Why Democrats don’t want 2020 elections even questioned


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Mail-in ballots are known to be most unreliable fraud-ridden form of voting and have been outlawed in many Western and democratic nations. It is indeed the favorite form of election rigging and fraud among dictatorships and authoritarian regimes. Democrats have been committing one form of election fraud or another for the last 50 years at least. No surprise that they behave like lunatics whenever someone even questions the results of the 2020, a first in the history of this country. Especially after the four years of them committing all kinds of criminal behavior and treason in order to falsely accuse and impeach Trump. Not to mention their candidate spent most of his time in the basement and hardly campaigned, yet got the most votes ever. Seriously.

Here is what we found. Besides the United States, there are 36 member states in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Forty-seven percent ban mail-in voting unless the citizen is living abroad, and 30 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Fourteen percent of the countries ban mail-in voting even for those living abroad.

In addition, some countries that allow voting by mail for some citizens living in the country don't allow it for everyone. For example, Japan and Poland have limited mail-in voting for those who have special certificates verifying that they are disabled. France has made an exception this year to its ban on mail-in ballots to those who are sick or at particular risk during the coronavirus pandemic. Poland will allow mail-in ballots for everyone for this year only.

Among the 27 countries in the European Union, 63 percent ban mail-in voting unless living abroad and another 22 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Twenty-two percent ban the practice even for those who live abroad.

There are 16 countries in the rest of Europe, and they are even more restrictive. Every single one bans mail-in voting for those living in the country or require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Sixty-three percent don't allow mail-in ballots even for citizens living outside of the country.
Mail-in ballots are known to be most unreliable fraud-ridden form of voting and have been outlawed in many Western and democratic nations. It is indeed the favorite form of election rigging and fraud among dictatorships and authoritarian regimes. Democrats have been committing one form of election fraud or another for the last 50 years at least. No surprise that they behave like lunatics whenever someone even questions the results of the 2020, a first in the history of this country. Especially after the four years of them committing all kinds of criminal behavior and treason in order to falsely accuse and impeach Trump. Not to mention their candidate spent most of his time in the basement and hardly campaigned, yet got the most votes ever. Seriously.

Here is what we found. Besides the United States, there are 36 member states in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Forty-seven percent ban mail-in voting unless the citizen is living abroad, and 30 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Fourteen percent of the countries ban mail-in voting even for those living abroad.

In addition, some countries that allow voting by mail for some citizens living in the country don't allow it for everyone. For example, Japan and Poland have limited mail-in voting for those who have special certificates verifying that they are disabled. France has made an exception this year to its ban on mail-in ballots to those who are sick or at particular risk during the coronavirus pandemic. Poland will allow mail-in ballots for everyone for this year only.

Among the 27 countries in the European Union, 63 percent ban mail-in voting unless living abroad and another 22 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Twenty-two percent ban the practice even for those who live abroad.

There are 16 countries in the rest of Europe, and they are even more restrictive. Every single one bans mail-in voting for those living in the country or require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Sixty-three percent don't allow mail-in ballots even for citizens living outside of the country.
Don't just whine about voter fraud -- Prove it happened...
Don't just whine about voter fraud -- Prove it happened...
You’re a Leftie apparatchik, so no surprises that you defend the favorite form of voting chosen by fascists and dictators, banned by the civilized world (due to their experiences with fraud), just because your guy manged to swindle the country like he has for his 47 year career being a corrupt, crooked politician. Of course we know that he didn’t actually do anything, he’s told what to do and say from the moment he wakes up.

“Liberals and progressives often try to model the U.S. on Western European countries in many ways, but you never hear them arguing that we should adopt their voting rules. There is a reason for that. Banning mail-in voting or requiring people to use photo IDs to obtain a mail-in ballot is quite common in developed countries, especially in Europe,” he said in the report.

The report, titled Why Do Most Countries Ban Mail-in Ballots? They Have Seen Massive Vote Fraud Problems , listed the rules for voting and widespread cases of fraud and vote buying. His report also listed notable cases of fraud in U.S. voting.
Why sensible Republicans don't want to question elections:

If you tell trump supporters that the vote was easily fixed to take the election away from trump, then why should they vote? Why not stay at home, if your vote doesn't matter?
Why sensible Republicans don't want to question elections:

If you tell trump supporters that the vote was easily fixed to take the election away from trump, then why should they vote? Why not stay at home, if your vote doesn't matter?
Yup, a guy sitting in his basement, hardly campaigned or did anything (and when he did nobody showed up) managed to get the most votes in the history of this country. Sure sure.

Votes and elections will count if we ban mail-in voting and have voter ID, like the rest of the civilized world.
Mail-in ballots are known to be most unreliable fraud-ridden form of voting and have been outlawed in many Western and democratic nations. It is indeed the favorite form of election rigging and fraud among dictatorships and authoritarian regimes. Democrats have been committing one form of election fraud or another for the last 50 years at least. No surprise that they behave like lunatics whenever someone even questions the results of the 2020, a first in the history of this country. Especially after the four years of them committing all kinds of criminal behavior and treason in order to falsely accuse and impeach Trump. Not to mention their candidate spent most of his time in the basement and hardly campaigned, yet got the most votes ever. Seriously.

Here is what we found. Besides the United States, there are 36 member states in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Forty-seven percent ban mail-in voting unless the citizen is living abroad, and 30 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Fourteen percent of the countries ban mail-in voting even for those living abroad.

In addition, some countries that allow voting by mail for some citizens living in the country don't allow it for everyone. For example, Japan and Poland have limited mail-in voting for those who have special certificates verifying that they are disabled. France has made an exception this year to its ban on mail-in ballots to those who are sick or at particular risk during the coronavirus pandemic. Poland will allow mail-in ballots for everyone for this year only.

Among the 27 countries in the European Union, 63 percent ban mail-in voting unless living abroad and another 22 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Twenty-two percent ban the practice even for those who live abroad.

There are 16 countries in the rest of Europe, and they are even more restrictive. Every single one bans mail-in voting for those living in the country or require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Sixty-three percent don't allow mail-in ballots even for citizens living outside of the country.
So why has every investigation done by Republicans turned up nothing? Rational people realize you can't prove a negative.
You’re a Leftie apparatchik, so no surprises that you defend the favorite form of voting chosen by fascists and dictators, banned by the civilized world (due to their experiences with fraud), just because your guy manged to swindle the country like he has for his 47 year career being a corrupt, crooked politician. Of course we know that he didn’t actually do anything, he’s told what to do and say from the moment he wakes up.
What a pity you can't actually show fraud occurred.
"Mail-in ballots are known to be most unreliable fraud-ridden form of voting and have been outlawed in many Western and democratic nations."
  • Known to who?
  • List the many who outlawed mail-in ballots
  • Being a Trumpanzee, why will anyone believe anything you post?
Yup, a guy sitting in his basement, hardly campaigned or did anything (and when he did nobody showed up) managed to get the most votes in the history of this country. Sure sure.

Votes and elections will count if we ban mail-in voting and have voter ID, like the rest of the civilized world.
Yes, Biden portrayed a vision of sanity by practicing social distancing amid a pandemic; while Trump exhibited wanton disregard by inviting thousands to peel off their masks and stand shoulder-to-shoulder.

Now rightards can't understand why America chose responsibility over sheer ignorance.
Mail-in ballots are known to be most unreliable fraud-ridden form of voting and have been outlawed in many Western and democratic nations. It is indeed the favorite form of election rigging and fraud among dictatorships and authoritarian regimes. Democrats have been committing one form of election fraud or another for the last 50 years at least. No surprise that they behave like lunatics whenever someone even questions the results of the 2020, a first in the history of this country. Especially after the four years of them committing all kinds of criminal behavior and treason in order to falsely accuse and impeach Trump. Not to mention their candidate spent most of his time in the basement and hardly campaigned, yet got the most votes ever. Seriously.

Here is what we found. Besides the United States, there are 36 member states in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Forty-seven percent ban mail-in voting unless the citizen is living abroad, and 30 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Fourteen percent of the countries ban mail-in voting even for those living abroad.

In addition, some countries that allow voting by mail for some citizens living in the country don't allow it for everyone. For example, Japan and Poland have limited mail-in voting for those who have special certificates verifying that they are disabled. France has made an exception this year to its ban on mail-in ballots to those who are sick or at particular risk during the coronavirus pandemic. Poland will allow mail-in ballots for everyone for this year only.

Among the 27 countries in the European Union, 63 percent ban mail-in voting unless living abroad and another 22 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Twenty-two percent ban the practice even for those who live abroad.

There are 16 countries in the rest of Europe, and they are even more restrictive. Every single one bans mail-in voting for those living in the country or require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Sixty-three percent don't allow mail-in ballots even for citizens living outside of the country.
There are states that have been using mail in voting for decades. The military as well. There have been absolutely no issues or complaints raised in previous years...that is, until the Orange Savior lost his bid for re-election. I mean none. Zero. Nada.
Ultimately, this is about Republican and conservative attempts at voter suppression, gerrymandering, and redistricting. Mostly aimed at communities of color. However, all those restrictions were taken away last year and we had a record number of people voting...which in a democracy is actually a good thing. All states certified their election results. Republican and Democrat elections officials in each state signed off on them. Federal election officials called it the most secure election in our lifetime.

Other countries have their own rules. We are not them. Mail in voting is here to stay..whether the right wing likes it or not.
Roudy Well yeah, this is obvious. No criminal in their right mind is going to want to keep evidence of guilt lying around, because they don't want to go to prison.
Don't just whine about voter fraud -- Prove it happened...
It's all proven in their universe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, plain as day, you betcha.

Proven with 60+ judges, The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's DOJ, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's DHS, Republican elected officials, Republican state election officials, and state Supreme Courts? Yeah, not so much.

But the Alternate Universe. They've got The Truth. You betcha.
Anyone with half a brain (this precludes most democrats) can easily determine why mail-ins are so unreliable. They can be manipulated by anyone and electioneering is unpreventable.
Rules and morals only exist for those who believe and try to abide. For democrats, they exist only to be used against the former.
What a shame you can't show fraud occurred in the 2020 election beyond a few sporadic cases.
Roudy Well yeah, this is obvious. No criminal in their right mind is going to want to keep evidence of guilt lying around, because they don't want to go to prison.
How many criminals have you met? And how many of Trump's cronies have needed to be rescued from their felony convictions by Trump's abuse of the power to grant reprieves and pardons?
What a pity you can't actually show fraud occurred.
The fact that the culprits have not been captured does not mean a theft did not occur. As we can see, these corrupt Democrat run cities and states will not allow a proper investigation and audit, not to mention they oreads destroyed most of the evidence of their fraud. If anything the Democrat party is an election fraud machine with a decades long history of swindling even their Democrat candidates. Did you forget what was done to Hillary when she ran against Obama, and Sanders in the 2020 election? Obviously Democrats are now wholeheartedly embracing and promoting mail in voting, which allows them to become masters at election fraud.
How many criminals have you met? And how many of Trump's cronies have needed to be rescued from their felony convictions by Trump's abuse of the power to grant reprieves and pardons?
You should focus more on the spying that occurred on the Obama admin and the behavior of the Biden crime syndicate using Biden’s position as a senator and then VP forcing countries into bribing and encroaching Biden through his family members, if you’re looking for criminals. Rest assured, that will happen when the republicans take over, and people will be prosecuted. The deep state and media are now protecting them.
There are states that have been using mail in voting for decades. The military as well. There have been absolutely no issues or complaints raised in previous years...that is, until the Orange Savior lost his bid for re-election. I mean none. Zero. Nada.
Ultimately, this is about Republican and conservative attempts at voter suppression, gerrymandering, and redistricting. Mostly aimed at communities of color. However, all those restrictions were taken away last year and we had a record number of people voting...which in a democracy is actually a good thing. All states certified their election results. Republican and Democrat elections officials in each state signed off on them. Federal election officials called it the most secure election in our lifetime.

Other countries have their own rules. We are not them. Mail in voting is here to stay..whether the right wing likes it or not.
That was a good joke. Using the pandemic as an excuse, Democrat fraudsters decide to utilize a system of voting known for fraud by sending out millions of mail in ballots without any verification or voter ID, in States that don’t have ‌history of doing so or in such amounts, and a senile corrupt guy who sat in his basement for a year manges to get the most votes in the history of this country. And nobody is allowed to question it.

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