Why "Cattle Battle" is a dangerous precedent; What will be next?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.
I think it was a good job they did. No matter how wrong Bundy is in the case, the BLM's over reach needed to be countered and it was. A potential WACO was averted, and no blood was shed. It was the best of all possible outcomes.
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.
I think it was a good job they did. No matter how wrong Bundy is in the case, the BLM's over reach needed to be countered and it was. A potential WACO was averted, and no blood was shed. It was the best of all possible outcomes.

It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.

Harry Reid was an idiot for saying that. I agree that, technically, it meets the definition of "terrorism" as far as using or threatening violence for political change or to resist government. BUT, I don't agree now that they were engaged in "terrorism". I think terrorism in this day is only those who target innocent people. Not that BLM was "guilty", but the protestors had a targeted group and a purpose meant only for them. I don't think that is "terrorism". Dumb. But not terrorism.
The next time the cowboys try a Tom Horn approach, they will be horned and gored by the feds.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

How do you ever leave your house? and why do you hate your fellow country men and women who was taking a stand against the THUGISH behavior of this government...
some of you make me ill siding with this government over the people in this country
It's good for the feds to eat a little humble pie.

No one was injured.

Perhaps there will be a little more common sense displayed in the future, and that would be a good thing IMO.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

How do you ever leave your house? and why do you hate your fellow country men and women who was taking a stand against the THUGISH behavior of this government...
some of you make me ill siding with this government over the people in this country

I don't. I love my countrymen. But I'm disgusted by the ones who wish to destabilize our civil society.

This government is "of the people". Everyone (on both sides) forgets that the government hires people from the general population; They don't anoint them from prominent families. Everyone who is a federal agent was once a regular kid, then a normal college grad, who just applied for a job.

Its why our government, for all its problems, is 100X better than the ones in Korea, China, Russia, Europe, Middle East, South America, Mexico, etc, etc, etc. People seem to forget THAT when they throw around phrases like "government thugs" and "bootjacks".
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

How do you ever leave your house? and why do you hate your fellow country men and women who was taking a stand against the THUGISH behavior of this government...
some of you make me ill siding with this government over the people in this country

I don't. I love my countrymen. But I'm disgusted by the ones who wish to destabilize our civil society.

This government is "of the people". Everyone (on both sides) forgets that the government hires people from the general population; They don't anoint them from prominent families. Everyone who is a federal agent was once a regular kid, then a normal college grad, who just applied for a job.

Its why our government, for all its problems, is 100X better than the ones in Korea, China, Russia, Europe, Middle East, South America, Mexico, etc, etc, etc. People seem to forget THAT when they throw around phrases like "government thugs" and "bootjacks".

Hitler's SS were just regular guys too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
The next time the cowboys try a Tom Horn approach, they will be horned and gored by the feds.

And that will mark the beginning of the end.

Hopefully someone less hotheaded than you is in charge.

Jake is a frothing fascist. He runs an Obama Truth Ministry and many of the progressive posters here report to him for their daily talking points

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Frank is a far right reactionary who gives not a darn about the Constitution or the rights of We the People, as he supports "limited" government will giving the corporatists everything.

You far righties and libertarians who despise the Rule of Law are losing. Always will.
How do you ever leave your house? and why do you hate your fellow country men and women who was taking a stand against the THUGISH behavior of this government...
some of you make me ill siding with this government over the people in this country

I don't. I love my countrymen. But I'm disgusted by the ones who wish to destabilize our civil society.

This government is "of the people". Everyone (on both sides) forgets that the government hires people from the general population; They don't anoint them from prominent families. Everyone who is a federal agent was once a regular kid, then a normal college grad, who just applied for a job.

Its why our government, for all its problems, is 100X better than the ones in Korea, China, Russia, Europe, Middle East, South America, Mexico, etc, etc, etc. People seem to forget THAT when they throw around phrases like "government thugs" and "bootjacks".

Hitler's SS were just regular guys too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Um...no. They were hand picked. Couldn't be Jewish, black, Hispanic, etc, etc. Or of non-pure Aryan blood.

But then again, I'm talking to you- who is comparing American law enforcement to Nazi death troopers. So there isn't much reasoning with you.
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.
Your usual load of warped crap! What you are doing is defending a man who thinks it is acceptable to live in this country without following its laws. What you are defending is a tax dodger who owes the government over a million dollars. And what you are commending is the use of violence to get you way and to solve problems.
If our government has failed anywhere, it has failed in not pursuing and locking up the nut balls who blindly scream "I want my rights but I damn well refuse to accept my responsibilities."
What the hell kind of people bring their women and children to stand in front of them so that if any of them get hurt they will have a chance to attack the government. THAT IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE AL QAIDA PLAYBOOK AND YOU SUPPORT THESE BOOBS.
The next time the cowboys try a Tom Horn approach, they will be horned and gored by the feds.

And that will mark the beginning of the end.

Hopefully someone less hotheaded than you is in charge.

Jake is a frothing fascist. He runs an Obama Truth Ministry and many of the progressive posters here report to him for their daily talking points

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Over and over you have proven you have no "wits."
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

How do you ever leave your house? and why do you hate your fellow country men and women who was taking a stand against the THUGISH behavior of this government...
some of you make me ill siding with this government over the people in this country

I don't. I love my countrymen. But I'm disgusted by the ones who wish to destabilize our civil society.

This government is "of the people". Everyone (on both sides) forgets that the government hires people from the general population; They don't anoint them from prominent families. Everyone who is a federal agent was once a regular kid, then a normal college grad, who just applied for a job.

Its why our government, for all its problems, is 100X better than the ones in Korea, China, Russia, Europe, Middle East, South America, Mexico, etc, etc, etc. People seem to forget THAT when they throw around phrases like "government thugs" and "bootjacks".

Really, so I guess you think threads like this wailing about some crystal ball nonsense is STABLIZING us? You can roll over to the government let them pat your little belly all you want, but you don't get to make up what is a civil society...now stop it already...it's frikken over, no one was hurt and our society is still stable...I guess you would of rather seen another WACO by this administration who Invaded this mans property, home and family with a damn ARMY of armed men and women and OVER WHAT? some fees he didn't pay...how is that CIVIL and not destabilizing OUR SOCIETY?.get a grip
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No, Steph, you small minority of this country do not get to make up this country for the majority.

Catching on, aren't you, and doesn't it just hurt? Good.
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.

Harry Reid was an idiot for saying that. I agree that, technically, it meets the definition of "terrorism" as far as using or threatening violence for political change or to resist government. BUT, I don't agree now that they were engaged in "terrorism". I think terrorism in this day is only those who target innocent people. Not that BLM was "guilty", but the protestors had a targeted group and a purpose meant only for them. I don't think that is "terrorism". Dumb. But not terrorism.

As I have said before on this board people today people throw words like terrorist, traitor, Nazi, extremist around far to loosely it's one thing for people on a message board to do it or even partisan commentators but we should expect and want better from the leaders of both parties the Bundy situation had been calmed down when Reid felt the need to stir the pot and seemingly try to rile things up again I don't begin to understand his thinking in that. As for Bundy himself I think most people can understand his wanting to pay the grazing fees to the state rather than the feds even though legally he does not have a leg to stand on. As far as I can tell the Federal Government does nothing with the land so why not just work out a deal to turn control of it over to the state?

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