Why aren't the Republicans in Congress trying to impeach the fake president?

Pretty sure even a republican majority will not move to impeach Biden without specific provable charges. The chief justice will refuse to preside over an impeachment trial based on nothing more than a partisan power grab.
That is exactly why Roberts refused to preside at Trump's 2nd impeachment trial
Turns out no one is willing to swear under oath the election was stolen. What does that tell you?
Is that right? There were over 900 such people and no court would allow them to be examined. They risked perjury charges and NO COURT WOULD TAKE UP THEIR CASE. You folks need to wake up before '24. If your party tries this again, the country is going to fall apart. The idea that you can use legal sanctions against people who view your government as illegitimate, is ridiculous and you'll find out if you try it again.
I don't watch as much news as i once did... (sigh)

but I do follow news... Breitbart.. Fox... Newsmax

In any case, regardless of all that... Why aren't the Rs trying to impeach the faker in chief who actually IS guilty of something (as opposed to Trump whom they constantly attacked and vilified for no reason)

head scratcher..

any insights woiuld be appreciated (except those from lefties... too lacking in cred)

Because it would be nothing more than a dog & pony. Whether it would be legitimate or not wouldn't matter. The democrats will never impeach Biden...
Because it would be nothing more than a dog & pony. Whether it would be legitimate or not wouldn't matter. The democrats will never impeach Biden...
yes, but that's kind of beside the point

they need to know that when they pull the fake, political impeachment trick... it may be deja vu some day...

u know... what goes around comes around....
Can't impeach the president just because you think he is doing a bad job. There has to be some sort of criminal statute you can point to and say he broke the law.
Uh... NO. The laws of the U.S. don't constrain the use of Impeachment at all. It is a PURELY POLITICAL EXERCISE. The "impeachment" is the equivalent of an indictment made by the House of Representatives and the Senate handles the trial. Any Republican from a true Red State that refuses to vote to Impeach Biden, will be primaried and removed in their next election.
What would they impeach him for?

I believe his handling of the debacle on our southern border should be enough. No Covid tests and no vaccines, while insisting that Americans adhere to whatever "feel good" measure he'd dream up next.

I also believe a strong case could be made for impeachment due to his bungling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Any way you slice it, the man has been an unqualified disaster as President. Jimmy Carter was George Washington compared to Biden...
I believe his handling of the debacle on our southern border should be enough. No Covid tests and no vaccines, while insisting that Americans adhere to whatever "feel good" measure he'd dream up next.

I also believe a strong case could be made for impeachment due to his bungling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Any way you slice it, the man has been an unqualified disaster as President. Jimmy Carter was George Washington compared to Biden...
Nope, the border laws were not broken. Afghanistan was not a great withdrawal and I have seen worse, Reagan didn't get impeached over losing 289 Marines in Lebanon so you are shit out of luck. You can't impeach a dude for poor performance, sorry.
Because it would be nothing more than a dog & pony. Whether it would be legitimate or not wouldn't matter. The democrats will never impeach Biden...
They will not be able to stop it in the House. It only requires a simple majority and the Rs look to be winning in historic numbers this November. I agree that there would never be a required 2/3 in the Senate but Biden will be impeached and his dereliction of duty and criminal behavior regarding corruption will be made available for the nation to see and judge. As such, it is well worthwhile to pursue Impeachment.
Uh... NO. The laws of the U.S. don't constrain the use of Impeachment at all. It is a PURELY POLITICAL EXERCISE. The "impeachment" is the equivalent of an indictment made by the House of Representatives and the Senate handles the trial. Any Republican from a true Red State that refuses to vote to Impeach Biden, will be primaried and removed in their next election.

No, they won't.

Yes, an impeachment is the equivalent of an indictment. But what good is going for an indictment if you know, before you ever file your first piece of paperwork, that a conviction will never happen? I guess you could say "Well, you do it to make it official", although that doesn't really really serve much purpose. This is not to say, at all, that I don't think Biden shouldn't be impeached; I absolutely believe he should be. I would just much rather see the Republicans wait until they actually have a shot at securing a conviction...
Because they don't have the votes to do it until next year. Be patient.
again, i had momentarily forgotten that... but also.. it's not like I would like 2 see that because I know it would be... "justice" somehow...

I know it wouldn't go anywhere. It's just that the dims need to know that sometimes... Rs will fight fire w/ fire... but they obviously do not alwayss want to do that... :(
No, they won't.

Yes, an impeachment is the equivalent of an indictment. But what good is going for an indictment if you know, before you ever file your first piece of paperwork, that a conviction will never happen? I guess you could say "Well, you do it to make it official", although that doesn't really really serve much purpose. This is not to say, at all, that I don't think Biden shouldn't be impeached; I absolutely believe he should be. I would just much rather see the Republicans wait until they actually have a shot at securing a conviction...
yes, that would be good but if it never happens?

I tend to think that we should show the dims that if you do such and such... beware... we will do it to you...

not saying that is always wise policy but I am tired of wimpy Rs... rinos...
Nope, the border laws were not broken.

His administration is not only allowing illegal aliens to enter the country, they're complicit in it...

Afghanistan was not a great withdrawal and I have seen worse,

Really? When? Vietnam? As President, Joe Biden could fuck up a vacant lot...

Reagan didn't get impeached over losing 289 Marines in Lebanon so you are shit out of luck.

Well, if enough democrats felt it was warranted, maybe they should've done that.

But insisting that there be inaction now, simply because there was inaction then, is stupid...

You can't impeach a dude for poor performance, sorry.

Never said so. I believe Biden's conduct with regards to our southern border has been criminal. If it has not been, then let him defend his actions in a formal forum...
And just who are you going to declare war against?
The scum who executed the coup. Try it again and the reaction on 1/6 will look like a pillow fight in comparison. You people need to wake up and understand that the fact that you believe what your media is saying, does NOT serve to compel millions of other Americans to accept it. Do you get that? If another election has the same problems that 2020 had, it isn't going to matter how much you believe your media. This nation is going to come to blows OR we'll see a wave of civil disobedience so widespread that even our military and law enforcement will have no power to stop it.

Frankly, I see your party resorting to civil conflict in every state they control unless a D wins in '24. This nation has always been based on a common acceptance of the rules. When that is no longer the case, the power of government ends.
yes, that would be good but if it never happens?

I tend to think that we should show the dims that if you do such and such... beware... we will do it to you...

not saying that is always wise policy but I am tired of wimpy Rs... rinos...

I'm just not a fan of doing it for show. There's no point to it. I would much rather see the Republicans wait until their efforts will be rewarded...
Maybe, maybe not.
The last Rasmussen poll showed generic Democrats with about 25% support from Independents. That's the only number that really matters but when you factor in the growing numbers of Hispanics and young voters who are turning away from your party, "bloodbath" may be a kind description for what's inbound for you in November.

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