Why Clinton?

Clayton, I choose to ignore Rabbi in this thread. If you feel the need to masturbate with him go ahead, but...
For the record I'm straight so your fantasies are misplaced.
Yes presidential appointments alone are reason to elect a Republican.
....What is it about Hilary that is exciting to you, especially in comparison to other candidates?

I want to thank you all in advance.

Having Hillary and Bill in the white house again will drive the tea zombies totally insane, that will provide so much entertainment for the next eight years......


For anyone who is considering voting for Hilary Clinton, I simply have to ask why?
Because she is Hillary Clinton, a proven leader

Show some proof, I need a laugh...
She's been a leader for decades. You may not like her or the facts, but those feelings cannot obscure Hillary Clinton's proven leadership.

Proven pathetic leader at best .. sorry, I just had to inform you and dash your illusions. You'll thank me later..
thank you rising above your usual insanity and acknowledging that Hillary Clinton is indeed a leader. Like her or not we agree she is a leader

We can agree she's a rotten leader, how about that?
A presidential election isn't solely about the individual running for that office – it's about the people he or she will have in his or her administration, the appointments to cabinet posts and other administrative positions, judges to the Federal courts, and justices to the Supreme Court.

Indeed, appointments to the Supreme Court alone is sufficient reason to vote against the republican candidate.

Hillary regards Republicans as the, "enemy", do you fully agree, just wondering?
Dante, this sounds like your kinda book...

View attachment 53282
Menstrual Synchrony
Most women have either heard of or experienced the phenomenon of bleeding in synch with their fellow sisters. But what causes it? And how does it affect your fertility?

There is very little scientific research on this topic so it is difficult to arrive at one definitive answer. It is probably a combination of factors that has changed and evolved over the centuries.

Think back to when we lived tribally thousands of years ago with no artificial lighting. In these natural surroundings it was highly probable that women ovulated together on the full moon and bled on the dark moon. Thus they usually gave birth at the Full moon, creating more individuals with this particular lunar fertility blueprint.

This model for the menstrual cycle is traditionally offerred as the most common because it was the norm for thousands of years. I speak of this in the Fertility Freedom ebook, the theory that this model of cycling offers the most positive chances for physical fertility based on the rising and falling energy of the moon throughout the month.

But of course these days, we live in the world of artificial light. We no longer are born just on Full moons - but on every phase and degree in the whole cycle.
Menstrual Synchrony, women bleeding together
Dante, this sounds like your kinda book...

View attachment 53282
Menstrual Synchrony
Most women have either heard of or experienced the phenomenon of bleeding in synch with their fellow sisters. But what causes it? And how does it affect your fertility?

There is very little scientific research on this topic so it is difficult to arrive at one definitive answer. It is probably a combination of factors that has changed and evolved over the centuries.

Think back to when we lived tribally thousands of years ago with no artificial lighting. In these natural surroundings it was highly probable that women ovulated together on the full moon and bled on the dark moon. Thus they usually gave birth at the Full moon, creating more individuals with this particular lunar fertility blueprint.

This model for the menstrual cycle is traditionally offerred as the most common because it was the norm for thousands of years. I speak of this in the Fertility Freedom ebook, the theory that this model of cycling offers the most positive chances for physical fertility based on the rising and falling energy of the moon throughout the month.

But of course these days, we live in the world of artificial light. We no longer are born just on Full moons - but on every phase and degree in the whole cycle.
Menstrual Synchrony, women bleeding together

Going eni(enigma)gma this morning it seems , eh, Dante...cut back on the pot Dude...:spinner:
A presidential election isn't solely about the individual running for that office – it's about the people he or she will have in his or her administration, the appointments to cabinet posts and other administrative positions, judges to the Federal courts, and justices to the Supreme Court.

Indeed, appointments to the Supreme Court alone is sufficient reason to vote against the republican candidate.

Hillary regards Republicans as the, "enemy", do you fully agree, just wondering?

Conservativism has always been an enemy.
The Most Qualified Candidate For President In Our Lifetime
Commentary: The Most Qualified Candidate For President In Our Lifetime

Whoa, pump the brakes there.
Bush Sr. was probably more qualified. He was VP and head of CIA not to mention having fought in a war, served on the UN and, I think, was ambassador to China.
And it was Bush Sr. who gave us the likes of Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, the consequence of his 'experience.'
The Most Qualified Candidate For President In Our Lifetime
Commentary: The Most Qualified Candidate For President In Our Lifetime

Whoa, pump the brakes there.
Bush Sr. was probably more qualified. He was VP and head of CIA not to mention having fought in a war, served on the UN and, I think, was ambassador to China.
And it was Bush Sr. who gave us the likes of Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, the consequence of his 'experience.'

The statement that HRC is more qualified than Bush 41 was is simply false. Sorry. If your evidence to the contrary is that he appointed a judge who has largely been anonymous and consistent in his rulings...you're on thin ice bub.
Dante, this sounds like your kinda book...

View attachment 53282
Menstrual Synchrony
Most women have either heard of or experienced the phenomenon of bleeding in synch with their fellow sisters. But what causes it? And how does it affect your fertility?

There is very little scientific research on this topic so it is difficult to arrive at one definitive answer. It is probably a combination of factors that has changed and evolved over the centuries.

Think back to when we lived tribally thousands of years ago with no artificial lighting. In these natural surroundings it was highly probable that women ovulated together on the full moon and bled on the dark moon. Thus they usually gave birth at the Full moon, creating more individuals with this particular lunar fertility blueprint.

This model for the menstrual cycle is traditionally offerred as the most common because it was the norm for thousands of years. I speak of this in the Fertility Freedom ebook, the theory that this model of cycling offers the most positive chances for physical fertility based on the rising and falling energy of the moon throughout the month.

But of course these days, we live in the world of artificial light. We no longer are born just on Full moons - but on every phase and degree in the whole cycle.
Menstrual Synchrony, women bleeding together

I never did find this to be true for myself personally...........
Dante, this sounds like your kinda book...

View attachment 53282
Menstrual Synchrony
Most women have either heard of or experienced the phenomenon of bleeding in synch with their fellow sisters. But what causes it? And how does it affect your fertility?

There is very little scientific research on this topic so it is difficult to arrive at one definitive answer. It is probably a combination of factors that has changed and evolved over the centuries.

Think back to when we lived tribally thousands of years ago with no artificial lighting. In these natural surroundings it was highly probable that women ovulated together on the full moon and bled on the dark moon. Thus they usually gave birth at the Full moon, creating more individuals with this particular lunar fertility blueprint.

This model for the menstrual cycle is traditionally offerred as the most common because it was the norm for thousands of years. I speak of this in the Fertility Freedom ebook, the theory that this model of cycling offers the most positive chances for physical fertility based on the rising and falling energy of the moon throughout the month.

But of course these days, we live in the world of artificial light. We no longer are born just on Full moons - but on every phase and degree in the whole cycle.
Menstrual Synchrony, women bleeding together

I never did find this to be true for myself personally...........
Experience is an answer I did not get often in person. What experience are you referring to in general? I would consider her term as Secretary of State to have been below average at best. She has been in prominent positions for quite some time, but what are her accomplishments? I'm not being sarcastic, that is a genuine question.

A post from the first page caught my attention, where a poster stated "Americans vote against candidates". That may be true but I do not thing the election as a whole is determined this way.
A post from the first page caught my attention, where a poster stated "Americans vote against candidates". That may be true but I do not thing the election as a whole is determined this way.

So, you were a huge Romney, McCain and Bush fan?

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