Why Clinton?

Clayton, I choose to ignore Rabbi in this thread. If you feel the need to masturbate with him go ahead, but...
He's ignored in every thread.
BEcause it's easier to ignore me than to try to refute the facts and logic my posts contain

Because most or all of your post are nothing but racist and bigotry. Thus becomes worthless.
lol. Another butt hurt poster who cant deal with facts and logic.
Dems love winners. They hate losers. You havent seen Al Gore anywhere recently, right?
Clayton, I choose to ignore Rabbi in this thread. If you feel the need to masturbate with him go ahead, but...
He's ignored in every thread.
BEcause it's easier to ignore me than to try to refute the facts and logic my posts contain

Because most or all of your post are nothing but racist and bigotry. Thus becomes worthless.
lol. Another butt hurt poster who cant deal with facts and logic.
Dems love winners. They hate losers. You havent seen Al Gore anywhere recently, right?
You claimed that Obama was born in Kenya, his son is a muslim, etc. etc....Where are your facts?
Clayton, I choose to ignore Rabbi in this thread. If you feel the need to masturbate with him go ahead, but...
He's ignored in every thread.
BEcause it's easier to ignore me than to try to refute the facts and logic my posts contain

Because most or all of your post are nothing but racist and bigotry. Thus becomes worthless.
lol. Another butt hurt poster who cant deal with facts and logic.
Dems love winners. They hate losers. You havent seen Al Gore anywhere recently, right?
You claimed that Obama was born in Kenya, his son is a muslim, etc. etc....Where are your facts?

he's American-born, half-Irish Kansas trailer trash.

There, feel better?
Clayton, I choose to ignore Rabbi in this thread. If you feel the need to masturbate with him go ahead, but...
He's ignored in every thread.
BEcause it's easier to ignore me than to try to refute the facts and logic my posts contain

Because most or all of your post are nothing but racist and bigotry. Thus becomes worthless.
lol. Another butt hurt poster who cant deal with facts and logic.
Dems love winners. They hate losers. You havent seen Al Gore anywhere recently, right?
You claimed that Obama was born in Kenya, his son is a muslim, etc. etc....Where are your facts?
Please post anywhere I wrote that, lying moron. Obama doesnt have a son, idiot. How could I claim his son is a Muslim when he doesnt have one.
Dante, this sounds like your kinda book...

View attachment 53282
Menstrual Synchrony
Most women have either heard of or experienced the phenomenon of bleeding in synch with their fellow sisters. But what causes it? And how does it affect your fertility?

There is very little scientific research on this topic so it is difficult to arrive at one definitive answer. It is probably a combination of factors that has changed and evolved over the centuries.

Think back to when we lived tribally thousands of years ago with no artificial lighting. In these natural surroundings it was highly probable that women ovulated together on the full moon and bled on the dark moon. Thus they usually gave birth at the Full moon, creating more individuals with this particular lunar fertility blueprint.

This model for the menstrual cycle is traditionally offerred as the most common because it was the norm for thousands of years. I speak of this in the Fertility Freedom ebook, the theory that this model of cycling offers the most positive chances for physical fertility based on the rising and falling energy of the moon throughout the month.

But of course these days, we live in the world of artificial light. We no longer are born just on Full moons - but on every phase and degree in the whole cycle.
Menstrual Synchrony, women bleeding together

I never did find this to be true for myself personally...........

Of course, I never went around asking other women if they were bleeding. Or discussed it much.
Kind of gross... no?
I noticed the Dem's resorted to insults rather than answer the question. Seems a rather childish way to answer, if indeed they could have made her look good, listing all her accomplishments. Does that mean they can't? Simply having been a Senator and SOS isn't a qualifying accomplishment, in and of its own.
Before anyone votes, please look at the difference of a democracy and a republic. And note that the constitution says nothing in any article of our nation being a democracy. With that being said I am an information whore. I need to know everything. When it comes to presidential candidates it is no different. I look at everything that they've done not just what the media says. Actions speak louder than words. And right now her actions have shown that she does not support us as it should be. To me I don't care about gender, color, creed or religious views. I do care about what will make us THE super power we were, not the laughing stock we are. IMO she will not can not doesn't want to. She wants us to continue to be sheep relying on them for help

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For anyone who is considering voting for Hilary Clinton, I simply have to ask why? I have been interviewing people all weekend and the two most popular responses were:
a.) "...because she's a woman".
b.) "she's the right person for the job".

Neither response was followed up with any rationale whatsoever. Message boards are something I've valued my entire life. I do realize the value of the responses on them, so I wanted to bring this question here. What is it about Hilary that is exciting to you, especially in comparison to other candidates?

I want to thank you all in advance.

Because she's acceptable and I agree with most of her policies than I do the other side. Before this week I was strongly leaning toward Sanders with the understanding that most likely he won't win anyway and I'll just end up voting for Clinton in the general. Now I just might go ahead and vote Clinton.
What policies? She has pretty much changed her mind on everything.
One thing about the democrat national committee (DNC) that stands out is that there never -ever is any dissension in the ranks. Whatever the conglomeration of unelected DNC officials say becomes the rule in the democrat party and woe to any elected democrat who steps out of line. Case in point Joe Lieberman. Hillary Clinton ate shit to cover up her husband's perversion when he was governor and when he was president and now the DNC dictates that it is her turn. Even vice preident Joe Biden won't challenge it
For anyone who is considering voting for Hilary Clinton, I simply have to ask why? I have been interviewing people all weekend and the two most popular responses were:
a.) "...because she's a woman".
b.) "she's the right person for the job".

Neither response was followed up with any rationale whatsoever. Message boards are something I've valued my entire life. I do realize the value of the responses on them, so I wanted to bring this question here. What is it about Hilary that is exciting to you, especially in comparison to other candidates?

I want to thank you all in advance.
Well, assuming one wants to vote for someone and the choice is Hillary or Crazy, I'm going Hillary every damn time. LOL
For anyone who is considering voting for Hilary Clinton, I simply have to ask why? I have been interviewing people all weekend and the two most popular responses were:
a.) "...because she's a woman".
b.) "she's the right person for the job".

Neither response was followed up with any rationale whatsoever. Message boards are something I've valued my entire life. I do realize the value of the responses on them, so I wanted to bring this question here. What is it about Hilary that is exciting to you, especially in comparison to other candidates?

I want to thank you all in advance.

Because she's acceptable and I agree with most of her policies than I do the other side. Before this week I was strongly leaning toward Sanders with the understanding that most likely he won't win anyway and I'll just end up voting for Clinton in the general. Now I just might go ahead and vote Clinton.
What policies? She has pretty much changed her mind on everything.

She hasn't on most things. There is no doubt I'm further to the left than she is and she has veered that way in the primaries, happens every 4 years, don't act surprised.

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