Why Biden Is Letting Oil Prices Soar

In a capitalist economy, the President does not control the means of production. You seem to be asking for a dictatorship here. That would be socialism.

In a capitalist economy, which is what you claim you want, the owners of the companies control the prices.

So what's it gonna be? You can't suck and blow at the same time.
Good to know you’ll keep your fascist KKKanadian mouth shut when the next President removes all regulations on the oil industry since they don’t exist in your NAZI head.

Because Joe Biden MUST be an Aggie football fan.



Why else would he make it possible in this new NIL era to make Aggie alum FILTHY STINKING RICH so that Aggies pulled in THE GREATEST RECRUITING CLASS OF ALL FUCKING TIME???


Thanks, Joe.

With any luck at all they may actually win something meaningful finally.
Try last April, shitforbrains.
Market demand collapsed in 2020. That was world wide. This is not only about recovery there is a huge surge in demand. What makes you think that you have enough experience to know what is right for the oil business?
Name the oil companies that went broke last year. I’ll wait.
They avoided going broke reducing expenses and laying off workers. Do you think they can survive for long when their costs are higher than than their return on investment? You must be a socialist.
A smart president -- one who understands geopolitical reality -- would ramp up domestic production to drive the energy segment of inflation down while simultaneously crippling Russia by decreasing its flow of hard currency. Russia at $95/barrel is rich. Russia at $40/barrel is poor.

Which would be better for America and the world?

Biden's legacy, if he succeeds, will be a decrease in the standard of living for most Americans and an increase in the power and influence of OPEC and other oil-rich states...like...oh...Russia!

I'm not a Biden fan so much as a Trump foe, but Oil production has been increasing pretty steadily since the pandemic and lack of demand crushed the market price.

There's no way that the EU can lose 40% of its natl gas and not have an ecom nightmare. Putin's literally banking on the EU not forcing itself to accept that pain.
irony de jour

We are up 20% since the end of the 2020 plunge and the current rate of increase will be back to the peak of the Trump years by Nov of this year.

But these people are told the opposite and no amount of data or facts will ever deter them

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