Why Biden Is Going To Win the 2024 Election....In One Chart

He doesn’t have the proper temperament to be president, he doesn’t respect the separation of powers, he is a divisive person who will in no way help bring the country together, he has already has a chance and the voters rejected him. He should fade away gracefully and accept his defeat

That's an opinion. You have not told me anything he did as President that would justify your opinion.
That's an opinion. You have not told me anything he did as President that would justify your opinion.
You mean besides pointing out as president he had a terrible temperament for the job, didn’t respect the separation of powers, was a divisive person who was rejected by the voters. I get it you like the guy, ok good for you. I will not support someone like Trump for office
There is no doubt spending several years in an American university, will turn people in to leftist brainwashed idiots.
You mean besides pointing out as president he had a terrible temperament for the job, didn’t respect the separation of powers, was a divisive person who was rejected by the voters. I get it you like the guy, ok good for you. I will not support someone like Trump for office
I am going to need a little more specific examples of that. Take a few minutes and work hard and I am sure you will be able to half-truth or outright lie about something he did to piss in your cornflakes!
Here's the big question, who is doing the "Stealing" here, exactly?

The 1% who have 41% of the wealth did not perform the physical labor to create that wealth.
LOL so when you sell your house if I cut your lawn or painted your house I'm an equity owner and you are going to cut me a check at closing? I changed the oil in your car, I own a part of it? You parasites make it too easy to debunk your nonsense.
LOL so when you sell your house if I cut your lawn or painted your house I'm an equity owner and you are going to cut me a check at closing? I changed the oil in your car, I own a part of it? You parasites make it too easy to debunk your nonsense.

No, I will pay you a fair wage for your time and trouble, but I'd probably do those things myself because I'm pretty handy.

And have you ever been to a mechanic recently? Those guys are thieves.

But not as big of thieves as we have in the investor class.

So let's take 1000 investors and 1000 working folks of various skills and put them both on separate desert islands; which group do you think is going to build a functioning society,and which group will resort to cannibalism?
No, I will pay you a fair wage for your time and trouble, but I'd probably do those things myself because I'm pretty handy.

And have you ever been to a mechanic recently? Those guys are thieves.

But not as big of thieves as we have in the investor class.

So let's take 1000 investors and 1000 working folks of various skills and put them both on separate desert islands; which group do you think is going to build a functioning society,and which group will resort to cannibalism?
I'll make this simple for you, it's MY wealth so piss off home you can't have it and you are not entitled to it. Feel free to take all the risk and make all the sacrifice of starting your own business. Stop trying to justify mooching and stealing from other people.
Cops are NOT government officials. You could kill hundreds and it would not affect the person sitting in the White House or the President-elect.

How many were arrested that day? Not 2 years later!
More stupid ass MAGA gomer traitor crap. I already told your stupid fucking ass about the fake elector scheme and all of Trump's Repug bitches who have already pleaded guilty.

Fuck off, dipshit.
That prosecutor has signed her own death warrant as far as her career goes. Her love-shack roommate being named Special Prosecutor is one of the worst conflicts of interest and ethics violation in the modern era! News today is that she had a convicted criminal working for her. Another fatal error to her job!
Federal charges too, Admiral Dumb Fuck.
Did Putin invade Ukraine on Trump's watch? No, that was FJB.
Putin didn't want to do anything to possibly damage his relationship with Trump, since Trump was happily Putin's bitch for 4 years.

Putin got everything he wanted from Trump, so why rock the boat?

Putin had no such concerns regarding Biden, because he knows Biden doesn't like him.
What is this so-called threat to democracy that you libtards keep harping on? Why don't you ever spell it out? I know why! It is because you would be telegraphing every move you are making to steal the next election, ending democracy for one and all.
No more real elections in the future if Trump wins in November. We become Putin's Russia if Trump wins.

That is the threat to democracy that imbecile MAGA goobers such as yourself don't understand...or more likely, just don't care about.

There will never be an election in the future where Trump will believe that he lost fair and square. And his dumb fuck supporters, such as yourself, feel exactly the same way. Hence, what happened on Jan 6.

Trump will rig every future election so that he can win and his Repug lapdogs can win.
That case is, to use one of my old Navy terms, dead-in-the-water! The prosecutor will be removed shortly, and the case dropped.
Ain't happening, goober. Keep dreaming.

Willis' affair with the other prosecutor had no bearing regarding Trump's crimes. And the courts will see it the same way.
Squeals the moron clamoring for vaxx mandates, lockdowns, censorship, gun control ad nausea.

Fuck you're stupid.
Not as stupid as you, obviously.

You can do something about the dumb MAGA bullshit that you're whining about by voting. Your vote won't matter anymore if Trump wins.

But that's probably perfectly acceptable to you....most MAGA imbeciles want a Trump dictatorship.
They turned out to vote for "Uncle Joe"...he was supposed to be the middle of the road guy who was supposed to unite the country and be the adult in the room. Instead they got the guy that Obama warned us we shouldn't underestimate his ability to fuck things up! I think you're dreaming if you think Biden is going to turn out that kind of vote again now that he has to run on his record compared to Trump's. Things were better under Trump. They just were! People know it.
Nobody "knows" that, MAGA imbecile.

The main reason Trump lost in 2020 is that he couldn't tell the difference between his thumb from his dick when it came to the Covid disaster....and everybody could see that.

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