Why bother with conventions?

Why bother with conventions?

Because they show the tremendous contrast between the doom-and-gloom pro-domestic terrorist / violence socialist Democrats and the up-beat, hope-filled, 'the best is yet to come Republicans.
I can honestly admit I haven't watched 5 seconds of either boring convention. They UNINSPIRE me. When I see any news coverage of them the channel gets changed immediately. I am above the rhetoric.
I've been watching conventions from both party's for decades, they're nothing but overrated newscasts. The speakers shower their party's in lavish (and undeserved) praise, and bash the other side. The press coverage from both CNN and FOX is even worse, they try (and fail) to seem fair to both sides, but neither is very convincing. So, why bother with conventions? Just have the 2 candidates and their hand picked VP choices accept the nomination, make a short speech, and move on. Conventions? Yawn---! :dunno:

You have to admit that the DNC put on a boring if not bad showing.. Whereas the RNC started off with an optimistic bang and better showing...so far... We'll see what the next
And THAT is why the left is suddenly "bored" by the convention

Trump isn’t just running for re-election: The story he’s telling at the RNC is also about saving America from the race war that the left is trying to foment. The left wants it to be black vs. white, immigrant vs. native, etc. Trump’s making clear that it’s about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race. This is a huge, underappreciated — and very traditionally American — message. By promoting it at this crucial time, Trump is saving America.


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