Why Biden Is Letting Oil Prices Soar

No, you are off by 25% AND in the wrong direction! Crude oil production dropped by over 3,000 barrels per day from December 2020 to January 2021 and is still 1,000 barrels lower than Trump's last month in office

Jan 2021 was Trump's last month in office. How is it so many of you people do not know this. you are the 2nd person today that did not know Trump was POTUS for most of Jan.

Trump was in office for 2/3 of the month of Jan. Thus I started with Biden's first full month.
A smart president -- one who understands geopolitical reality -- would ramp up domestic production to drive the energy segment of inflation down while simultaneously crippling Russia by decreasing its flow of hard currency. Russia at $95/barrel is rich. Russia at $40/barrel is poor.

Which would be better for America and the world?

Biden's legacy, if he succeeds, will be a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans and an increase in the power and influence of OPEC and other oil-rich states...like...oh...Russia!

Oops, you forgot to say what Biden could do to lower oil prices.
Jan 2021 was Trump's last month in office. How is it so many of you people do not know this. you are the 2nd person today that did not know Trump was POTUS for most of Jan.

Trump was in office for 2/3 of the month of Jan. Thus I started with Biden's first full month.
Funny how you Leftards know Putin and Islamos can increase production but Americans increasing production is impossible.
I’d hate for those 98 cents a gallon days to return!

So would our oil companies. it was those 98 cents a gallon days that got Trump to threaten OPEC and Russia into producing less oil....what a great idea that turned out to be
You can keep telling the lie, but no one is buying it. Just like your lie about vaccinated people being immune from Covid. It's dangerous propaganda.
actually it's useless propaganda. Colin Powell was all the evidence anyone needed to prove all of it fraudulent. all of it. Every single aspect of the hoax was exposed with old Colin's death.
The cost for renewable energy is overwhelming....so people are not going for it...so Biden must make gasoline more expensive than renewable energy....its like giving the people a monkey burn until we say uncle....our federal government is not our friend they are becoming our enemy within....

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