Why "Cattle Battle" is a dangerous precedent; What will be next?

What's next is probably a replay when the feds try to take 90,000 acres of land in Texas by simply redrawing the border. Or maybe keeping the feds from destroying Gibson guitars.

It's the law has meaning as long as the laws are not capricious, arbitrary, unfair or benefits the politically connected only.

We have a lawless presidunce who believes laws are for others. We have venal politicians who think the law is to legalize their own theft.

If this incident has any what's next about it, next will be state officials realizing that the feds really do claim too much land in their state and taking it back.
I'm worried about the seeming acceptance of the I.R.S being used as political weapon about politicians calling people who disagree with them un American and domestic terrorist pushing the bounds of how much the government can pry into your private life all of which are dangerous precedents as well.
Your usual load of warped crap! What you are doing is defending a man who thinks it is acceptable to live in this country without following its laws. What you are defending is a tax dodger who owes the government over a million dollars. And what you are commending is the use of violence to get you way and to solve problems.
If our government has failed anywhere, it has failed in not pursuing and locking up the nut balls who blindly scream "I want my rights but I damn well refuse to accept my responsibilities."
What the hell kind of people bring their women and children to stand in front of them so that if any of them get hurt they will have a chance to attack the government. THAT IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE AL QAIDA PLAYBOOK AND YOU SUPPORT THESE BOOBS.
Spare me your typical far left idiot rant it's as meaningless as it was the last time you tried that with me I didn't put up with then I won't now if you ever come up with something worthwhile to post get back to me until then stop wasting my time with your nonsense.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.


If there was an internet back just before the Revolution, this is the kind of post we would have seen from the Tories.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

What will be next?

Citizens blowing up the Pentagon, Capitol, cop cars, stations and planning the mass murder of soldiers at Fort Dix, blowing up half a city block in NY, murdering cops...

(shit, that's right that already happened and they are respected left wing professors) :eusa_silenced:
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

On the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing by rightwing terrorists, you shouldn't have to ask what might be next.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

I think you should be worried. All left wingers should. Your fundamental transformation of the United States has hit a wall and is going to be pushed back, how far it's pushed is up to you.

Nobody is going to bring guns to stop deportations because we want deportations. The worst you can get is more fire power to help the law in enforcing that. Which is what truly worries you since you don't want that to happen.

You don't have state, county or local law enforcement on your side. They already told you they weren't going to enforce gun laws. Your only force is federal and if push comes to shove you will lose 80% of that group as well.

I don't blame you for being worried, you are sitting on a losing hand. And if you go for the bluff you are going to get seriously fucked up.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

Put your head back in the sand kid. Nothing you can do here.
What is happening is exactly what several on this site have been warning about for some time now. The fed. gov. has been stockpiling ammo and armored vehicles in massive amounts for some time now. It has also been trying to purge and weaken the military while there are continued rumors about "concentration" style camps being constructed. While Obama leads a highly corrupt government while sounding more and more like a wannabe dictator. He don't need no stinking Congress! He don't need no stinking Constitution! He got a pen and a telephone. I wonder why. Could it be that he wants-and intends to have-civil violence so that he has an excuse for martial law?
At the same time there are other folks who have become convinced that our government is far too broken to be fixed by normal means.
Hold on to your hats folks, things are likely to get much much worse before they get better.
I think it was a good job they did. No matter how wrong Bundy is in the case, the BLM's over reach needed to be countered and it was. A potential WACO was averted, and no blood was shed. It was the best of all possible outcomes.

It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.

If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

I think you should be worried. All left wingers should. Your fundamental transformation of the United States has hit a wall and is going to be pushed back, how far it's pushed is up to you.

Nobody is going to bring guns to stop deportations because we want deportations. The worst you can get is more fire power to help the law in enforcing that. Which is what truly worries you since you don't want that to happen.

You don't have state, county or local law enforcement on your side. They already told you they weren't going to enforce gun laws. Your only force is federal and if push comes to shove you will lose 80% of that group as well.

I don't blame you for being worried, you are sitting on a losing hand. And if you go for the bluff you are going to get seriously fucked up.

Perfect example

The right wing in in fact pro-government. They are for laws and force that THEY like, and only laws and force that they agree with or that helps their causes.

And I'm not worried personally. I worry for others. Stupid people that do shit like ride a horse carrying an AR15 into an area where federal agents are trying to enforce a court order, and then taking up elevated positions on a bridge and aiming the gun at the officers. Those idiots....I worry for.

99.9% of right wingers are just shit talking bluffers. That 0.1% are the idiots, most of whom live in the rural areas of the Nevada/Idaho/Wyoming/Montana type areas, or deep in the Appalachians or other very rural areas. So, since I don't go to Honky Tonk night at the bar or to Klan rallies, I likely wont ever see those folks.
I think it was a good job they did. No matter how wrong Bundy is in the case, the BLM's over reach needed to be countered and it was. A potential WACO was averted, and no blood was shed. It was the best of all possible outcomes.

It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.

If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.

Don't forget that the money they spent was supposed to be for collecting a 1.2 million dollar debt. Which is looking more like 200- 300k. So all of this government action was to basically be a bill collector for 300k max.

Makes you wonder what military action they will bring if you don't sign up for obiecare doesn't it? How many armed men will show up at your door to collect that bill?
I think it was a good job they did. No matter how wrong Bundy is in the case, the BLM's over reach needed to be countered and it was. A potential WACO was averted, and no blood was shed. It was the best of all possible outcomes.

It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.

If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.

Arresting drug dealers and shoplifters costs the government 100% more than it makes, since it makes nothing off those arrests.

Enforcing the law shouldn't involve PROFIT as a consideration. I know that 6 letter word may as well be written on the cover of the Holy Bible for right wingers, but to law enforcement, profit isn't a consideration. Only justice and enforcing laws that THE PEOPLE have passed and tasked them with enforcing.
It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.

If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.

Don't forget that the money they spent was supposed to be for collecting a 1.2 million dollar debt. Which is looking more like 200- 300k. So all of this government action was to basically be a bill collector for 300k max.

Makes you wonder what military action they will bring if you don't sign up for obiecare doesn't it? How many armed men will show up at your door to collect that bill?

Um...none. Its taken out of your tax returns.

BUT, if you don't pay your taxes, or commit large tax fraud- enough to go to jail? Well, it depends.

If you are Joe Blow who lives in an apartment with a dog, probably 1 IRS enforcement officer.

If you are a rural rancher who has stated he does not recognize the existence of a federal government, and are rallying armed radical militia members to come fight the government on your behalf.......well, probably a lot more.

But again, PROFIT should never be a consideration in law enforcement.
I'm extremely worried about the antics the radical militia members pulled in "Cattle Battle". Its sending a message nationwide of "We won" amongst these radical groups, and its completely reasonable to think, like any incident, there will be admirers and copycats trying to mimic these radicals.

What will it be?

Will it be armed crowds trying to prevent ICE deportation raids? Or large, armed groups trying to block DEA search warrants? Or, will it be armed groups trying to stop a sheriffs dept or police dept from enforcing evictions? OR from serving a warrant for a wanted criminal?

Fact is, it is just not the way a civilized, advanced nation works for masses of armed citizen militia members to clash with official law enforcement agents- federal, state, county or city.

But its almost inevitable that some will try, and its like playing with fire. I truly hate thinking about what horrible event is going to occur because of all this. People just need to calm down and start rethinking reality a little bit. Turn off cable news. Stop surfing extremely partisan websites.

Buy a dog. Walk on the beach. Have a date night. Do something....just calm down.

I think you should be worried. All left wingers should. Your fundamental transformation of the United States has hit a wall and is going to be pushed back, how far it's pushed is up to you.

Nobody is going to bring guns to stop deportations because we want deportations. The worst you can get is more fire power to help the law in enforcing that. Which is what truly worries you since you don't want that to happen.

You don't have state, county or local law enforcement on your side. They already told you they weren't going to enforce gun laws. Your only force is federal and if push comes to shove you will lose 80% of that group as well.

I don't blame you for being worried, you are sitting on a losing hand. And if you go for the bluff you are going to get seriously fucked up.

Perfect example

The right wing in in fact pro-government. They are for laws and force that THEY like, and only laws and force that they agree with or that helps their causes.

And I'm not worried personally. I worry for others. Stupid people that do shit like ride a horse carrying an AR15 into an area where federal agents are trying to enforce a court order, and then taking up elevated positions on a bridge and aiming the gun at the officers. Those idiots....I worry for.

99.9% of right wingers are just shit talking bluffers. That 0.1% are the idiots, most of whom live in the rural areas of the Nevada/Idaho/Wyoming/Montana type areas, or deep in the Appalachians or other very rural areas. So, since I don't go to Honky Tonk night at the bar or to Klan rallies, I likely wont ever see those folks.

We've never been ant-government that was always your claim. What we are for is smaller reasonable and under control government. The opposite of what you want which is a forceful totalitarian government rule.

I see why you are so concerned because your view of your fellow citizens is so slanted you can't even step out of your bubble to see what they are concerned about.

.1% have 75% of the country on their side. You sure you want to push that any higher? Maybe you should just put your tail between your legs and go curl up in a corner.

You don't worry about us you worry you can't control us. And that is reason enough you should be scared to death.
It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.

If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.

Arresting drug dealers and shoplifters costs the government 100% more than it makes, since it makes nothing off those arrests.

Enforcing the law shouldn't involve PROFIT as a consideration. I know that 6 letter word may as well be written on the cover of the Holy Bible for right wingers, but to law enforcement, profit isn't a consideration. Only justice and enforcing laws that THE PEOPLE have passed and tasked them with enforcing.

I'd say THE PEOPLE made their wishes pretty plain in this case.
Not that I think this was about justice in any case.
It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.

If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.

Arresting drug dealers and shoplifters costs the government 100% more than it makes, since it makes nothing off those arrests.

Enforcing the law shouldn't involve PROFIT as a consideration. I know that 6 letter word may as well be written on the cover of the Holy Bible for right wingers, but to law enforcement, profit isn't a consideration. Only justice and enforcing laws that THE PEOPLE have passed and tasked them with enforcing.

Do you think what happened was justice?!? Do you think taken that man's cattle away was justice? Have you really read up on what this is about? Is it justice that Reid and his son got to sell that land for far less than it was worth? Where is the justice in this? I sure as heck don't see it.
I think you should be worried. All left wingers should. Your fundamental transformation of the United States has hit a wall and is going to be pushed back, how far it's pushed is up to you.

Nobody is going to bring guns to stop deportations because we want deportations. The worst you can get is more fire power to help the law in enforcing that. Which is what truly worries you since you don't want that to happen.

You don't have state, county or local law enforcement on your side. They already told you they weren't going to enforce gun laws. Your only force is federal and if push comes to shove you will lose 80% of that group as well.

I don't blame you for being worried, you are sitting on a losing hand. And if you go for the bluff you are going to get seriously fucked up.

Perfect example

The right wing in in fact pro-government. They are for laws and force that THEY like, and only laws and force that they agree with or that helps their causes.

And I'm not worried personally. I worry for others. Stupid people that do shit like ride a horse carrying an AR15 into an area where federal agents are trying to enforce a court order, and then taking up elevated positions on a bridge and aiming the gun at the officers. Those idiots....I worry for.

99.9% of right wingers are just shit talking bluffers. That 0.1% are the idiots, most of whom live in the rural areas of the Nevada/Idaho/Wyoming/Montana type areas, or deep in the Appalachians or other very rural areas. So, since I don't go to Honky Tonk night at the bar or to Klan rallies, I likely wont ever see those folks.

We've never been ant-government that was always your claim. What we are for is smaller reasonable and under control government. The opposite of what you want which is a forceful totalitarian government rule.

I see why you are so concerned because your view of your fellow citizens is so slanted you can't even step out of your bubble to see what they are concerned about.

.1% have 75% of the country on their side. You sure you want to push that any higher? Maybe you should just put your tail between your legs and go curl up in a corner.

You don't worry about us you worry you can't control us. And that is reason enough you should be scared to death.

Scared to death of what? You and your kind are, supposedly, "law abiding citizens", as you so often say in the gun debates.

I should have absolutely no fear of any of you harming me. Right?

Neither should a law enforcement officer, enforcing a legal court order. Enforcing a lawful court order is LEGAL. Thus, anyone enforcing it should not have any reason to fear any "law abiding citizens".

RIGHT? Or, are you saying your kind will become murderers when law officers start enforcing legal court orders....which you happen not to like? Choice is yours.
If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.

Arresting drug dealers and shoplifters costs the government 100% more than it makes, since it makes nothing off those arrests.

Enforcing the law shouldn't involve PROFIT as a consideration. I know that 6 letter word may as well be written on the cover of the Holy Bible for right wingers, but to law enforcement, profit isn't a consideration. Only justice and enforcing laws that THE PEOPLE have passed and tasked them with enforcing.

Do you think what happened was justice?!? Do you think taken that man's cattle away was justice? Have you really read up on what this is about? Is it justice that Reid and his son got to sell that land for far less than it was worth? Where is the justice in this? I sure as heck don't see it.

Well, one man's justice is another man's crime.

There was a legal court order. Bundy ignored his obligation to the government for 21 years in return for using their land.

As far as plain ass black and white letter of the law, yes, he violated laws and court orders, and like ANY other citizen, should be held accountable.

Now, do I think its a stupid law? Yes. Do I think BLM was tasked to enforce it (after 21 years) due to some political reasons? Absolutely.

But its no different than a mayor tasking the police dept with cracking down on drugs and drunkenness in public when a tourist area suffers economic pain due to a lot of crime. Its politically motivated, and results in some petty arrests which, technically, are clear violations of the law.

Trust me, as a former cop, I 100% agree there are a LOT of laws on the books that need repealing. A lot of stupid shit that is illegal for no good reason. I agree fully on that.
If it was so well planned, why did they even try to collect the cattle for which they had no seller? Remember no one in Nevada would even let these cattle on the auction block. They paid a guy from Utah more money than Bundy owed to collect the cattle and sell them in Utah and the Utah governor wrote a letter saying he didn't want the cattle in his state. Not very well thought out if you ask me. They spent a lot more than they would have lost if they just let Bundy alone. Considering our national debt, that thought should be paramount in any thing our government does.

Don't forget that the money they spent was supposed to be for collecting a 1.2 million dollar debt. Which is looking more like 200- 300k. So all of this government action was to basically be a bill collector for 300k max.

Makes you wonder what military action they will bring if you don't sign up for obiecare doesn't it? How many armed men will show up at your door to collect that bill?

Um...none. Its taken out of your tax returns.

BUT, if you don't pay your taxes, or commit large tax fraud- enough to go to jail? Well, it depends.

If you are Joe Blow who lives in an apartment with a dog, probably 1 IRS enforcement officer.

If you are a rural rancher who has stated he does not recognize the existence of a federal government, and are rallying armed radical militia members to come fight the government on your behalf.......well, probably a lot more.

But again, PROFIT should never be a consideration in law enforcement.

Oh I see, so all you have to be is too fucking stupid to figure out that if you claim only one or two dependents you don't get a return and owe.

Is that tax fraud in your simple little mind? The feds already said if they don't owe you a return they can't collect.

The thing with you left wing retards is you think you have all the answers when in fact you have a pile of nothing if the people don't go along with your fraud.

For every one of your assinine ideas on how to fuck people we have a hundred of fuck you's in reserve. Once you have lost the desire of people or their even caring if they obey your stupid laws you take a big one right up the ass.

You may want to use some of your return on some lube.
I think it was a good job they did. No matter how wrong Bundy is in the case, the BLM's over reach needed to be countered and it was. A potential WACO was averted, and no blood was shed. It was the best of all possible outcomes.

It was a stupid law that they were tasked with enforcing. But, they are employed to enforce laws.

That said, they did NOT overreach. They planned an operation, and obviously had information that led them to believe that their attempt to enforce this would be met with an agitated group, and possibly the arrival of armed protestors. SO, BLM showed up prepared for that, and what do ya know, that's what happened. Good intell and planning by BLM. Thank God neither side did anything stupid after that, and it dispersed peacefully.

But what if 3 BLM officers in normal police uniforms, showed up tomorrow to carry out the court order? They'd be blocked and overwhelmed by 500-1,000 armed protestors. So, see how they didn't "overreach"? If that court order is to be enforced, a large manpower presence will be required.

I think that the purpose of the law is actually a good one, here are the Acts :


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