Why Can’t Democrats Ever Understand?

layoffs=_big executive bonuses + capital gains.

i hope budwiser has not sent those clydesdales to the glue factory yet.

no one would know who that dylan person is if YOU GUYS had not made a big deal about it.
If nobody knows who he is then how’d he get his face on what was Americas largest selling beer can?
layoffs=_big executive bonuses + capital gains.

i hope budwiser has not sent those clydesdales to the glue factory yet.

no one would know who that dylan person is if YOU GUYS had not made a big deal about it.
Dylan was endorsed by The Biden Administration on national TV.
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"The Council, like all Americans, is grappling with undoing centuries of systemic racism and its permutations throughout our society. There will be no single law or no single budget that could possibly provide a single remedy this is an iterative process just like it is to get to where we are today, but moderate change is unacceptable. This budget reflects significant action and aligns with other sweeping reforms this committee has undertaken but it is also one piece of a movement to which everyone in government, including among executive branch agencies, must make aware of the change."
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“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Mr. White said. “We have young men wandering through the community with AK-47s, letting off 60, 90, up to 100 rounds — daily.”

First, I’m rather envious that they’ve got the money to shoot off so many rounds a day. Drug sales I guess.

Second, and most importantly, Democrats will never ever ever see the connection of these two events. They’re oblivious to it.

And should a Democrat ever in the unlikely event see the connection, they’ll do what I did and leave the Democratic Party.

You know what? I've been thinking on this more and more and the more I think on it the more I think defunding the police is actually a good idea. I mean if lefty laws and policies aren't going to prosecute criminals or keep them in jail after being arrested, then we are just wasting money having a police force at all. The left seem to be all for letting criminals run around loose and even Democrats are buying guns at a record pace to protect themselves, so let's save the money being used on having a police force and go back to being the wild, wild west, everyone being for themselves. Hopefully, the good guys will come out on top.
You know what? I've been thinking on this more and more and the more I think on it the more I think defunding the police is actually a good idea. I mean if lefty laws and policies aren't going to prosecute criminals or keep them in jail after being arrested, then we are just wasting money having a police force at all. The left seem to be all for letting criminals run around loose and even Democrats are buying guns at a record pace to protect themselves, so let's save the money being used on having a police force and go back to being the wild, wild west, everyone being for themselves. Hopefully, the good guys will come out on top.
Yep. Primary task for Police is to protect criminals. It won’t be pretty, and eggs will have to broken to make that omelette, but law will be forced without police.
Yep. Primary task for Police is to protect criminals. It won’t be pretty, and eggs will have to broken to make that omelette, but law will be forced without police.
I actually feel bad for the police. Why on Earth would someone want the shitty job of risking their damned lives every day arresting criminals who the leftists just let right back out on the street over and over and over again? The police know these criminals' names for God sake. And, on top of that, it doubly sucks for white officers because if you make the wrong split second decision the leftists are going to come after you and have you arrested and tried for murder. Black officers don't have to worry about that quite as much.
$568 million to run a tiny few blocks.
And while crime skyrockets Democrats demand to slash law enforcement and keep their pork socialist programs.

And now apparently according to this Dem people are firing hundreds of rounds off per night.

Not a problem. Ban private gun ownership, then we won't have people shooting off all those rounds.
If anyone is walking around firing 100 bullets at a time, they are carrying one of these:


So far, I haven't heard of that in the news, and I kinda think it would MAKE the news, kinda like a 1920s Tommy gun, so I'm calling bullshit. But how funny of DC to first cut millions from the police then rant about a crime wave they created and now want the national guard to protect them from?

If Washington DC cannot even control its own city, how the fuck does anyone suppose they can run the country much less the world?
The AK cartridge is no doubt superior to the 45ACP cartridge but I still like the looks of the ole "Chicago piano"!

I've only fired one full auto weapon & that was up @ a range in Alaska. It seemed easy to control so it must have been a .223 caliber cartridge. I could quickly see that one would need a progressive reloading setup to be able to play with a full auto & a BIGGER wallet to afford the full auto toys. I will stick with my clunky ole M-1 Garand & M-1 carbine as those old relics are EASIER ON THE WALLET!
How’s your banning of drugs going?

But thanks for validating how clueless Democrats are.
The statist left ban on morality is working out pretty good for population control, like from butchering babies in the womb to drug overdose related death & street violence in the big cities the over population problem in America is being checked!

"Statist left, don't leave sanity without them!"
And MAGA wants to defund the FBI
We want to take away any funds that are being used to violate our constitutional rights. Tax dollars should not be used for crime. Its weird that i even need to explain that.

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