You Don't Have to Be a Bigot to Be Called a Racist Anymore

People are CONDITIONED to think a certain way about race. When one is comfortable and not stressed....sure race means nothing......but put in a survival situation and see what happens.

Remember when I said this very early in the thread? I'd mentioned that even children are indoctrinated very early in the education system to believe they are victims and are fighting to survive the world as a consequence of their color. Therefore, they develop arbitrary victim status before they ever reach the capacity to reason for themselves. This is carried with them through adulthood.
If someone held a gun to your head and told you to make a choice between two people and if you got it wrong they would blow your head off, which person would you pick. Black person and white person with no outward physical fitness difference. Pick who can run the fastest 60 meters. A black and Asian person. Pick who can solve this complex math problem. A black and white person. Pick who has a committed murder. Forced into making a split second choice......I bet you would find that race does make you think a particular way.

People are CONDITIONED to think a certain way about race. When one is comfortable and not stressed....sure race means nothing......but put in a survival situation and see what happens.

If someone held a gun to my head and required me to make any choice, I would do my best to attempt to take the gun from them and beat them senseless with it (which is in fact no guarantee I would be successful in the endeavor). It's always the choice you make that makes the difference, and I will not abide by your qualifiers. :21:
People are CONDITIONED to think a certain way about race. When one is comfortable and not stressed....sure race means nothing......but put in a survival situation and see what happens.

Remember when I said this very early in the thread? I'd mentioned that even children are indoctrinated very early in the education system to believe they are victims and are fighting to survive the world as a consequence of their color. Therefore, they develop arbitrary victim status before they ever reach the capacity to reason for themselves. This is carried with them through adulthood.

People are not indoctrinated.....they are conditioned by truth. Being told what happened and how this nation formed is not an indoctrination. Its an education. Not telling it is called the miseducation of the Negro.
If someone held a gun to your head and told you to make a choice between two people and if you got it wrong they would blow your head off, which person would you pick. Black person and white person with no outward physical fitness difference. Pick who can run the fastest 60 meters. A black and Asian person. Pick who can solve this complex math problem. A black and white person. Pick who has a committed murder. Forced into making a split second choice......I bet you would find that race does make you think a particular way.

People are CONDITIONED to think a certain way about race. When one is comfortable and not stressed....sure race means nothing......but put in a survival situation and see what happens.

If someone held a gun to my head and required me to make any choice, I would do my best to attempt to take the gun from them and beat them senseless with it (which is in fact no guarantee I would be successful in the endeavor). It's always the choice you make that makes the difference, and I will not abide by your qualifiers. :21:

It was a rhetorical question.....I already knew the answer.....using the same logic I used to know you take shits.
It was a rhetorical question.....I already know the answer.....using the same logic I used to know you take shits.

If it was rhetorical, then you still got it wrong if you thought it required anything other than the answer I gave, and there would be no need to clarify.
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People are not indoctrinated.....they are conditioned by truth. Being told what happened and how this nation formed is not an indoctrination. Its an education.

I see nothing wrong with how this nation was formed. In fact, one of the greatests gifts of government philosophy to the world is our system of checks and balances.

Why do you hate America? Why do you hate freedom?
If someone held a gun to my head and required me to make any choice, I would do my best to attempt to take the gun from them and beat them senseless with it (which is in fact no guarantee I would be successful in the endeavor). It's always the choice you make that makes the difference, and I will not abide by your qualifiers. :21:

Darn right.
It was a rhetorical question.....I already know the answer.....using the same logic I used to know you take shits.

If it was rhetorical, then you still got it wrong if you thought it required anything other than the answer I gave, and there would be no need to clarify.

No. I knew you would seek a path of misdirection and obfuscation. That is what people do when they are being evasive.
People are not indoctrinated.....they are conditioned by truth. Being told what happened and how this nation formed is not an indoctrination. Its an education.

I see nothing wrong with how this nation was formed. In fact, one of the greatests gifts of government philosophy to the world is our system of checks and balances.

Why do you hate America? Why do you hate freedom?

If how this nation was formed was so great.....why were not black people free? It was not great for black people. It was great for white males
It was a rhetorical question.....I already know the answer.....using the same logic I used to know you take shits.

If it was rhetorical, then you still got it wrong if you thought it required anything other than the answer I gave, and there would be no need to clarify.

No. I knew you would seek a path of misdirection and obfuscation. That is what people do when they are being evasive.

To make an arbitrary choice in regards to an attribute you could very well misidentify by attempting to use race as a qualifier, has the same chance of killing you, as the simple desire to defend yourself from race based foolishness. I will not be a slave to your desires, in any fashion.

It isn't obfuscation, it is the simple realization that your bullshit is bullshit.
If how this nation was formed was so great.....why were not black people free? It was not great for black people. It was great for white males

It wasn't formed on it. Slavery existed in colonial colonies prior to the formation of our Republic. These were true Africans. It did spill over, though, I'll give you that. We've since Amended and moved on.
It was a rhetorical question.....I already know the answer.....using the same logic I used to know you take shits.

If it was rhetorical, then you still got it wrong if you thought it required anything other than the answer I gave, and there would be no need to clarify.

No. I knew you would seek a path of misdirection and obfuscation. That is what people do when they are being evasive.

To make an arbitrary choice in regards to an attribute you could very well misidentify by attempting to use race as a qualifier, has the same chance of killing you, as the simple desire to defend yourself from race based foolishness. I will not be a slave to your desires, in any fashion.

It isn't obfuscation, it is the simple realization that your bullshit is bullshit.

Just so you know. I am not disputing your theory of color blindness and not placing judgement and value on color. If a new society was being formed absent history and currently an egalitarian society with the races living as socioeconomic equals, then what you say has merit. However, you can't, after 300 plus years of racism in this nation, and around the globe via colonization and imperialism, all of a sudden pretend not to see race and the different socioeconomic realities of race. Not seeing race does not fix the damage that accrued from 3 centuries of seeing race. Not talking about race and the history then provides no explanation for the observations of different socioeconomic realities between the races, which leaves people to assume that those doing better are "naturally" superior to those races doing poorly. If you target people into a have to target them out of it. If race was used to keep a group down, then race needs to be used to lift the people up. seems like common sense to me.
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If how this nation was formed was so great.....why were not black people free? It was not great for black people. It was great for white males

It wasn't formed on it. Slavery existed in colonial colonies prior to the formation of our Republic. These were true Africans. It did spill over, though, I'll give you that. We've since Amended and moved on.
Moved on from what? It created socioeconomic gaps and those gaps have never been closed.
Just so you know. I am not disputing your theory of color blindness and not placing judgement and value on color. If a new society was being formed absent history and currently an egalitarian society with the races living as socioeconomic equals, then what you say has merit. However, you can't, after 300 plus years of racism in this nation, and around the globe via colonization and imperialism, all of a sudden pretend not to see race and the different socioeconomic realities of race. Not seeing race does not fix the damage that accrued from 3 centuries of seeing race. Not talking about race and the history then provides no explanation for the observations of different socioeconomic realities between the races, which leaves people to assume that those doing better are "naturally" superior to those races doing poorly.

It goes back to the saying, "I'm not trying to hide something from you. There is nothing I need for you to see."

There is a difference in "pretending not to see" and "finding nothing of use in what you see". There is nothing our history has to offer me in regards to race, that should, or will have any bearing on where I want to go (outside of casting it aside), how I am going to get there, who wants to accomplish the same goals, and what we will find when we are finally shed of your foolish racial desires.
Moved on from what? It created socioeconomic gaps and those gaps have never been closed.

No, the socioeconomic gaps came in 1913 with the 16th Amendment, The Federal Reserve, and its collection wing, the IRS.

No...the gaps came when 90% of blacks were enslaved, kept from purchasing land, earning an income, accumulating wealth, learning to read, etc, while white had the freedom to do all these things. You have a hammer and all you are going to look for are nails. In other words, you will try to make everything a Federal Reserve issue. Yes, I know all about the FEDS, fractional banking, the Rothschild's, ect, etc. That coexisted with white racism and what was happening to blacks. Coincidence is not causation.
Just so you know. I am not disputing your theory of color blindness and not placing judgement and value on color. If a new society was being formed absent history and currently an egalitarian society with the races living as socioeconomic equals, then what you say has merit. However, you can't, after 300 plus years of racism in this nation, and around the globe via colonization and imperialism, all of a sudden pretend not to see race and the different socioeconomic realities of race. Not seeing race does not fix the damage that accrued from 3 centuries of seeing race. Not talking about race and the history then provides no explanation for the observations of different socioeconomic realities between the races, which leaves people to assume that those doing better are "naturally" superior to those races doing poorly.

It goes back to the saying, "I'm not trying to hide something from you. There is nothing I need for you to see."

There is a difference in "pretending not to see" and "finding nothing of use in what you see". There is nothing our history has to offer me in regards to race, that should, or will have any bearing on where I want to go (outside of casting it aside), how I am going to get there, who wants to accomplish the same goals, and what we will find when we are finally shed of your foolish racial desires.
Study: People are quicker to shoot a black target than a white target

Regardless, there are plenty of studies to show how people use race to make judgment subconsciously, even if they think they are not race conscious. I mean, there a plenty of people with addictions who don't even believe that they are addicted or have a problem. The mind has the ability to see what it wants to see.....and that is to see the self in a good way.

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