Why Biden Is Going To Win the 2024 Election....In One Chart

Biden doesn't have to cheat. He will kick the shit out of Trump again without cheating, just like in 2020.

And your gomer ass will be getting comforting hand jobs from all of the other cry baby MAGA bitches on this board in November.
Well aren't you just quite the dumbass little nasty election year shill?

I'll be here if I can, trying to get your paycheck for shilling cut short as soon as fucking possible, Shitlord McAssFace.
Over 140 cops were seriously injured, goober traitor.

I thought you Nazi Repugs LOVED the cops??? So full of shit.

Too many have been arrested to count. You're not very good at debating, are you?

That's what happens when you are a total lightweight MAGA imbecile with no facts, no game, and no intellect.
guno! You're guno. "Trump The Mad King" guno. Rotsa Ruck! :04:

Thank you for your entertertainment over the years!
A "protest" with 140 seriously injured cops?? You're full of shit, as always.

I thought you MAGA fuckwads loved the cops.....did I mention you're full of shit already???

The attack on the Capitol says you're wrong, Kleetus.

So does Trump's fake elector scheme that he and several of his cronies are faces felony charges for.
That prosecutor has signed her own death warrant as far as her career goes. Her love-shack roommate being named Special Prosecutor is one of the worst conflicts of interest and ethics violation in the modern era! News today is that she had a convicted criminal working for her. Another fatal error to her job!
Even if all of this MAGA bullshit was true, it's still better than Trump ending American democracy.

You're so blinded by hatred for Democrats and liberals that you don't understand the threat posed to democracy by Trump.

Maybe you just don't care, either...as long as your team "wins".
What is this so-called threat to democracy that you libtards keep harping on? Why don't you ever spell it out? I know why! It is because you would be telegraphing every move you are making to steal the next election, ending democracy for one and all.
Even if all of this MAGA bullshit was true, it's still better than Trump ending American democracy.

You're so blinded by hatred for Democrats and liberals that you don't understand the threat posed to democracy by Trump.

Maybe you just don't care, either...as long as your team "wins".

Squeals the moron clamoring for vaxx mandates, lockdowns, censorship, gun control ad nausea.

Fuck you're stupid.
White college-educated voter turnout is far higher the last several years than white non-college educated voters, as this graph for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio shows.

Trump and the Republican Party can't win without white college-educated voters....and they have been losing them in DROVES in recent years.

The Democratic margin of victory among white college educated voters was about 15% in 2020 -- 57% to 42%. A 4% increase from 2016.

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If they vote for Biden they are either not American or uneducated.
Biden may not even make it to that election, tardo.

Do you seriously think he's mentally competent enough to lead The United States for 4 years right now?\

He's not, at all.
True but trump's in worse shape , his poor health habits, the legal challenges and he's almost as old as Biden plus he's nuts. If he keeps out of prison he might be able to run but who would want a devious criminal like him for president. There aren't that many crazy people in America that would make it possible.
How about violating his oath of ofice and going against the Constitution, because he provably has done that. :rolleyes-41:
That's more Trump's style. He always expressed contempt for the Constitution when he didn't get his way because it was either outright illegal and/ or unconstitutional. I believe he once said he's d get rid of it if he could. That 's exactly what dictators do.
Keep thinking that way. Those people are the ones seeing their mortgages skyrocketing, their salaries losing purchasing power by the day and about ten thousand illegal aliens being allowed into the country by Biden at their expense.
Not anymore, the economy has survived trump 's attempt to sabotage it. And it's only up for now. I'm not naive, bad times are coming. We must all be prepared as best we can be. Far too many bad actors with nothing better to do.
Over 140 cops were seriously injured, goober traitor.

I thought you Nazi Repugs LOVED the cops??? So full of shit.

Too many have been arrested to count. You're not very good at debating, are you?

That's what happens when you are a total lightweight MAGA imbecile with no facts, no game, and no intellect.
guno, Y U always gotta be so over the top?
But not for the rich , they're already paying nothing ; we don't want the government giving them money at our expense.
Who says?
It was trump's first time at sabotaging one ( Biden's) but we've already recovered and making real headway.
STFU goober.

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