Why "Cattle Battle" is a dangerous precedent; What will be next?

I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.
AMEN> WE are living in times the Founders FEARED. TIME to stand...
How do you ever leave your house? and why do you hate your fellow country men and women who was taking a stand against the THUGISH behavior of this government...
some of you make me ill siding with this government over the people in this country

I don't. I love my countrymen. But I'm disgusted by the ones who wish to destabilize our civil society.

This government is "of the people". Everyone (on both sides) forgets that the government hires people from the general population; They don't anoint them from prominent families. Everyone who is a federal agent was once a regular kid, then a normal college grad, who just applied for a job.

Its why our government, for all its problems, is 100X better than the ones in Korea, China, Russia, Europe, Middle East, South America, Mexico, etc, etc, etc. People seem to forget THAT when they throw around phrases like "government thugs" and "bootjacks".

Hitler's SS were just regular guys too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

And Guess which side BUCS is on? His masters. And it ain't US.
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.
AMEN> WE are living in times the Founders FEARED. TIME to stand...

Yep. Get off of that coach, out of the single wide, and actually earn a living, instead mooching off of the liberals in the blue states. :badgrin:
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.
AMEN> WE are living in times the Founders FEARED. TIME to stand...

Yep. Get off of that coach, out of the single wide, and actually earn a living, instead mooching off of the liberals in the blue states. :badgrin:

^Idiot POST^ Don't attempt this kids...you'll get bit by a case of the dumbass as CROCKS aptly demonstrates here with OT rhetoric.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

The most dangerous precedents have been set by government. While the majority weren't paying attention, they became all too powerful and oppressive.

It's not comfortable to acknowledge why Americans have the right to bear arms. Our founders intended that right to be preserved so people could fight for their freedom against tyranny. I don't think it's come to that, but at least they got the attention of people. Time to look at the problems and the overreaching arm of government and transfer some power from government back to the people, where it belongs.
I think you should be worried. All left wingers should. Your fundamental transformation of the United States has hit a wall and is going to be pushed back, how far it's pushed is up to you.

Nobody is going to bring guns to stop deportations because we want deportations. The worst you can get is more fire power to help the law in enforcing that. Which is what truly worries you since you don't want that to happen.

You don't have state, county or local law enforcement on your side. They already told you they weren't going to enforce gun laws. Your only force is federal and if push comes to shove you will lose 80% of that group as well.

I don't blame you for being worried, you are sitting on a losing hand. And if you go for the bluff you are going to get seriously fucked up.

Perfect example

The right wing in in fact pro-government. They are for laws and force that THEY like, and only laws and force that they agree with or that helps their causes.

And I'm not worried personally. I worry for others. Stupid people that do shit like ride a horse carrying an AR15 into an area where federal agents are trying to enforce a court order, and then taking up elevated positions on a bridge and aiming the gun at the officers. Those idiots....I worry for.

99.9% of right wingers are just shit talking bluffers. That 0.1% are the idiots, most of whom live in the rural areas of the Nevada/Idaho/Wyoming/Montana type areas, or deep in the Appalachians or other very rural areas. So, since I don't go to Honky Tonk night at the bar or to Klan rallies, I likely wont ever see those folks.

We've never been ant-government that was always your claim. What we are for is smaller reasonable and under control government. The opposite of what you want which is a forceful totalitarian government rule.

I see why you are so concerned because your view of your fellow citizens is so slanted you can't even step out of your bubble to see what they are concerned about.

.1% have 75% of the country on their side. You sure you want to push that any higher? Maybe you should just put your tail between your legs and go curl up in a corner.

You don't worry about us you worry you can't control us. And that is reason enough you should be scared to death.

you defend a man who says federal laws are something he doesnt have to follow.
you defend people who want to wipe out almost every agency there is just because.
No i worry you will do something stupid in the name of some false bravado..
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

The most dangerous precedents have been set by government. While the majority weren't paying attention, they became all too powerful and oppressive.

It's not comfortable to acknowledge why Americans have the right to bear arms. Our founders intended that right to be preserved so people could fight for their freedom against tyranny. I don't think it's come to that, but at least they got the attention of people. Time to look at the problems and the overreaching arm of government and transfer some power from government back to the people, where it belongs.

without conspiracy you have nothing
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.
AMEN> WE are living in times the Founders FEARED. TIME to stand...

put the bottle down and get some sleep. You wont be doing anything.
this government under Obama is pushing and trying to roll over us and has become a danger to us and is trying to start something...

Thankfully they were showed at this ranch, WE THE PEOPLE have had enough and aren't going to sit back any longer

I hope this woke up a lot more people of things to come...I don't believe they are done trying yet
this government under Obama is pushing and trying to roll over us and has become a danger to us and is trying to start something...

Thankfully they were showed at this ranch, WE THE PEOPLE have had enough and aren't going to sit back any longer

I hope this woke up a lot more people of things to come...I don't believe they are done trying yet

Yep. Woke a lot of people up to exactly what the "Conservatives" are going for. A bloodletting was avoided this time, but the fruitloops are going to create another situation, and, eventually, get their bloodshed. Then the rest of the citizens of this nation will have to remove the cancer.
Why would anyone object to vigilante justice?

When you have a gun, might make right
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

The results we are witnessing would not have come if a lying, communist dictator like Obama had not assumed the throne.

It's either intended, or unintended consequences

I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.
What will be next? I suspect, I am HOPING that next, militias will finally stand up for the people who are being evicted from their HOMES that are being repossessed by the BANKS which were bailed out by the GOVERNMENT using tax dollars that these people PAID, money which was then used to give bonuses to CEO's.... but I am not holding my breath, because most of those militias are funded by the same bankers that fund the US. government - it's all part of the act.
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Perfect example

The right wing in in fact pro-government. They are for laws and force that THEY like, and only laws and force that they agree with or that helps their causes.

And I'm not worried personally. I worry for others. Stupid people that do shit like ride a horse carrying an AR15 into an area where federal agents are trying to enforce a court order, and then taking up elevated positions on a bridge and aiming the gun at the officers. Those idiots....I worry for.

99.9% of right wingers are just shit talking bluffers. That 0.1% are the idiots, most of whom live in the rural areas of the Nevada/Idaho/Wyoming/Montana type areas, or deep in the Appalachians or other very rural areas. So, since I don't go to Honky Tonk night at the bar or to Klan rallies, I likely wont ever see those folks.

We've never been ant-government that was always your claim. What we are for is smaller reasonable and under control government. The opposite of what you want which is a forceful totalitarian government rule.

I see why you are so concerned because your view of your fellow citizens is so slanted you can't even step out of your bubble to see what they are concerned about.

.1% have 75% of the country on their side. You sure you want to push that any higher? Maybe you should just put your tail between your legs and go curl up in a corner.

You don't worry about us you worry you can't control us. And that is reason enough you should be scared to death.

you defend a man who says federal laws are something he doesnt have to follow.
you defend people who want to wipe out almost every agency there is just because.
No i worry you will do something stupid in the name of some false bravado..

I think I've been pretty clear on my position in this thread just go back and read the exchange I had with Bucs90. We found a lot of common ground to work on.

I would have never known who Cliven Bundy was if the feds didn't send in tactical teams after him. In a free country the feds don't send military style tactical units to collect a bill. That's third world dictator actions and nothing we should ever see here.

I don't want any of those guys wiped out, how the hell did you come to that conclusion? I wanted it to work out like it did with no shots fired and the feds backing off. The people I do want punished are the ones that give the order to mobilize this tactical force. They need to be at least fired maybe worse depending on the reason they did it.
Damn, I thought the ATF entrapment of an American citizen at Ruby Ridge and the killing of his wife and son was a "dangerous precedent". Who woulda thunk that it would be considered business as usual? I thought that using tanks and poison gas against Americans at Waco would be a "dangerous precedent" but apparently the radical left thinks that one is also business as usual. The same radical left that endorses federal abuse of citizens once thought that Bill Ayers was a hero. Times sure have changed but the left doesn't.
this government under Obama is pushing and trying to roll over us and has become a danger to us and is trying to start something...

Thankfully they were showed at this ranch, WE THE PEOPLE have had enough and aren't going to sit back any longer

I hope this woke up a lot more people of things to come...I don't believe they are done trying yet

Yep. Woke a lot of people up to exactly what the "Conservatives" are going for. A bloodletting was avoided this time, but the fruitloops are going to create another situation, and, eventually, get their bloodshed. Then the rest of the citizens of this nation will have to remove the cancer.

Then it will be ON. And a long time coming too.

We saw how many leftists supported BLM in Nevada like we saw how many leftists supported the government in DC.

The problem isn't that the Cattle Battle happened. It's that it should have happened before all those other ranchers lost their property. It should happen more often. It should have happened when the feds seized Gibson guitars. It should happen when the feds fined a man for putting a pond on his property. It should happen when the feds redraw land boundaries in Texas. It should happen again and again and again until this government is put solidly back in its place.
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.

Harry Reid was an idiot for saying that. I agree that, technically, it meets the definition of "terrorism" as far as using or threatening violence for political change or to resist government. BUT, I don't agree now that they were engaged in "terrorism". I think terrorism in this day is only those who target innocent people. Not that BLM was "guilty", but the protestors had a targeted group and a purpose meant only for them. I don't think that is "terrorism". Dumb. But not terrorism.

No, it does not meet the definition of terrorism, in any way, shape or form. Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to instill fear (terror) in a population. It may, or may not, have anything to do with resisting government or effecting political change. Criminal organizations use terrorism to prevent witnesses from speaking up. All dictatorships use terrorism to keep their populations in line.

Civil disobedience, armed or otherwise, is not terrorism, and is as American as apple pie. I can fully understand why American citizens would be upset that an American business of long standing was being put out of business by the federal government, for no other reason than political corruption of the worst kind.

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