Why bother with conventions?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:

You have to admit that the DNC put on a boring if not bad showing.. Whereas the RNC started off with an optimistic bang and better showing...so far... We'll see what the next
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Problem is, Joe has nothing to move on to or back to. What, more laptop PC taped rehearsed speeches in his basement?

While Joe's speech writers focus on empty rhetoric, Trump and the GOP focus on accomplishment. For one thing, tonight, we got to see some of the many people Trump fought to bring home from hostage captivity from hostile foreign nations that no one even knew about because Donald never even told anyone.

Democrats work to collect votes.

Trump is off working for the American people.
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Problem is, Joe has nothing to move on to or back to. What, more laptop PC taped rehearsed speeches in his basement?

While Joe's speech writers focus on empty rhetoric, Trump and the GOP focus on accomplishment. For one thing, tonight, we got to see some of the many people Trump fought to bring home from hostage captivity from hostile foreign nations that no one even knew about because Donald never even told anyone.

Democrats work to collect votes.

Trump is off working for the American people.

Well. . . come on now, be pragmatic.

If you were a lefty, and you saw the DNC convention, and then saw the GOP convention. . .

Wouldn't you then demand an end to conventions?

I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Problem is, Joe has nothing to move on to or back to. What, more laptop PC taped rehearsed speeches in his basement?

While Joe's speech writers focus on empty rhetoric, Trump and the GOP focus on accomplishment. For one thing, tonight, we got to see some of the many people Trump fought to bring home from hostage captivity from hostile foreign nations that no one even knew about because Donald never even told anyone.

Democrats work to collect votes.

Trump is off working for the American people.

Well. . . come on now, be pragmatic.

If you were a lefty, and you saw the DNC convention, and then saw the GOP convention. . .

Wouldn't you then demand an end to conventions?

I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Problem is, Joe has nothing to move on to or back to. What, more laptop PC taped rehearsed speeches in his basement?

While Joe's speech writers focus on empty rhetoric, Trump and the GOP focus on accomplishment. For one thing, tonight, we got to see some of the many people Trump fought to bring home from hostage captivity from hostile foreign nations that no one even knew about because Donald never even told anyone.

Democrats work to collect votes.

Trump is off working for the American people.

Well. . . come on now, be pragmatic.

If you were a lefty, and you saw the DNC convention, and then saw the GOP convention. . .

Wouldn't you then demand an end to conventions?


You mean like how the left was FOR the electoral college until it didn't work their way and are now against it?
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Well the DNC convention was a flop, with no bounce for Biden/Harris, but the RNC convention was an amazing production of optimism, love of country and inclusion.

RNC Night 1 Is A Stark Contrast to DNC’s Low-T Zoom Meeting.
“That is no doubt due to the very real — and never talked about by the MSM — enthusiasm gap between the two parties. As we saw over and over last week, the Democrats aren’t really voting for Joe Biden, they’re voting against Donald Trump. People get more excited about the stomach flu than most Dems are about Grandpa Gropes right now.”

Herschel Walker​

Joe Biden wants to slam the COVID recovering US Economy with a $4T tax hike? Democrats really don't understand the American People.
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Its political theatre. There has not been a seriously contested GOP convention since 1976 (Reagan and Ford) or since 1980 for the dems (Carter, Kennedy). Its a political showpiece for both parties.
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Its political theatre. There has not been a seriously contested GOP convention since 1976 (Reagan and Ford) or since 1980 for the dems (Carter, Kennedy). Its a political showpiece for both parties.
So, watch something else. I'm enjoying the optimistic, bright, hopeful, message of inclusion to the beloved American People. There room for everyone in the GOP big tent, and no matter your race, sex or creed, you are welcome to your own thoughts and freely express them without threat of being canceled.

THE DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THIS AND THE MEDIA TREATMENT IS AMAZING: Trump and Obama about tied as ‘better president,’ but one-third call Obama ‘the worst.’
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:

Its a 4 day infomercial for political parties. That they happen every 4 years makes it palatable to me. I can't imagine why anyone watches them (regardless of party). The nominee is known well in advance. The "real work" is supposedly the party platform which goes from zero to being_ignored_by_the_candidate in about 2 seconds.
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Its political theatre. There has not been a seriously contested GOP convention since 1976 (Reagan and Ford) or since 1980 for the dems (Carter, Kennedy). Its a political showpiece for both parties.
So, watch something else. I'm enjoying the optimistic, bright, hopeful, message of inclusion to the beloved American People. There room for everyone in the GOP big tent, and no matter your race, sex or creed, you are welcome to your own thoughts and freely express them without threat of being canceled.

THE DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THIS AND THE MEDIA TREATMENT IS AMAZING: Trump and Obama about tied as ‘better president,’ but one-third call Obama ‘the worst.’
Just explaining to the other poster that if one was looking for serious political contest at a convention it has not happened in 40 years. Recently both parties try and showcase their best side.
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Seriously this shit is beyond exciting. I love the back-and-forth and you learn so much about new different people
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:

Its a 4 day infomercial for political parties. That they happen every 4 years makes it palatable to me. I can't imagine why anyone watches them (regardless of party). The nominee is known well in advance. The "real work" is supposedly the party platform which goes from zero to being_ignored_by_the_candidate in about 2 seconds.
Agree. There has not been a seriously contested convention since 1976 for the GOP and 1980 for the Democrats.
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:

Its a 4 day infomercial for political parties. That they happen every 4 years makes it palatable to me. I can't imagine why anyone watches them (regardless of party). The nominee is known well in advance. The "real work" is supposedly the party platform which goes from zero to being_ignored_by_the_candidate in about 2 seconds.
Agree. There has not been a seriously contested convention since 1976 for the GOP and 1980 for the Democrats.

I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:
Its political theatre. There has not been a seriously contested GOP convention since 1976 (Reagan and Ford) or since 1980 for the dems (Carter, Kennedy). Its a political showpiece for both parties.
So, watch something else. I'm enjoying the optimistic, bright, hopeful, message of inclusion to the beloved American People. There room for everyone in the GOP big tent, and no matter your race, sex or creed, you are welcome to your own thoughts and freely express them without threat of being canceled.

THE DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THIS AND THE MEDIA TREATMENT IS AMAZING: Trump and Obama about tied as ‘better president,’ but one-third call Obama ‘the worst.’
Just explaining to the other poster that if one was looking for serious political contest at a convention it has not happened in 40 years. Recently both parties try and showcase their best side.
Man, the GOP is sure presenting a much more optimistic message, filled with love for the American People.

'Free people with free minds': At RNC, Democrat Vernon Jones says more black voters ready to back Trump

“The Democratic Party does not want black people to leave their mental plantation. We’ve been forced to be there for decades and generations. I have news for Joe Biden, we are free, we are free people with free minds, and I’m part of a large and growing segment of the black community who are independent thinkers. And we believe that Donald Trump is the president that America needs to lead us forward,” Jones said during his speech, which aired Monday evening on the first night of the convention.

“This is no time for sleeping in the basement. Joe Biden has had 47 years to produce results. But he’s been all talk and no action," Jones said in reference to the former vice president’s time at his Delaware home because of the coronavirus pandemic.
CNN tries to be fair?

I had never considered the possibility.

CNN trying to be fair sounds a lot like my dog trying to fly.

While I write this Frick & Fredo it are attempting to tear Melania's speech apart and fallaciously attempt to fact check the speeches.
I'm chuckling at Lemon claiming foul that Trump used the naturalization ceremony of new Americans in the Second night of the Convention... Falsely claiming that Obama created a raging economy.
Wish I could yell at him the following:
This economy is definitely not Obama’s recovery
CNN tries to be fair?

I had never considered the possibility.

CNN trying to be fair sounds a lot like my dog trying to fly.

While I write this Frick & Fredo it are attempting to tear Melania's speech apart and fallaciously attempt to fact check the speeches.
I'm chuckling at Lemon claiming foul that Trump used the naturalization ceremony of new Americans in the Second night of the Convention... Falsely claiming that Obama created a raging economy.
Wish I could yell at him the following:
This economy is definitely not Obama’s recovery
Yep, two of the highlights of the night for me was when Trump had those people on to be welcomed as citizens of the USA, each carrying a little flag. Welcomed by the president! How cool. Tiffany is an odd speaker but I thought Melania did better than I expected. You don't get to see her talk that much.

The other thing that impressed me you probably didn't see because it was actually part of the PBS coverage was when they had this black democratic lady on talking about something, and she started talking about how the democrats try to make race an issue above everything else, and, THEY CUT HER OFF.

Classic democrat.

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