Why Deny The Affairs With Stormy Daniels And Karen McDougal?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The United States’ political climate was changed drastically by the 2016 campaign cycle. No longer are a respectful demeanor, a respected reputation, and minimal qualifications important to the Republican Party leaders, or their rank-and-file voters. Especially their rank-and-file voters.

In 2018, conservatives voted for an admitted pedophile for U.S. Senator, also the former leader of an Illinois chapter of the Nazi party ran unopposed in Illinois’ 3rd district primary election, and still found over 20300 voters casting ballots to welcome his Nazi agenda. Former Arizona Sheriff, convicted felon, and Republican Joe Arpaio’s openly racist statements have given him a legitimate shot at winning the Arizona Republican Senate primary on Aug. 28.

So, character, morals, ethics, and criminal history have proven to be irrelevant factors to Republican voters. It’s who the GOP candidates hate that sways conservatives now.

Given the above developments’ impact in the 2018 election cycle, coupled with the unconditional acceptance the idiot trump receives from his conservative supporters, why is it so important he deny committing adultery with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal? It’s more than apparent, his supporters don’t care that he is a serial adulterer.

The idiot trump did not only admit to his years as an active sexual predator, during his campaign rallies, he actually bragged about it. Remember the pride he took boasting of his hand size and what it represents? That really showed his lack refinement, and the rubes loved him for it.

By contrast, President Clinton’s sexual escapades before and during his years in the White House are condemned by conservatives to this day, and will be for the foreseeable future. The conservatives’ condemnation extends to Mrs. Clinton for remaining in the marriage, and some even place the blame on Hillary for Monica’s infamous lip-lock on Bill’s jolly-hang-down.

We all remember how the conservatives were sh!tting piles and piles of blue beans when Mrs. Obama wore a sleeveless dress in public.

But, Melania has been photographed in the buff on numerous occasions, which in the past would have shocked conservatives down to their socks, especially Evangelicals. But, because she is married to an admitted sexual predator, who is warmly accepted by conservatives and Evangelicals alike, Melania’s birthday suit images are now considered, by conservatives to be pieces of precious art, crotch shots and all. The photos can now be framed and hung proudly, and prominently in the homes of all American conservatives.

The idiot trump has begun asking his attorneys and certain staff members if he should address the scandals of his infidelities with Stormy Daniels and “Playboy" Playmate Karen McDougal. The public’s awareness of the NDAs he has with both women leave little doubt of his adulterous relationships with them. An NDA is of no value if the cat is already out of the bag and there is nothing left to D.

The secret truth(s) kept hidden by the NDAs between the idiot trump and the two women have been made irrelevant. The idiot trump AND his attorneys should have understood this many months ago. And also understood his voter base first proved in November 2016, he can publicly commit no sin, no crime, no act of treason against the people of this country, regardless of intent, so heinous as to cause conservatives to abandon their love and support for the idiot trump.

Yes, this makes the conservatives’ and the Evangelicals’ form of hypocrisy the most vile imaginable. But, that is the exact reason Republican politicians have been so successful in winning and keeping the conservatives as the party’s devout voter base for so many, many years.

So why, are the idiot trump’s attorneys and advisers so driven to stop the idiot trump from admitting to these illicit trysts, when his doing so would remove this scandal from the headlines....permanently?

There is one possibility. It’s well known that, “sex sells”, which will keep the public’s eye riveted to each new report about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal for weeks to come. Which will also keep the press occupied so next week’s scandal, perhaps the firing of special counsel Mueller, will go unnoticed.



The United States’ political climate was changed drastically by the 2016 campaign cycle. No longer are a respectful demeanor, a respected reputation, and minimal qualifications important to the Republican Party leaders, or their rank-and-file voters. Especially their rank-and-file voters.

In 2018, conservatives voted for an admitted pedophile for U.S. Senator, also the former leader of an Illinois chapter of the Nazi party ran unopposed in Illinois’ 3rd district primary election, and still found over 20300 voters casting ballots to welcome his Nazi agenda. Former Arizona Sheriff, convicted felon, and Republican Joe Arpaio’s openly racist statements have given him a legitimate shot at winning the Arizona Republican Senate primary on Aug. 28.

So, character, morals, ethics, and criminal history have proven to be irrelevant factors to Republican voters. It’s who the GOP candidates hate that sways conservatives now.

Given the above developments’ impact in the 2018 election cycle, coupled with the unconditional acceptance the idiot trump receives from his conservative supporters, why is it so important he deny committing adultery with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal? It’s more than apparent, his supporters don’t care that he is a serial adulterer.

The idiot trump did not only admit to his years as an active sexual predator, during his campaign rallies, he actually bragged about it. Remember the pride he took boasting of his hand size and what it represents? That really showed his lack refinement, and the rubes loved him for it.

By contrast, President Clinton’s sexual escapades before and during his years in the White House are condemned by conservatives to this day, and will be for the foreseeable future. The conservatives’ condemnation extends to Mrs. Clinton for remaining in the marriage, and some even place the blame on Hillary for Monica’s infamous lip-lock on Bill’s jolly-hang-down.

We all remember how the conservatives were sh!tting piles and piles of blue beans when Mrs. Obama wore a sleeveless dress in public.

But, Melania has been photographed in the buff on numerous occasions, which in the past would have shocked conservatives down to their socks, especially Evangelicals. But, because she is married to an admitted sexual predator, who is warmly accepted by conservatives and Evangelicals alike, Melania’s birthday suit images are now considered, by conservatives to be pieces of precious art, crotch shots and all. The photos can now be framed and hung proudly, and prominently in the homes of all American conservatives.

The idiot trump has begun asking his attorneys and certain staff members if he should address the scandals of his infidelities with Stormy Daniels and “Playboy" Playmate Karen McDougal. The public’s awareness of the NDAs he has with both women leave little doubt of his adulterous relationships with them. An NDA is of no value if the cat is already out of the bag and there is nothing left to D.

The secret truth(s) kept hidden by the NDAs between the idiot trump and the two women have been made irrelevant. The idiot trump AND his attorneys should have understood this many months ago. And also understood his voter base first proved in November 2016, he can publicly commit no sin, no crime, no act of treason against the people of this country, regardless of intent, so heinous as to cause conservatives to abandon their love and support for the idiot trump.

Yes, this makes the conservatives’ and the Evangelicals’ form of hypocrisy the most vile imaginable. But, that is the exact reason Republican politicians have been so successful in winning and keeping the conservatives as the party’s devout voter base for so many, many years.

So why, are the idiot trump’s attorneys and advisers so driven to stop the idiot trump from admitting to these illicit trysts, when his doing so would remove this scandal from the headlines....permanently?

There is one possibility. It’s well known that, “sex sells”, which will keep the public’s eye riveted to each new report about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal for weeks to come. Which will also keep the press occupied so next week’s scandal, perhaps the firing of special counsel Mueller, will go unnoticed.


Watch the turds who defended Slick Willy and HIllary to the last man talk about "character, morals, ethics, and criminal history."

Sleazy lying snowflake hypocrites make me want to puke.
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
Is everything you post a lie?

No need to answer. The question is purely rhetorical.
But wait: Back when numerous women accused Bill Clinton of everything from rape to groping to pressure for sexual favors, you guys screamed and whined and moaned and yelled that such matters were purely private concerns and had nothing to do with the president as an elected official. Remember?
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
You just described both historically and quite directly the Democrat party!
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
Is everything you post a lie?

No need to answer. The question is purely rhetorical.

Another baseless and empty response. Run away rather than explain this pattern of behavior. That's okay. "Conservatives" do it all the time.
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
You just described both historically and quite directly the Democrat party!

My response at #8 applies to you as well.
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
Is everything you post a lie?

No need to answer. The question is purely rhetorical.

Another baseless and empty response. Run away rather than explain this pattern of behavior. That's okay. "Conservatives" do it all the time.
Why would I bother explaining a pile of your lies other than to point out that they are lies?
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
Is everything you post a lie?

No need to answer. The question is purely rhetorical.

Another baseless and empty response. Run away rather than explain this pattern of behavior. That's okay. "Conservatives" do it all the time.

Okay, and where were you during the "bimbo eruption" against Bill Clinton? Why the different set of rules of Bill than the ones you want for Trump? When it was Clinton being accused of everything from rape to groping to harassment, you guys screamed from the rooftops that sexual misconduct was a purely private matter that had nothing to do with the president as an elected official. REMEMBER?
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
You just described both historically and quite directly the Democrat party!

My response at #8 applies to you as well.
Why do we need to point out your lies? Jim Crow is historical.
George Wallace is historical.
Crack a fuckin book idiot.
This hideous behavior by "conservatives" does not surprise me one bit. I've always wondered what the "conservatives" thought they were "conserving." Most of the time they have fought to "conserve" the social acceptability of the mistreatment, domination, and oppression of certain groups of people, the limitation of the rights of certain groups of people, the protection of unearned privilege, double standards, and bigotry, and the use of violence in support of these aims.Their support for a social caste system based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation has been very evident. There is no virtue or ethics involved.
You just described both historically and quite directly the Democrat party!

My response at #8 applies to you as well.
Why do we need to point out your lies? Jim Crow is historical.
George Wallace is historical.
Crack a fuckin book idiot.

And everybody knows that the parties switched ideologically in the later half of the 20th Century, except, apparently, you. Your use of the terms "fucking" and "idiot" betray your background.

Watch the turds who defended Slick Willy and HIllary to the last man talk about "character, morals, ethics, and criminal history."

Sleazy lying snowflake hypocrites make me want to puke.

Yep, just like you sleazy lying snowflake hypocrites who have been bashing Bill for close to 30 years not giving a shit about Trump's lack of morals.

You partisan zealots are the same, matters not which side you pledge your loyalty to.

The United States’ political climate was changed drastically by the 2016 campaign cycle. No longer are a respectful demeanor, a respected reputation, and minimal qualifications important to the Republican Party leaders, or their rank-and-file voters. Especially their rank-and-file voters.

In 2018, conservatives voted for an admitted pedophile for U.S. Senator, also the former leader of an Illinois chapter of the Nazi party ran unopposed in Illinois’ 3rd district primary election, and still found over 20300 voters casting ballots to welcome his Nazi agenda. Former Arizona Sheriff, convicted felon, and Republican Joe Arpaio’s openly racist statements have given him a legitimate shot at winning the Arizona Republican Senate primary on Aug. 28.

So, character, morals, ethics, and criminal history have proven to be irrelevant factors to Republican voters. It’s who the GOP candidates hate that sways conservatives now.

Given the above developments’ impact in the 2018 election cycle, coupled with the unconditional acceptance the idiot trump receives from his conservative supporters, why is it so important he deny committing adultery with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal? It’s more than apparent, his supporters don’t care that he is a serial adulterer.

The idiot trump did not only admit to his years as an active sexual predator, during his campaign rallies, he actually bragged about it. Remember the pride he took boasting of his hand size and what it represents? That really showed his lack refinement, and the rubes loved him for it.

By contrast, President Clinton’s sexual escapades before and during his years in the White House are condemned by conservatives to this day, and will be for the foreseeable future. The conservatives’ condemnation extends to Mrs. Clinton for remaining in the marriage, and some even place the blame on Hillary for Monica’s infamous lip-lock on Bill’s jolly-hang-down.

We all remember how the conservatives were sh!tting piles and piles of blue beans when Mrs. Obama wore a sleeveless dress in public.

But, Melania has been photographed in the buff on numerous occasions, which in the past would have shocked conservatives down to their socks, especially Evangelicals. But, because she is married to an admitted sexual predator, who is warmly accepted by conservatives and Evangelicals alike, Melania’s birthday suit images are now considered, by conservatives to be pieces of precious art, crotch shots and all. The photos can now be framed and hung proudly, and prominently in the homes of all American conservatives.

The idiot trump has begun asking his attorneys and certain staff members if he should address the scandals of his infidelities with Stormy Daniels and “Playboy" Playmate Karen McDougal. The public’s awareness of the NDAs he has with both women leave little doubt of his adulterous relationships with them. An NDA is of no value if the cat is already out of the bag and there is nothing left to D.

The secret truth(s) kept hidden by the NDAs between the idiot trump and the two women have been made irrelevant. The idiot trump AND his attorneys should have understood this many months ago. And also understood his voter base first proved in November 2016, he can publicly commit no sin, no crime, no act of treason against the people of this country, regardless of intent, so heinous as to cause conservatives to abandon their love and support for the idiot trump.

Yes, this makes the conservatives’ and the Evangelicals’ form of hypocrisy the most vile imaginable. But, that is the exact reason Republican politicians have been so successful in winning and keeping the conservatives as the party’s devout voter base for so many, many years.

So why, are the idiot trump’s attorneys and advisers so driven to stop the idiot trump from admitting to these illicit trysts, when his doing so would remove this scandal from the headlines....permanently?

There is one possibility. It’s well known that, “sex sells”, which will keep the public’s eye riveted to each new report about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal for weeks to come. Which will also keep the press occupied so next week’s scandal, perhaps the firing of special counsel Mueller, will go unnoticed.


It's very simple. Donald is trying to hide his affinity for hiring prostitutes and his bullying the occasional girl into having his abortion.

Watch the turds who defended Slick Willy and HIllary to the last man talk about "character, morals, ethics, and criminal history."

Sleazy lying snowflake hypocrites make me want to puke.

Yep, just like you sleazy lying snowflake hypocrites who have been bashing Bill for close to 30 years not giving a shit about Trump's lack of morals.

You partisan zealots are the same, matters not which side you pledge your loyalty to.
You haven't figured out how that quote thingy works, have you?

I bash Slick Willy because he's a liar, a rapist, a perjurer and because he obstructed justice. I don't give a damn if he cheats on Hillary. I would do the same if I was married to that witch. Actually, I would just get a divorce, no matter what it cost me.
But wait: Back when numerous women accused Bill Clinton of everything from rape to groping to pressure for sexual favors, you guys screamed and whined and moaned and yelled that such matters were purely private concerns and had nothing to do with the president as an elected official. Remember?

It was and still is, but how do you like a taste of your own medicine? I don't care a bit for Rump, but who he diddles is between him and his wife. I bet you didn't feel that way about slick Willie though. Be honest!
But wait: Back when numerous women accused Bill Clinton of everything from rape to groping to pressure for sexual favors, you guys screamed and whined and moaned and yelled that such matters were purely private concerns and had nothing to do with the president as an elected official. Remember?

I don't believe anyone ever said sexual assault or sexual harassment was a "private matter." The question was whether there was any real evidence for these allegations, and whether consensual blow jobs were an impeachable offense.

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