Why Did America Elect Trump? Was it his hairstyle? No! Was it his personal decency? No! THE WALL?YES


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
for much of the race, Trump's critics dismissed his campaign as a marketing ploy. initially it probably was.

yet somehow Trump won. did millions of Americans see his Access Hollywood tape and think "Finally, a candidate who speaks for me"? Of course not

Trump was in many ways an unappealing figure. he never hid it. his voters knew it.

More than anything---it was his opponent.

The cocksucking Democrats can hate him, and scream at the sky, and wear Pussy Hats around---but its their own fault for offering up Dumb, Drunk, Dishonest and Depraved as the only other option. And Yes--she is Dumb. Flunked the bar exam and had to move to Arkansas and marry a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius--and he got her every job she ever had after that--all of which she fucked up.

Blame yourselves Bolsheviks.
for much of the race, Trump's critics dismissed his campaign as a marketing ploy. initially it probably was.

yet somehow Trump won. did millions of Americans see his Access Hollywood tape and think "Finally, a candidate who speaks for me"? Of course not

Trump was in many ways an unappealing figure. he never hid it. his voters knew it.


People took a chance and elected a guy who isn't a sleazy politician. Plus the fact he is doing the things he promised to do and a lot more. Why the Dumbocrats fight against everything that is good for them and everybody else is a mystery. I have never heard or seen a time when Americans fought against tax cuts. As for being against a border wall, I have already expressed what I have in store for anyone who opposes it if anyone in my family or friends are ever the victim of a criminal illegal alien. It won't be pretty.
for much of the race, Trump's critics dismissed his campaign as a marketing ploy. initially it probably was.

yet somehow Trump won. did millions of Americans see his Access Hollywood tape and think "Finally, a candidate who speaks for me"? Of course not

Trump was in many ways an unappealing figure. he never hid it. his voters knew it.


People took a chance and elected a guy who isn't a sleazy politician. Plus the fact he is doing the things he promised to do and a lot more. Why the Dumbocrats fight against everything that is good for them and everybody else is a mystery. I have never heard or seen a time when Americans fought against tax cuts. As for being against a border wall, I have already expressed what I have in store for anyone who opposes it if anyone in my family or friends are ever the victim of a criminal illegal alien. It won't be pretty.
Dumbocats 40 years ago ran elections on the decline of the middle class and won. NOW they speak almost exclusively about abstract things like abortion or climate change or identity politics.
More than anything---it was his opponent.

The cocksucking Democrats can hate him, and scream at the sky, and wear Pussy Hats around---but its their own fault for offering up Dumb, Drunk, Dishonest and Depraved as the only other option. And Yes--she is Dumb. Flunked the bar exam and had to move to Arkansas and marry a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius--and he got her every job she ever had after that--all of which she fucked up.

Blame yourselves Bolsheviks.
On this, it was the Republicans conscious 30-year+ smear campaign on Hillary Clinton that did her in.

The left was blind to it.

So, good job Cons, your sleazy tactics worked and now you have a sleazy President.
Most everyone I know wants the wall built and like me they don't give a shit who pays for it or how much it will cost.
More than anything---it was his opponent.

The cocksucking Democrats can hate him, and scream at the sky, and wear Pussy Hats around---but its their own fault for offering up Dumb, Drunk, Dishonest and Depraved as the only other option. And Yes--she is Dumb. Flunked the bar exam and had to move to Arkansas and marry a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius--and he got her every job she ever had after that--all of which she fucked up.

Blame yourselves Bolsheviks.
On this, it was the Republicans conscious 30-year+ smear campaign on Hillary Clinton that did her in.

The left was blind to it.

So, good job Cons, your sleazy tactics worked and now you have a sleazy President.

Nope. She sank her own campaign. She actually believed the polls, pundants and talking heads who all told her she would win in a landslide.

She ran the lousiest campaign I've ever seen and it bit her in her stupid ass.

She also along with the DNC paid for a false dossier on Trump.

They all totally discounted Trump and said he didn't have a chance right up until he won.

Suck it up buttercup.
If it ain't about the wall, don't even call! Many people choose not to talk to me with this saying, and I am ok with it. ANTISOCIAL!
More than anything---it was his opponent.

The cocksucking Democrats can hate him, and scream at the sky, and wear Pussy Hats around---but its their own fault for offering up Dumb, Drunk, Dishonest and Depraved as the only other option. And Yes--she is Dumb. Flunked the bar exam and had to move to Arkansas and marry a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius--and he got her every job she ever had after that--all of which she fucked up.

Blame yourselves Bolsheviks.
On this, it was the Republicans conscious 30-year+ smear campaign on Hillary Clinton that did her in.

The left was blind to it.

So, good job Cons, your sleazy tactics worked and now you have a sleazy President.

O already floated the sleazy boat. Dont worry though, you'll vote for the hillary in 2020.
trump addressed the losers like they were his best friends . He raved on about himself and them as being the best. They are so dumb they bought it! Enjoy the ignorance snowflakes.
The illegal wall is only desired by those who do not live in the areas affected by refugee immigration.
trump addressed the losers like they were his best friends . He raved on about himself and them as being the best. They are so dumb they bought it! Enjoy the ignorance snowflakes.

We know a winner when takes the reins.

You obviously don't.
Nope. She sank her own campaign. She actually believed the polls, pundants and talking heads who all told her she would win in a landslide.

She ran the lousiest campaign I've ever seen and it bit her in her stupid ass.

She also along with the DNC paid for a false dossier on Trump.

They all totally discounted Trump and said he didn't have a chance right up until he won.

Suck it up buttercup.
The Cons have been SMEARING Hillary Clinton since the nineties.

I was a teen then, and even though I wasn't into politricks at that point I can recall the attacks.

They even swiped at little Chelsea.

Remember LUSH Rimbaugh calling the child a dog?

The Republicans' sleazy tactics works. Take a bow.
More than anything---it was his opponent.

The cocksucking Democrats can hate him, and scream at the sky, and wear Pussy Hats around---but its their own fault for offering up Dumb, Drunk, Dishonest and Depraved as the only other option. And Yes--she is Dumb. Flunked the bar exam and had to move to Arkansas and marry a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius--and he got her every job she ever had after that--all of which she fucked up.

Blame yourselves Bolsheviks.
On this, it was the Republicans conscious 30-year+ smear campaign on Hillary Clinton that did her in.

The left was blind to it.

So, good job Cons, your sleazy tactics worked and now you have a sleazy President.

No, we know what Trump is and what he is doing and as long as it's legal and above board we let him have his way. If he is guilty of crimes then we want him to prosecuted. Unlike the murdering, evil Clintons who have been protected and covered for all these years. The latest child sex trafficking ring discovery should put those pathetic creatures in jail for life. Oh, and another "suicide" has happened to a guy who agreed to spill the beans on the evil SOBs. I won't post any info or links about it just yet.
In my opinion Trump was elected due to three distinct traits, first, not a professional self serving politician, secondly, says what he thinks, and most importantly the third, willing to say what others think, voice in private, too afraid to say in public.
The media and left just will not tolerate someone that they can not manipulate and set the tone of debate. The swamp on the other hand views themselves as the true and rightful leaders of the country, protective of their turf, unwilling to accept that it's a government of the people for the people, they see the people as uneducated rubes, unfit to manage their own business without the government's, their, divine guidance.
Trump did not win.

Hillary lost.

The Dems explanation as to how Hillary blew a 30 point lead with two months ago is laughable.

Those 30 percent suddenly became "sexist..."

Nope. She sank her own campaign. She actually believed the polls, pundants and talking heads who all told her she would win in a landslide.

She ran the lousiest campaign I've ever seen and it bit her in her stupid ass.

She also along with the DNC paid for a false dossier on Trump.

They all totally discounted Trump and said he didn't have a chance right up until he won.

Suck it up buttercup.
The Cons have been SMEARING Hillary Clinton since the nineties.

I was a teen then, and even though I wasn't into politricks at that point I can recall the attacks.

They even swiped at little Chelsea.

Remember LUSH Rimbaugh calling the child a dog?

The Republicans' sleazy tactics works. Take a bow.

She sank her own boat buddy. She sure isn't a role model for anyone.

Her own sleazy tactics worked. Fortunately for America she isn't POTUS and never will be.

In my opinion Trump was elected due to three distinct traits,

first, not a professional self serving politician,
What, he's an amateur self-serving politician? Trump has proven to be THEE best politician running.

secondly, says what he thinks,
Well, if you call that thinking.

and most importantly the third, willing to say what others think, voice in private, too afraid to say in public.
This is the most important statement you've made sir. Can you give any examples of these things that other think, but aren't brave enough to say in public?

The media and left just will not tolerate someone that they can not manipulate and set the tone of debate. The swamp on the other hand views themselves as the true and rightful leaders of the country, protective of their turf, unwilling to accept that it's a government of the people for the people, they see the people as uneducated rubes, unfit to manage their own business without the government's, their, divine guidance.
Noone can control a bull in a chinashop, best you can do is try to steer them out of it.
"Americans" did not vote to elect trump, a minority of "Americans" did. He did not win the popular vote. "The Wall" is boondoggle from start to finish, but a stupid idea still can find a home. trump is the lowest quality to person to ever occupy the White House. He doesn't even know the basics of civilized government or the Constitution.

Moreover, he said time and time again that he is only the "president" of the republican party. It's been "Democrats are bad," Democrats are responsible for everything that goes wrong," etc. If he were real president, he would not say these things.

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