Why Bother With a Milkshake When You Can Get Some Battery Acid

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The left adopting the tactics of radical Sharia Muslims. Is anyone REALLY surprised?

Ugly, NASTY tard

BBC Defends Comedian Who ‘Joked’ About Acid Attacking Right-Wing Politicians

The left adopting the tactics of radical Sharia Muslims. Is anyone REALLY surprised?

Ugly, NASTY tard

BBC Defends Comedian Who ‘Joked’ About Acid Attacking Right-Wing Politicians


You know they always think their deranged, violent fantasies are funny--like Kathy Griffin and the detached head. When the rest of the world doesn't laugh along they don't understand.

At root they're not funny, they're unhinged. Humor comes from joy, from an enjoyment of life. They have no enjoyment, just bitterness, envy and hate. So they scrape the edge of funniness but can never be truly as funny as comedians like Robin Williams or even edgier comedians who take serious shots but not out of true vindictiveness.

I mean look at this woman up here. Look in her eyes. She just hates. Hate is never funny.
This is a plot to let the government to get involve. So that they can censor who they want. Now the Dems are having the conservatives screaming for censorship. They are playing right into their hands. And now, when the report that they bring to Pres.Trump. That the report will say, that the people believe that loose lips sink ships. And so then that he will have to amend the first amendment. And the Dems has already started a committee on that subject. And since the Dema has already started one in the process. That Prres. Trump will have to use theirs to bring the nation together. So the conservatives better start ignoring things, and only focus on locking up the swamp creatures. These people has mastered deception for years. So y'all cannot compete with them that has a Ph.D on mind manipulation. The Dems even controls this guy's mouth. He cannot even open up his mouth, unless they say he can open it. First they buttered him up, by giving him a show on Netflix. But he didn't know that he has helped them to paint this image on him that he is the great manipulator. But now, they have him bent over, while they are ramming into his backside.

VIDEO: Roger Stone, "I Don't Get My News From CNN For The Same Reason I Don’t Eat Out Of The Toilet"

The left adopting the tactics of radical Sharia Muslims. Is anyone REALLY surprised?

Ugly, NASTY tard

BBC Defends Comedian Who ‘Joked’ About Acid Attacking Right-Wing Politicians


You know they always think their deranged, violent fantasies are funny--like Kathy Griffin and the detached head. When the rest of the world doesn't laugh along they don't understand.

At root they're not funny, they're unhinged. Humor comes from joy, from an enjoyment of life. They have no enjoyment, just bitterness, envy and hate. So they scrape the edge of funniness but can never be truly as funny as comedians like Robin Williams or even edgier comedians who take serious shots but not out of true vindictiveness.

I mean look at this woman up here. Look in her eyes. She just hates. Hate is never funny.

Before Michael Savage wrote his book I had come to the conclusion....the deeply left wing....are mentally ill.......

They suffer from what I call "Reality Dyslexia." For them, the truth is a lie, facts are fiction, Wrong is Right.....Evan Sayet, a conservative comedian has a youtube video that explains this in one of the best ways I have ever seen....

This is why, when they get total power in a country, it always ends up in mass graves.....

The left adopting the tactics of radical Sharia Muslims. Is anyone REALLY surprised?

Ugly, NASTY tard

BBC Defends Comedian Who ‘Joked’ About Acid Attacking Right-Wing Politicians


Well, milkshakes are pretty pathetic.

So you approve of harsher tactics ?

I'm just sayin milkshakes are pretty lame.

Of course you did have the Bernie supporter who went to the Republican baseball game with the rifle......was that lame?
When it comes to comedy I believe nothing should be off limits. With that said, can I get list of topics that comedians are not allowed to make jokes about?
Even milkshake is assault in this country. If they're not prosecuted for that, they feel emboldened to do far worse without consequences
When it comes to comedy I believe nothing should be off limits. With that said, can I get list of topics that comedians are not allowed to make jokes about?

Listen to Seinfeld, Chris Rock and the other comedians....they will talk about not being able to go to colleges anymore because of the SJW fascists.......
When it comes to comedy I believe nothing should be off limits. With that said, can I get list of topics that comedians are not allowed to make jokes about?
Cant yell "hi jack" in an airport even if you call it comedy.
When it comes to comedy I believe nothing should be off limits. With that said, can I get list of topics that comedians are not allowed to make jokes about?

Listen to Seinfeld, Chris Rock and the other comedians....they will talk about not being able to go to colleges anymore because of the SJW fascists.......

Rock may have a case, but Seinfeld using it as an excuse as he is terribly vanilla and his comedy bits are unoffensive to the point of almost being boring. The reason college students were not attending his show isn't b/c of some snowflake bullshit, it's b/c the tickets are super fucking expensive. He came to my university and the tickets prices were several hundred dollars. Sorry, I am not going to 300 bucks as a college student for a comedy act. I would spend that food, booze, and, school related incidentals.

Now can I get that list of topics that comedians are not allowed to make jokes about
The left adopting the tactics of radical Sharia Muslims. Is anyone REALLY surprised?

Ugly, NASTY tard

BBC Defends Comedian Who ‘Joked’ About Acid Attacking Right-Wing Politicians


You know they always think their deranged, violent fantasies are funny--like Kathy Griffin and the detached head. When the rest of the world doesn't laugh along they don't understand.

At root they're not funny, they're unhinged. Humor comes from joy, from an enjoyment of life. They have no enjoyment, just bitterness, envy and hate. So they scrape the edge of funniness but can never be truly as funny as comedians like Robin Williams or even edgier comedians who take serious shots but not out of true vindictiveness.

I mean look at this woman up here. Look in her eyes. She just hates. Hate is never funny.

Before Michael Savage wrote his book I had come to the conclusion....the deeply left wing....are mentally ill.......

They suffer from what I call "Reality Dyslexia." For them, the truth is a lie, facts are fiction, Wrong is Right.....Evan Sayet, a conservative comedian has a youtube video that explains this in one of the best ways I have ever seen....

This is why, when they get total power in a country, it always ends up in mass graves.....

Listening to this now, just got to the part about John Lennon's song Imagine. YES. I hate that song with an absolute passion
When it comes to comedy I believe nothing should be off limits. With that said, can I get list of topics that comedians are not allowed to make jokes about?

Listen to Seinfeld, Chris Rock and the other comedians....they will talk about not being able to go to colleges anymore because of the SJW fascists.......

Rock may have a case, but Seinfeld using it as an excuse as he is terribly vanilla and his comedy bits are unoffensive to the point of almost being boring. The reason college students were not attending his show isn't b/c of some snowflake bullshit, it's b/c the tickets are super fucking expensive. He came to my university and the tickets prices were several hundred dollars. Sorry, I am not going to 300 bucks as a college student for a comedy act. I would spend that food, booze, and, school related incidentals.

Now can I get that list of topics that comedians are not allowed to make jokes about

You don't understand....Seinfeld and Rock will not go to colleges anymore, dittos the other comedians .........

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