Why Biden Is Letting Oil Prices Soar

Pay less attention to the talking heads from both political party's There world view is to rake in more revenue for the corporations owners. Its less fun but do a little independent searching for Facts. And its not easy, but political propaganda only benefits politicians not us little guys,
I don't know about profits. What seems to be happening is that there is more demand than there was pre-pandemic, and supply still lags so .... prices go up. And now the EU is looking at turning off 40% of it's natl gas without an alternative in place .... although in 2014 they said they'd find an alternative ... and for four years the US sat on the sideline. So, prices will go up more. We could have had a pipeline from Israel to Greece and another ten LNG Carriers.
I don't know about profits. What seems to be happening is that there is more demand than there was pre-pandemic, and supply still lags so .... prices go up. And now the EU is looking at turning off 40% of it's natl gas without an alternative in place .... although in 2014 they said they'd find an alternative ... and for four years the US sat on the sideline. So, prices will go up more. We could have had a pipeline from Israel to Greece and another ten LNG Carriers.
Annual production was about 13 million bbl in 2019. It's about 11 million bbl today
A smart president -- one who understands geopolitical reality -- would ramp up domestic production to drive the energy segment of inflation down while simultaneously crippling Russia by decreasing its flow of hard currency. Russia at $95/barrel is rich. Russia at $40/barrel is poor.

Which would be better for America and the world?

Biden's legacy, if he succeeds, will be a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans and an increase in the power and influence of OPEC and other oil-rich states...like...oh...Russia!

You're making the mistake of assuming that Biden is making these decisions. The reality is that woke staffers in his administration make all the decisions. Biden just signs whatever is put in front of him. The staffers don't give a damn about what is best for America. They only care about their woke agenda.
Keystone XL is an export pipeline for Chinese tarsands from Canada to avoid taxes in the US. There's no benefit to US consumers.
Chinese tarsands from Canada? WTF is wrong with you/? The Chinese will ship tarsands to central Canada to be refined into crude upon which they would be piped to Houston to be refined into petrol?

Seriously, are you as senile as Biden, or as vacuous the energy export expert Hunter?
Chinese tarsands from Canada? WTF is wrong with you/? The Chinese will ship tarsands to central Canada to be refined into crude upon which they would be piped to Houston to be refined into petrol?

Seriously, are you as senile as Biden, or as vacuous the energy export expert Hunter?
Really? Then they have absolutely no need for keystone XL.
You're making the mistake of assuming that Biden is making these decisions. The reality is that woke staffers in his administration make all the decisions. Biden just signs whatever is put in front of him. The staffers don't give a damn about what is best for America. They only care about their woke agenda.
And you don't have a clue what is going on.
A smart president -- one who understands geopolitical reality -- would ramp up domestic production to drive the energy segment of inflation down while simultaneously crippling Russia by decreasing its flow of hard currency. Russia at $95/barrel is rich. Russia at $40/barrel is poor.

Which would be better for America and the world?

Biden's legacy, if he succeeds, will be a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans and an increase in the power and influence of OPEC and other oil-rich states...like...oh...Russia!

He is pushing people toward green energy
A bad economy is good for democrats
How many people will never understand that at all…

Most simple minded people will go off sound bites and believe that if they allow Biden and the Democratic Party to pass certain legislation then their lives will be better.

Biden made it very clear he want America off the Oil and the higher the price of oil the happier he is and why?

High oil prices bring strife and hardship and make it easier for him to argue for the green new deal because if oil prices were low then the American Public wouldn’t be easily swayed…

Now the diehard left will scream “ lie “ but you can already see them promoting green energy on this board, so in the end this is what Biden, Harris, AOC and the left want and they are giddy as hell!
What part of "you're an idiot" is it you don't understand? I mean sending tarsands to Central Canada from China makes sense.

You shouldn't be ab;e to vote. You're just too stupid,seriously!
Meathead, the Chinese have invested billions in Canadian tarsands and it's a loser. Didn't you know that?
How many people will never understand that at all…

Most simple minded people will go off sound bites and believe that if they allow Biden and the Democratic Party to pass certain legislation then their lives will be better.

Biden made it very clear he want America off the Oil and the higher the price of oil the happier he is and why?

High oil prices bring strife and hardship and make it easier for him to argue for the green new deal because if oil prices were low then the American Public wouldn’t be easily swayed…

Now the diehard left will scream “ lie “ but you can already see them promoting green energy on this board, so in the end this is what Biden, Harris, AOC and the left want and they are giddy as hell!
US producers are loving the high prices, but instead of investing in additional production, they are returning profits to shareholders. You should learn about the oil business.
When it comes to survival in a pure sense there are limits on shitting on people.
Keystone is more a political issue, both for its supporters and foes, than an actual energy issue. Personally, though, I'm more in favor of allowing private oil firms to build, so long as it's done to govt approved standards and not publicly financed.
What part of "you're an idiot" is it you don't understand? I mean sending tarsands to Central Canada from China makes sense.

You shouldn't be ab;e to vote. You're just too stupid,seriously!

That is not what he said. He called them Chinese tarsands from Canada because the Chinese own a good deal of the tarsands in Canada
A smart president -- one who understands geopolitical reality -- would ramp up domestic production to drive the energy segment of inflation down while simultaneously crippling Russia by decreasing its flow of hard currency. Russia at $95/barrel is rich. Russia at $40/barrel is poor.

Which would be better for America and the world?

Biden's legacy, if he succeeds, will be a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans and an increase in the power and influence of OPEC and other oil-rich states...like...oh...Russia!

So you're saying the President should take control of private businesses and their production capacity to serve his political needs?

How very Russian of you.
Annual production was about 13 million bbl in 2019. It's about 11 million bbl today

And the problem was that 2020 was in-between 2019 and now.

2020 is when the bottom dropped out of the US oil production. It is coming back. If we continue the growth rate of the past year we will be back to Trump's peak by Nov of this year
US producers are loving the high prices, but instead of investing in additional production, they are returning profits to shareholders. You should learn about the oil business.
Holy fuck!

And you should stop denying what Biden had said and is trying to do!

Didn’t Biden tell the nation during his Presidential run in 2020 that he wanted to get America off the oil?

My bet you will lie and deny like you have done on so many other damn things you pathetic piece of Trash!
So you're saying the President should take control of private businesses and their production capacity to serve his political needs?

How very Russian of you.
Sounds like a socialist or communist, doesn't he?

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