Why Biden Is Letting Oil Prices Soar

That makes you a typical lib

many of whom are so bad - not necessarily you - but others hate trump only for his NY personality
fuck you mac. I hated Trump because he's a crook, and I knew that in 1981. He's not a free market guy. He's a crook.

Neither are Red Bern nor the Squad, btw
It is my understanding there were a lot of environmental concerns with the project.
Wacko greenies have “environmental concerns” about everything

I seriously doubt if the Hoover Dam could be built today because of their obstructions
fuck you mac. I hated Trump because he's a crook, and I knew that in 1981. He's not a free market guy. He's a crook.
Even with your lib potty mouth you conform what I just said

He had good policies

you hated trump more than you love America
We are up 20% since the end of the 2020 plunge and the current rate of increase will be back to the peak of the Trump years by Nov of this year.

But these people are told the opposite and no amount of data or facts will ever deter them
You're very tenacious at trying to find the clean end of a turd, however futile. I'll give you that.
A smart president -- one who understands geopolitical reality -- would ramp up domestic production to drive the energy segment of inflation down while simultaneously crippling Russia by decreasing its flow of hard currency. Russia at $95/barrel is rich. Russia at $40/barrel is poor.

Which would be better for America and the world?

Biden's legacy, if he succeeds, will be a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans and an increase in the power and influence of OPEC and other oil-rich states...like...oh...Russia!

A smart president wouldn't make any moves with reserves until this Russia thing plays out: we my need the reserves... The pandemic and guys given up their trucks has caused the fast inflation: Biden had nothing to do with it.

For those of us who go back a while: it's all happened before when things got tough. OPEC brought us the oil shortages of the 70s, not Richard Nixon.
A smart president wouldn't make any moves with reserves until this Russia thing plays out: we my need the reserves... The pandemic and guys given up their trucks has caused the fast inflation: Biden had nothing to do with it.

For those of us who go back a while: it's all happened before when things got tough. OPEC brought us the oil shortages of the 70s, not Richard Nixon.
Brandon’s handlers intentionally created this entire thing to divert attention from his epic failures.
A smart president -- one who understands geopolitical reality -- would ramp up domestic production to drive the energy segment of inflation down while simultaneously crippling Russia by decreasing its flow of hard currency. Russia at $95/barrel is rich. Russia at $40/barrel is poor.

Which would be better for America and the world?

Biden's legacy, if he succeeds, will be a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans and an increase in the power and influence of OPEC and other oil-rich states...like...oh...Russia!

Biden is colluding with Russia now same as He, Obama and Clinton did during The Obama Regime. It's that simple.
No president sets the price of gas. The price of gas is set by WALL STREET. The Mercantile exchange, Stock traders dictate the price of gas & diesel.
I cannot help it if you find the truth to be objectionable, that is all on you.

you have been given the facts and the data to support them
No, I certainly haven't been given all the facts. I have been given the "facts" you selected. The fact is oil prices are skyrocketing. There is no clean end to the turd, sorry.
Pay less attention to the talking heads from both political party's There world view is to rake in more revenue for the corporations owners. Its less fun but do a little independent searching for Facts. And its not easy, but political propaganda only benefits politicians not us little guys,

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