Why Conservative Is Simply Better....


The concept of "God" is much, much broader than the specific belief in Jesus Christ.

The U.S. Constitution is a wholly secular document. It contains no mention of Christianity or Jesus Christ.

Is America A Christian Nation? | Americans United

Wanna bet?

Sure. Excluding the reference to the year of our Lord as a standard identification of calendar dates at the time,

where is the mention of Jesus Christ in the Constitution?

I exclude nothing. Whom does 'our Lord' refer to?

Thanks for finally admitting the truth.

The phrase was not even in the original draft that the signers approved lol.

The Way of Improvement Leads Home: The U.S. Constitution and "the Year of our Lord"

1. 'The year of Our Lord' is in every single copy of the United States Constitution.
Check and see.

2. Here's why:
“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Or, as Coulter described them, 'Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”'

In your face, boyyyeeeeee!

So now we're back to you claiming you want this country to be a Christian theocracy, which you earlier denied.

'Year of the Lord' or 'Year of our Lord' has no religious significance.
You were going to name the modern day Democratic segregationists. What happened? Couldn't you find any?
She said Bill Clinton, which isn't true even in the slightest of course.

Bill Clinton has always been a racist, segregationist....

Let's take a look at that career.....

1. Let's start with this: they were called 'Dixiecrats,' not 'Dixiecans. a. Dixiecrats lost in 1948 ...then went right back to being Democrats.

2. Now let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, ...

a. Governor Bill Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965.“Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

b. Bill Clinton hada Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor:Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

(b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

(c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway PunditHillary Clinton s Confederacy Hypocrisy The Gateway Pundit

3. "Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism
Just to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used torepresent the Confederate States of Americaduring the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritageishate."
Let s Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn t a Symbol of Racism Krystie Yandoli

4. BTW...Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration,where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school.
Who hugged him? Bill Clinton.

5. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was givena full page with Clinton’s picturein the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazineincludes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

Sure sounds like something a racist would do, huh?

6. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto,which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

But...in 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright.And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

a. Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?

He was given that speaking position because so many Democrats just love, love, love this racist.

7. "… President BillClinton argued that Colin Powell, promoted to brigadier general during Mr. Alexander’s tenure, was the product of an affirmative actionprogram."

Get it? Powell didn't deserve it according to Bill Clinton....too uppity for him, huh?

Bill Clinton In Past Obama Would Be Carrying Our Bags - Breitbart

9. Now.....if any Republican had that sort of record, what would you Liberals be screaming????

Yup...."THAT ABSOLUTE RACIST!!!"How ya' like that, boyyyyyeeeee???

Once you control for region, it turns out that Democrats were actually more likely to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act

...Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.

The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation
. The folks over at Voteview.com, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.

Now, it wasn't that the Civil Rights Act was what turned the South against the Democrats or minorities against Republicans. Those patterns, as Trende showed, had been developing for a while. It was, however, a manifestation of these growing coalitions. The South gradually became home to the conservative party, while the north became home to the liberal party.

Today, the transformation is nearly complete. President Obama carried only 18% of former Confederate states, while taking 62% of non-Confederate states in 2012. Only 27% of southern senators are Democrats, while 62% of Union state senators are Democrats. And 29% of southern members in the House are Democrats compared to 54% in states or territories that were part of the Union

Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten

Wrong again,piggy.

  1. Language is important, so in any discussion of who the segregationists were, liberals switch the word “Democrats” to “southerners.” Remember, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was supported by all the Republicans in the Senate, but only 29 of 47 Democrats…and a number of the ‘segregationist’ Democrats were northern Dems (Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming). Not southerners: Democrats.
    1. There were plenty of southern integrationists. They were Republicans. See chapter 12, "Mugged," by Coulter

Every southern Republican voted against the 1964 Civil Rights act.

Southern Democrats were CONSERVATIVES. They called themselves CONSERVATIVES. They believed the same things that modern Republican conservatives in the South believe.

"Michael Zak, author of “Back to Basics for the Republican Party,” which chronicles the party’s civil rights heritage, believes Goldwater was a significant factor, by forgetting that the 1964 bill virtually mirrored Republican-backed legislation from 1875.

“Democrat pundits pretend that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the creation of the Kennedy or Johnson administrations, but in fact it was an extension of the Republican Party’s 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts,” Zak told TheBlaze. “Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s presidential nominee that year, did not appreciate the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was thoroughly Republican policy.”
Who’s Really Responsible for the Civil Rights Act?
She said Bill Clinton, which isn't true even in the slightest of course.

Bill Clinton has always been a racist, segregationist....

Let's take a look at that career.....

1. Let's start with this: they were called 'Dixiecrats,' not 'Dixiecans. a. Dixiecrats lost in 1948 ...then went right back to being Democrats.

2. Now let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, ...

a. Governor Bill Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965.“Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

b. Bill Clinton hada Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor:Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

(b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

(c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway PunditHillary Clinton s Confederacy Hypocrisy The Gateway Pundit

3. "Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism
Just to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used torepresent the Confederate States of Americaduring the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritageishate."
Let s Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn t a Symbol of Racism Krystie Yandoli

4. BTW...Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration,where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school.
Who hugged him? Bill Clinton.

5. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was givena full page with Clinton’s picturein the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazineincludes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

Sure sounds like something a racist would do, huh?

6. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto,which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

But...in 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright.And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

a. Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?

He was given that speaking position because so many Democrats just love, love, love this racist.

7. "… President BillClinton argued that Colin Powell, promoted to brigadier general during Mr. Alexander’s tenure, was the product of an affirmative actionprogram."

Get it? Powell didn't deserve it according to Bill Clinton....too uppity for him, huh?

Bill Clinton In Past Obama Would Be Carrying Our Bags - Breitbart

9. Now.....if any Republican had that sort of record, what would you Liberals be screaming????

Yup...."THAT ABSOLUTE RACIST!!!"How ya' like that, boyyyyyeeeee???

Once you control for region, it turns out that Democrats were actually more likely to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act

...Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.

The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation
. The folks over at Voteview.com, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.

Now, it wasn't that the Civil Rights Act was what turned the South against the Democrats or minorities against Republicans. Those patterns, as Trende showed, had been developing for a while. It was, however, a manifestation of these growing coalitions. The South gradually became home to the conservative party, while the north became home to the liberal party.

Today, the transformation is nearly complete. President Obama carried only 18% of former Confederate states, while taking 62% of non-Confederate states in 2012. Only 27% of southern senators are Democrats, while 62% of Union state senators are Democrats. And 29% of southern members in the House are Democrats compared to 54% in states or territories that were part of the Union

Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten

Wrong again,piggy.

  1. Language is important, so in any discussion of who the segregationists were, liberals switch the word “Democrats” to “southerners.” Remember, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was supported by all the Republicans in the Senate, but only 29 of 47 Democrats…and a number of the ‘segregationist’ Democrats were northern Dems (Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming). Not southerners: Democrats.
    1. There were plenty of southern integrationists. They were Republicans. See chapter 12, "Mugged," by Coulter

Every southern Republican voted against the 1964 Civil Rights act.

Southern Democrats were CONSERVATIVES. They called themselves CONSERVATIVES. They believed the same things that modern Republican conservatives in the South believe.

"Michael Zak, author of “Back to Basics for the Republican Party,” which chronicles the party’s civil rights heritage, believes Goldwater was a significant factor, by forgetting that the 1964 bill virtually mirrored Republican-backed legislation from 1875.

“Democrat pundits pretend that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the creation of the Kennedy or Johnson administrations, but in fact it was an extension of the Republican Party’s 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts,” Zak told TheBlaze. “Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s presidential nominee that year, did not appreciate the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was thoroughly Republican policy.”
Who’s Really Responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

Oh, Jesus H. Christ, now you want to give Barry Goldwater credit for a bill he voted against.
Yesterday I commented that Europe was essentially in a depression since the end of WWI and had much longer to build a model to resurrect themselves. Using the late 30's as an example is another way she pushes a dishonest argument, sure, they looked better than us they had been working at it a dozen years longer.


Must you insist on revealing that you know less than nothing???

“The two movements [that is, in the US and in Germany] nevertheless reacted to the Great Depression in similar ways, distinct from those of other industrial nations. Of the two the Nazis were the more successful in curing the economic ills of the 1930s. They reduced unemployment and stimulated industrial production faster than the Americans did and, considering their resources, handled their monetary and trade problems more successfully, certainly more imaginatively. This was partly because the Nazis employed deficit financing on a larger scale and partly because their totalitarian system better lent itself to the mobilization of society, both by force and by persuasion. By 1936 the depression was substantially over in Germany, far from finished in the United States.”


Your vote for Nazi totalitarianism is noted.

What a stupid post....

...exactly what I've come to expect of you.

Political Chic should win an award for complete and total lack of awareness.

My 'award' is saving shoe leather by the ability that I have of walking over the bodies of the dead Liberals I always leave behind.

That's my shoeprint on the back of your neck.

Yesterday I commented that Europe was essentially in a depression since the end of WWI and had much longer to build a model to resurrect themselves. Using the late 30's as an example is another way she pushes a dishonest argument, sure, they looked better than us they had been working at it a dozen years longer.


Must you insist on revealing that you know less than nothing???

“The two movements [that is, in the US and in Germany] nevertheless reacted to the Great Depression in similar ways, distinct from those of other industrial nations. Of the two the Nazis were the more successful in curing the economic ills of the 1930s. They reduced unemployment and stimulated industrial production faster than the Americans did and, considering their resources, handled their monetary and trade problems more successfully, certainly more imaginatively. This was partly because the Nazis employed deficit financing on a larger scale and partly because their totalitarian system better lent itself to the mobilization of society, both by force and by persuasion. By 1936 the depression was substantially over in Germany, far from finished in the United States.”


Your vote for Nazi totalitarianism is noted.

What a stupid post....

...exactly what I've come to expect of you.

Political Chic should win an award for complete and total lack of awareness.

My 'award' is saving shoe leather by the ability that I have of walking over the bodies of the dead Liberals I always leave behind.

That's my shoeprint on the back of your neck.

HaHaHa, Honey you're so fat when you sat on a quarter a booger shot out of George Washington's nose. You couldn't walk over anyone in your Scooter chair.
She said Bill Clinton, which isn't true even in the slightest of course.

Bill Clinton has always been a racist, segregationist....

Let's take a look at that career.....

1. Let's start with this: they were called 'Dixiecrats,' not 'Dixiecans. a. Dixiecrats lost in 1948 ...then went right back to being Democrats.

2. Now let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, ...

a. Governor Bill Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965.“Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

b. Bill Clinton hada Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor:Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

(b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

(c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway PunditHillary Clinton s Confederacy Hypocrisy The Gateway Pundit

3. "Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism
Just to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used torepresent the Confederate States of Americaduring the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritageishate."
Let s Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn t a Symbol of Racism Krystie Yandoli

4. BTW...Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration,where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school.
Who hugged him? Bill Clinton.

5. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was givena full page with Clinton’s picturein the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazineincludes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

Sure sounds like something a racist would do, huh?

6. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto,which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

But...in 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright.And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

a. Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?

He was given that speaking position because so many Democrats just love, love, love this racist.

7. "… President BillClinton argued that Colin Powell, promoted to brigadier general during Mr. Alexander’s tenure, was the product of an affirmative actionprogram."

Get it? Powell didn't deserve it according to Bill Clinton....too uppity for him, huh?

Bill Clinton In Past Obama Would Be Carrying Our Bags - Breitbart

9. Now.....if any Republican had that sort of record, what would you Liberals be screaming????

Yup...."THAT ABSOLUTE RACIST!!!"How ya' like that, boyyyyyeeeee???

Once you control for region, it turns out that Democrats were actually more likely to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act

...Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.

The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation
. The folks over at Voteview.com, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.

Now, it wasn't that the Civil Rights Act was what turned the South against the Democrats or minorities against Republicans. Those patterns, as Trende showed, had been developing for a while. It was, however, a manifestation of these growing coalitions. The South gradually became home to the conservative party, while the north became home to the liberal party.

Today, the transformation is nearly complete. President Obama carried only 18% of former Confederate states, while taking 62% of non-Confederate states in 2012. Only 27% of southern senators are Democrats, while 62% of Union state senators are Democrats. And 29% of southern members in the House are Democrats compared to 54% in states or territories that were part of the Union

Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten

Wrong again,piggy.

  1. Language is important, so in any discussion of who the segregationists were, liberals switch the word “Democrats” to “southerners.” Remember, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was supported by all the Republicans in the Senate, but only 29 of 47 Democrats…and a number of the ‘segregationist’ Democrats were northern Dems (Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming). Not southerners: Democrats.
    1. There were plenty of southern integrationists. They were Republicans. See chapter 12, "Mugged," by Coulter

Every southern Republican voted against the 1964 Civil Rights act.

Southern Democrats were CONSERVATIVES. They called themselves CONSERVATIVES. They believed the same things that modern Republican conservatives in the South believe.

"Michael Zak, author of “Back to Basics for the Republican Party,” which chronicles the party’s civil rights heritage, believes Goldwater was a significant factor, by forgetting that the 1964 bill virtually mirrored Republican-backed legislation from 1875.

“Democrat pundits pretend that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the creation of the Kennedy or Johnson administrations, but in fact it was an extension of the Republican Party’s 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts,” Zak told TheBlaze. “Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s presidential nominee that year, did not appreciate the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was thoroughly Republican policy.”
Who’s Really Responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?
I'm afraid not, you fantastical-minded fella. No matter how much you scream and squirm, you people do not control the present, therefore you cannot control the past.

Do you really think that hiding all the Confederate stuff will erase the Democrats' history of slavery?

Au contraire mon ami, the process draws more attention to it.
Democrats are Democrats, and the Southern ones were scum who are now GOPers. That has not a bloody thing to do with Liberals and Liberalism.

That is a vain fantasy. Revel in it.
No, it's American History. Learn it.

No, it's your made-up history, which is why I chuckle at such dime-store fictions.
The Founders owned slaves

Yes they did. Most landed individuals in that time did.

They also saw the writing on the wall.

the South fought to keep them

They did not see the writing on the wall.

and Dems then were the same racist losers who now vote GOP.

Nope. They are the same racist losers who now vote to replace the slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State. That the Communists pouring into the Democratic Party in the mid 1960s convinced the Democrats that the black community could be made into a comfortable voting bloc with a few well placed checks did not change the Democrats' stripes, it merely painted them over red.

Just look at your cities. Same-same.
Democrats are Democrats, and the Southern ones were scum who are now GOPers. That has not a bloody thing to do with Liberals and Liberalism.

That is a vain fantasy. Revel in it.
No, it's American History. Learn it.

No, it's your made-up history, which is why I chuckle at such dime-store fictions.
The Founders owned slaves

Yes they did. Most landed individuals in that time did.

They also saw the writing on the wall.

the South fought to keep them

They did not see the writing on the wall.

and Dems then were the same racist losers who now vote GOP.

Nope. They are the same racist losers who now vote to replace the slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State. That the Communists pouring into the Democratic Party in the mid 1960s convinced the Democrats that the black community could be made into a comfortable voting bloc with a few well placed checks did not change the Democrats' stripes, it merely painted them over red.

Just look at your cities. Same-same.

If that is a correct picture of Democrats then this is a correct picture of Republicans.

"The North has the right to confiscate the land of the Southern rebels.
The cause of the war was slavery. We have freed the slaves. It is our
responsibility to protect them, and help them until they are able to
provide for themselves. Freed slaves should have the right to vote,
but owning land is even more important.
I propose that each freed slave who is a male adult, or the head of a
family, will receive forty acres of land, (with $100 to build a house).
Four million people have just been freed from slavery. They have no
education, have never worked for money, and don’t know about their
rights. Unless they become independent, they will have to once
again become the servants of their old masters.
We must make the freed slaves independent so that their old masters
can’t force them to work unfairly. This can only be done by giving
them a small plot of land to farm."
Source: This speech was delivered to the United States Congress on March 19,
1867 by Thaddeus Stevens

Let's start by giving every adult male black in America 40 acres of land....
So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?

Whether they revere him or not, without the Republican Everett Dirkson, it likely would NOT have passed.
That is a vain fantasy. Revel in it.
No, it's American History. Learn it.

No, it's your made-up history, which is why I chuckle at such dime-store fictions.
The Founders owned slaves

Yes they did. Most landed individuals in that time did.

They also saw the writing on the wall.

the South fought to keep them

They did not see the writing on the wall.

and Dems then were the same racist losers who now vote GOP.

Nope. They are the same racist losers who now vote to replace the slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State. That the Communists pouring into the Democratic Party in the mid 1960s convinced the Democrats that the black community could be made into a comfortable voting bloc with a few well placed checks did not change the Democrats' stripes, it merely painted them over red.

Just look at your cities. Same-same.

If that is a correct picture of Democrats then this is a correct picture of Republicans.

"The North has the right to confiscate the land of the Southern rebels.
The cause of the war was slavery. We have freed the slaves. It is our
responsibility to protect them, and help them until they are able to
provide for themselves. Freed slaves should have the right to vote,
but owning land is even more important.
I propose that each freed slave who is a male adult, or the head of a
family, will receive forty acres of land, (with $100 to build a house).
Four million people have just been freed from slavery. They have no
education, have never worked for money, and don’t know about their
rights. Unless they become independent, they will have to once
again become the servants of their old masters.
We must make the freed slaves independent so that their old masters
can’t force them to work unfairly. This can only be done by giving
them a small plot of land to farm."
Source: This speech was delivered to the United States Congress on March 19,
1867 by Thaddeus Stevens

Let's start by giving every adult male black in America 40 acres of land....

Sure. Any freed slave who comes forward deserves it.
No, it's American History. Learn it.

No, it's your made-up history, which is why I chuckle at such dime-store fictions.
The Founders owned slaves

Yes they did. Most landed individuals in that time did.

They also saw the writing on the wall.

the South fought to keep them

They did not see the writing on the wall.

and Dems then were the same racist losers who now vote GOP.

Nope. They are the same racist losers who now vote to replace the slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State. That the Communists pouring into the Democratic Party in the mid 1960s convinced the Democrats that the black community could be made into a comfortable voting bloc with a few well placed checks did not change the Democrats' stripes, it merely painted them over red.

Just look at your cities. Same-same.

If that is a correct picture of Democrats then this is a correct picture of Republicans.

"The North has the right to confiscate the land of the Southern rebels.
The cause of the war was slavery. We have freed the slaves. It is our
responsibility to protect them, and help them until they are able to
provide for themselves. Freed slaves should have the right to vote,
but owning land is even more important.
I propose that each freed slave who is a male adult, or the head of a
family, will receive forty acres of land, (with $100 to build a house).
Four million people have just been freed from slavery. They have no
education, have never worked for money, and don’t know about their
rights. Unless they become independent, they will have to once
again become the servants of their old masters.
We must make the freed slaves independent so that their old masters
can’t force them to work unfairly. This can only be done by giving
them a small plot of land to farm."
Source: This speech was delivered to the United States Congress on March 19,
1867 by Thaddeus Stevens

Let's start by giving every adult male black in America 40 acres of land....

Sure. Any freed slave who comes forward deserves it.

So you support reparations to all black families who originally lived under slavery?
So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?

Whether they revere him or not, without the Republican Everett Dirkson, it likely would NOT have passed.

Then Everett Dirksen should be on the mantel of every black home in the south. Why isn't he?

Because the media of the time gave all the credit to that polecat Johnson, and the Democrats have controlled the public education system for over half a century.

History simply is not taught. Multiculturalism and diversity studies have supplanted it.
In less than five minutes, Greg Gutfeld explains why Conservative is simply better for the individual, and for society, than Liberal

And, by investing the five minutes in this vid...you get course credit in Prager University.....

Why the Right is Right - Prager University

Gutfeld just makes up a bunch of nonsense, which, to his credit, means that at least he stays within his area of expertise.
So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?

Whether they revere him or not, without the Republican Everett Dirkson, it likely would NOT have passed.

Then Everett Dirksen should be on the mantel of every black home in the south. Why isn't he?

Because the media of the time gave all the credit to that polecat Johnson, and the Democrats have controlled the public education system for over half a century.

History simply is not taught. Multiculturalism and diversity studies have supplanted it.

Johnson was president you moron. He was also the most influential Senator to ever be president.
No, it's your made-up history, which is why I chuckle at such dime-store fictions.
The Founders owned slaves

Yes they did. Most landed individuals in that time did.

They also saw the writing on the wall.

the South fought to keep them

They did not see the writing on the wall.

and Dems then were the same racist losers who now vote GOP.

Nope. They are the same racist losers who now vote to replace the slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State. That the Communists pouring into the Democratic Party in the mid 1960s convinced the Democrats that the black community could be made into a comfortable voting bloc with a few well placed checks did not change the Democrats' stripes, it merely painted them over red.

Just look at your cities. Same-same.

If that is a correct picture of Democrats then this is a correct picture of Republicans.

"The North has the right to confiscate the land of the Southern rebels.
The cause of the war was slavery. We have freed the slaves. It is our
responsibility to protect them, and help them until they are able to
provide for themselves. Freed slaves should have the right to vote,
but owning land is even more important.
I propose that each freed slave who is a male adult, or the head of a
family, will receive forty acres of land, (with $100 to build a house).
Four million people have just been freed from slavery. They have no
education, have never worked for money, and don’t know about their
rights. Unless they become independent, they will have to once
again become the servants of their old masters.
We must make the freed slaves independent so that their old masters
can’t force them to work unfairly. This can only be done by giving
them a small plot of land to farm."
Source: This speech was delivered to the United States Congress on March 19,
1867 by Thaddeus Stevens

Let's start by giving every adult male black in America 40 acres of land....

Sure. Any freed slave who comes forward deserves it.

So you support reparations to all black families who originally lived under slavery?

No more than I would return land to all the Indian tribes. I support reparations to former slaves only.
So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?

Whether they revere him or not, without the Republican Everett Dirkson, it likely would NOT have passed.

Then Everett Dirksen should be on the mantel of every black home in the south. Why isn't he?

Because the media of the time gave all the credit to that polecat Johnson, and the Democrats have controlled the public education system for over half a century.

History simply is not taught. Multiculturalism and diversity studies have supplanted it.

Johnson was president you moron.

And a polecat.

He was also the most influential Senator to ever be president.

Not necessarily a good thing.
So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?

Whether they revere him or not, without the Republican Everett Dirkson, it likely would NOT have passed.

Then Everett Dirksen should be on the mantel of every black home in the south. Why isn't he?

Because the media of the time gave all the credit to that polecat Johnson, and the Democrats have controlled the public education system for over half a century.

History simply is not taught. Multiculturalism and diversity studies have supplanted it.

So the media did it, is that what you are saying? I mean there should be records of Republicans heaping praise on Dirksen shouldn't there?
Bill Clinton has always been a racist, segregationist....

Let's take a look at that career.....

1. Let's start with this: they were called 'Dixiecrats,' not 'Dixiecans. a. Dixiecrats lost in 1948 ...then went right back to being Democrats.

2. Now let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, ...

a. Governor Bill Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965.“Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

b. Bill Clinton hada Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor:Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

(b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

(c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway PunditHillary Clinton s Confederacy Hypocrisy The Gateway Pundit

3. "Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism
Just to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used torepresent the Confederate States of Americaduring the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritageishate."
Let s Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn t a Symbol of Racism Krystie Yandoli

4. BTW...Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration,where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school.
Who hugged him? Bill Clinton.

5. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was givena full page with Clinton’s picturein the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazineincludes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

Sure sounds like something a racist would do, huh?

6. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto,which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

But...in 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright.And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

a. Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?

He was given that speaking position because so many Democrats just love, love, love this racist.

7. "… President BillClinton argued that Colin Powell, promoted to brigadier general during Mr. Alexander’s tenure, was the product of an affirmative actionprogram."

Get it? Powell didn't deserve it according to Bill Clinton....too uppity for him, huh?

Bill Clinton In Past Obama Would Be Carrying Our Bags - Breitbart

9. Now.....if any Republican had that sort of record, what would you Liberals be screaming????

Yup...."THAT ABSOLUTE RACIST!!!"How ya' like that, boyyyyyeeeee???

Once you control for region, it turns out that Democrats were actually more likely to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act

...Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.

The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation
. The folks over at Voteview.com, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.

Now, it wasn't that the Civil Rights Act was what turned the South against the Democrats or minorities against Republicans. Those patterns, as Trende showed, had been developing for a while. It was, however, a manifestation of these growing coalitions. The South gradually became home to the conservative party, while the north became home to the liberal party.

Today, the transformation is nearly complete. President Obama carried only 18% of former Confederate states, while taking 62% of non-Confederate states in 2012. Only 27% of southern senators are Democrats, while 62% of Union state senators are Democrats. And 29% of southern members in the House are Democrats compared to 54% in states or territories that were part of the Union

Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten

Wrong again,piggy.

  1. Language is important, so in any discussion of who the segregationists were, liberals switch the word “Democrats” to “southerners.” Remember, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was supported by all the Republicans in the Senate, but only 29 of 47 Democrats…and a number of the ‘segregationist’ Democrats were northern Dems (Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming). Not southerners: Democrats.
    1. There were plenty of southern integrationists. They were Republicans. See chapter 12, "Mugged," by Coulter

Every southern Republican voted against the 1964 Civil Rights act.

Southern Democrats were CONSERVATIVES. They called themselves CONSERVATIVES. They believed the same things that modern Republican conservatives in the South believe.

"Michael Zak, author of “Back to Basics for the Republican Party,” which chronicles the party’s civil rights heritage, believes Goldwater was a significant factor, by forgetting that the 1964 bill virtually mirrored Republican-backed legislation from 1875.

“Democrat pundits pretend that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the creation of the Kennedy or Johnson administrations, but in fact it was an extension of the Republican Party’s 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts,” Zak told TheBlaze. “Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s presidential nominee that year, did not appreciate the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was thoroughly Republican policy.”
Who’s Really Responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?

"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ

""Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******." -- LBJ

Some fucking Civil Rights hero you got there
The Founders owned slaves

Yes they did. Most landed individuals in that time did.

They also saw the writing on the wall.

the South fought to keep them

They did not see the writing on the wall.

and Dems then were the same racist losers who now vote GOP.

Nope. They are the same racist losers who now vote to replace the slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State. That the Communists pouring into the Democratic Party in the mid 1960s convinced the Democrats that the black community could be made into a comfortable voting bloc with a few well placed checks did not change the Democrats' stripes, it merely painted them over red.

Just look at your cities. Same-same.

If that is a correct picture of Democrats then this is a correct picture of Republicans.

"The North has the right to confiscate the land of the Southern rebels.
The cause of the war was slavery. We have freed the slaves. It is our
responsibility to protect them, and help them until they are able to
provide for themselves. Freed slaves should have the right to vote,
but owning land is even more important.
I propose that each freed slave who is a male adult, or the head of a
family, will receive forty acres of land, (with $100 to build a house).
Four million people have just been freed from slavery. They have no
education, have never worked for money, and don’t know about their
rights. Unless they become independent, they will have to once
again become the servants of their old masters.
We must make the freed slaves independent so that their old masters
can’t force them to work unfairly. This can only be done by giving
them a small plot of land to farm."
Source: This speech was delivered to the United States Congress on March 19,
1867 by Thaddeus Stevens

Let's start by giving every adult male black in America 40 acres of land....

Sure. Any freed slave who comes forward deserves it.

So you support reparations to all black families who originally lived under slavery?

No more than I would return land to all the Indian tribes. I support reparations to former slaves only.

So you do not support the Republican platform of the 1860's is that correct?
So tell us PC, who were the Civil Rights Leaders of that Act? Who are the Republican legislators that are revered by Blacks in America?

Whether they revere him or not, without the Republican Everett Dirkson, it likely would NOT have passed.

Then Everett Dirksen should be on the mantel of every black home in the south. Why isn't he?

Because the media of the time gave all the credit to that polecat Johnson, and the Democrats have controlled the public education system for over half a century.

History simply is not taught. Multiculturalism and diversity studies have supplanted it.

So the media did it, is that what you are saying? I mean there should be records of Republicans heaping praise on Dirksen shouldn't there?

Johnson sure thanked him. I don't think Bobby Byrd was too happy though.

Now run along. Your density annoys.

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