Why Did America Elect Trump? Was it his hairstyle? No! Was it his personal decency? No! THE WALL?YES

More than anything---it was his opponent.

The cocksucking Democrats can hate him, and scream at the sky, and wear Pussy Hats around---but its their own fault for offering up Dumb, Drunk, Dishonest and Depraved as the only other option. And Yes--she is Dumb. Flunked the bar exam and had to move to Arkansas and marry a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius--and he got her every job she ever had after that--all of which she fucked up.

Blame yourselves Bolsheviks.

First, I agree that Clinton blew it and that she was a horrific candidate. Lazy, not likeable, corrupt.

But you obviously know nothing of how hard the Bar can be if you think that means you are stupid if you fail it. I knew an incredibly smart (and gorgeous, btw) woman who failed the bar first time.
It can be a damn difficult thing to pass.

Lots of famous, intelligent people have failed the Bar.


Clinton failed the Washington Bar but passed the Arkansas one at the same time.

Her schooling is VERY impressive (unlike Trump's who went to Wharton when it was an easy colege to graduate from) and it's obvious she is very intelligent.

She is a bitch...but she is clearly an intelligent bitch.

I suggest you don't call people 'stupid' for failing the Bar in the future. It just makes you look like you have no idea whatsoever what it takes to pass it.
In my opinion Trump was elected due to three distinct traits,

first, not a professional self serving politician,
What, he's an amateur self-serving politician? Trump has proven to be THEE best politician running.

secondly, says what he thinks,
Well, if you call that thinking.

and most importantly the third, willing to say what others think, voice in private, too afraid to say in public.
This is the most important statement you've made sir. Can you give any examples of these things that other think, but aren't brave enough to say in public?

The media and left just will not tolerate someone that they can not manipulate and set the tone of debate. The swamp on the other hand views themselves as the true and rightful leaders of the country, protective of their turf, unwilling to accept that it's a government of the people for the people, they see the people as uneducated rubes, unfit to manage their own business without the government's, their, divine guidance.
Noone can control a bull in a chinashop, best you can do is try to steer them out of it.

Trump isn't a politician period, just a businessman with an opinion that is deemed unacceptable.

Oh he thinks, has opinions, makes them known.

Issues covering entitlements, melianials, immigration, justice system, work ethics, race relations, homeless, education system, media....Face it most people haven't the courage to say what is on their mind, due to political correctness, sensitivity of others, fear of being labeled this or that by the press and socially acceptable norms as dictated by the media. If one was to call a person a pansy they would be labeled a homophobe, or to state that homelessness is a lifestyle fueled by a lack of work ethic coupled with do good foundations funded by those that feel guilty. get the picture? Or how about the destruction of the black family unit was the result of ill conceived government programs, whoops now your labeled a racist.

Bull in the China shop? Government funding feeds the troth, cut government spending, enact direct benefit matrix's and watch the exodus.

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