repeatedly, for silly things like phone calls and calling for peaceful protests.
No, it actually doesn't. If 2/3 of Senators want to remove a sitting president for political reasons alone, they CAN do so and there is no appeal to any court. The Chief Justice in such a trial is in a purely functionary role. He has no power to decide anything.
The court is the Senate which needs evidence to convict and political power.
I'm just not a fan of doing it for show. There's no point to it. I would much rather see the Republicans wait until their efforts will be rewarded...
assuming that time will come?

these days, I don't know what the hell to think..........

I mean, everything is wacky... elections... you name it... America appears to be gone..
Did you see the words "civil disobedience"? That means that once the respect for electoral results is gone, so is the authority to impose legal sanctions. Unless you think you have enough cops and soldiers to compel compliance.
There is nothing civil over your singed delicacies of being a poor loser.
Because they do not control the house and could never geet it by Pelosi, but their time in the majority is coming to an end.
Is that right? There were over 900 such people and no court would allow them to be examined. They risked perjury charges and NO COURT WOULD TAKE UP THEIR CASE. You folks need to wake up before '24. If your party tries this again, the country is going to fall apart. The idea that you can use legal sanctions against people who view your government as illegitimate, is ridiculous and you'll find out if you try it again.
The courts did not take up the election challenges because no one was willing to tell the big lie under oath or bring credible evidence of any wrongdoing. Apparently democrats are so good at election fraud no republican is smart enough to say exactly how Biden stole the election. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This baseless feeling Biden must have cheated is not admissible in court.
I give the Dems and Repubs zero percent chance of getting my vote because they both suck equally. Nothing changes with these stale turds.
Good for you. It isn't going to stop the power from changing hands though. At this point, if all the Rs do is stop the bleeding, that'd be enough for now.
I don't watch as much news as i once did... (sigh)

but I do follow news... Breitbart.. Fox... Newsmax

In any case, regardless of all that... Why aren't the Rs trying to impeach the faker in chief who actually IS guilty of something (as opposed to Trump whom they constantly attacked and vilified for no reason)

head scratcher..

any insights woiuld be appreciated (except those from lefties... too lacking in cred)
They need control of the House first. Do you really want Kameltoe as President?
because no one was willing to tell the big lie under oath
Are you familiar with what an affidavit is? All 900+ of those instruments left their signers open to a perjury charge. NONE OF THEM were accepted by a court to be investigated or disproven. NOT ONE.
Much like when the dims opened the nuclear option regarding court appointees, they will live to regret politicizing impeachments. I hope the repubs impeach biden and harris repeatedly, for silly things like phone calls and calling for peaceful protests.
i suppose it's a waste of time and money

I really don't know what the answer is to... the Swamp

seems things need to be "erased" and we need to start all over again... you know... go back to thedays of the Founders and... whatever.... seems hopeless..

human nature is disgusting... People are too greedy
The court is the Senate which needs evidence to convict and political power.
Cite the Constitution's wording for that. Impeachment AND removal are purely political. Granted, if the people see the removal as being unwarranted, it can cost the elected congress members their seats in the next election but that is also a political cost, NOT a legal power.
There is nothing civil over your singed delicacies of being a poor loser.
This coming from a party member who raised hell and broke laws for 4 years to reverse a legal election. Spare me your impotent outrage. We all either agree to the same rules and respect them, or we accept the loss of our system and the authority of an illegitimate government. It really is that simple.

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