Why Did It Take / Is It Taking Some Peope So Long To Accept The Obvious?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There was more than enough credible information for people to deduce / accept COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan lab, to include the lab being cited years earlier for several issues that if not corrected could lead to a leak and a reported 1st-hand account.

There have been a lot of complex explanations thrown out to try to claim what 'could' have caused tbe pandemic; however, it appears that Occam's Razor came up with the real story of what happened nearly from the start:

Occam's Razor:
The simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex

(...and of course, it appears, Fauci knew all along.)


U.S. Report Found It Plausible Covid-19 Leaked From Wuhan Lab​

The 2020 lab report was used by the State Department in its own inquiry during Trump administration​

I hit on result from lab leak and I find it came from here. another republicans site.

U.S. Report Found It Plausible Covid-19 Leaked From Wuhan Lab​

The 2020 lab report was used by the State Department in its own inquiry during Trump administration​

I hit on result from lab leak and I find it came from here. another republicans site.

Yet this administration / the FBI attempted to silence such news / brand this as a 'Conspiracy theory' / 'misinformation'....
There was more than enough credible information for people to deduce / accept COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan lab, to include the lab being cited years earlier for several issues that if not corrected could lead to a leak and a reported 1st-hand account.

There have been a lot of complex explanations thrown out to try to claim what 'could' have caused tbe pandemic; however, it appears that Occam's Razor came up with the real story of what happened nearly from the start:

Occam's Razor:
The simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex

Well, the simplest explanation is that it came from Nature, probably introduced through a Chinese Wet Market.

It certainly makes more sense than the Chinese leaked it from a lab hoping Trump's response would be so incompetent it would economically wreck their best customer.
Well, the simplest explanation is that it came from Nature, probably introduced through a Chinese Wet Market.

A deadly virus somehow mutated and spread from bat guano originating in a wet market in China and not from the on-going funded COVID research in a Chinese lab that was identified year earlier as a 'leak waiting to happen' due to lax procedures, peecautions, and practices?


We will just have to agree to disagree.
There was more than enough credible information for people to deduce / accept COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan lab, to include the lab being cited years earlier for several issues that if not corrected could lead to a leak and a reported 1st-hand account.

There have been a lot of complex explanations thrown out to try to claim what 'could' have caused tbe pandemic; however, it appears that Occam's Razor came up with the real story of what happened nearly from the start:

Occam's Razor:
The simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex

(...and of course, it appears, Fauci knew all along.)

The Trump administration made Covid?
A deadly virus somehow mutated and spread from bat guano originating in a wet market in China and not from the on-going funded COVID research in a Chinese lab that was identified year earlier as a 'leak waiting to happen' due to lax procedures, peecautions, and practices?


We will just have to agree to disagree.

A lab leak wouldn't have spread the way that it did. But you guys have pushed these conspiracy theories and the best you got was an agency that doesn't specialize in disease control saying they have low confidence it was a lab leak.

Despite the impasse, many scientists say the existing evidence—including early epidemiological patterns, SARS-CoV-2’s genomic makeup, and a recent paper about animal markets in Wuhan—makes it far more probable that the virus, like many emerging pathogens, made a natural “zoonotic” jump from animals to humans.

Some of those clues have led Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona who has done groundbreaking work on the origins of HIV and the 1918 flu, further away from the lab-origin theory. Although he always viewed it as less likely, he co-signed the Science letter calling for a more thorough investigation of the lab-leak hypothesis. But like at least one other signatory, he now has second thoughts about that plea, in part because it heightened political tensions. “I think it probably did more harm than good in terms of actually having relevant information flow out of China,” he says.

A researcher’s infection with SARS-CoV-2 needn’t have happened in Wuhan itself. Alina Chan, a gene therapy researcher at the Broad Institute who also co-signed the Science letter, cites a study by WIV researchers, published in 2018, that sampled blood from 218 people who lived 1000 kilometers from the city near caves that were home to coronavirus-infected bats. Six of these people had antibodies that suggested prior infections by SARS-related bat coronaviruses, a branch of the family tree that includes SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and close cousins. Wuhan researchers have visited that area repeatedly and “easily could have picked up something from a human who already carried a human-adapted form of a SARS-related virus,” Chan says.

Shi Zhengli, the lead bat coronavirus scientist at WIV, denies that anyone at the lab fell ill around the time SARS-CoV-2 emerged. In an email interview with Science in July 2020, she wrote that “all staff and students in the lab” were tested for SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses and were negative.

Another data point argues against infected researchers playing a role, Garry says. As the WHO joint mission report spells out, clusters of early COVID-19 cases had links to multiple Wuhan markets around the same time, which Garry says supports the idea of infected animals or animal traders bringing the virus to the city. A lab worker with COVID-19 would have had to make “a beeline not just to one market, but to several different markets,” he says. “You can’t rule it out, but then why the markets? Why not a soccer game or a concert or 100 other different scenarios?”
If the wet markets are once again apparently responsible for another virus (the orginal SARS devastated Torontos economy) where is the U.N and world powers outrage and demands that they be banned and discontinued?
A lab leak wouldn't have spread the way that it did. But you guys have pushed these conspiracy theories and the best you got was an agency that doesn't specialize in disease control saying they have low confidence it was a lab leak.

Despite the impasse, many scientists say the existing evidence—including early epidemiological patterns, SARS-CoV-2’s genomic makeup, and a recent paper about animal markets in Wuhan—makes it far more probable that the virus, like many emerging pathogens, made a natural “zoonotic” jump from animals to humans.

Some of those clues have led Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona who has done groundbreaking work on the origins of HIV and the 1918 flu, further away from the lab-origin theory. Although he always viewed it as less likely, he co-signed the Science letter calling for a more thorough investigation of the lab-leak hypothesis. But like at least one other signatory, he now has second thoughts about that plea, in part because it heightened political tensions. “I think it probably did more harm than good in terms of actually having relevant information flow out of China,” he says.

A researcher’s infection with SARS-CoV-2 needn’t have happened in Wuhan itself. Alina Chan, a gene therapy researcher at the Broad Institute who also co-signed the Science letter, cites a study by WIV researchers, published in 2018, that sampled blood from 218 people who lived 1000 kilometers from the city near caves that were home to coronavirus-infected bats. Six of these people had antibodies that suggested prior infections by SARS-related bat coronaviruses, a branch of the family tree that includes SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and close cousins. Wuhan researchers have visited that area repeatedly and “easily could have picked up something from a human who already carried a human-adapted form of a SARS-related virus,” Chan says.

Shi Zhengli, the lead bat coronavirus scientist at WIV, denies that anyone at the lab fell ill around the time SARS-CoV-2 emerged. In an email interview with Science in July 2020, she wrote that “all staff and students in the lab” were tested for SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses and were negative.

Another data point argues against infected researchers playing a role, Garry says. As the joint mission report spells out, clusters of early COVID-19 cases had links to multiple Wuhan markets around the same time, which Garry says supports the idea of infected animals or animal traders bringing the virus to the city. A lab worker with COVID-19 would have had to make “a beeline not just to one market, but to several different markets,” he says. “You can’t rule it out, but then why the markets? Why not a soccer game or a concert or 100 other different scenarios?”
And you believed the people who diverted and covered up.

Fucking sap.

A lab leak wouldn't have spread the way that it did.

Based on what? Your opinion?

Immediately after the leak China isolated the Wuhan Provence from the rest of China ... but left the Intl airport open. COVID-19 was 'exported' to the rest of the world from Wuhan.

China did not shut down the airport / Intl flights because it would have been a red flag to tbe rest of the world thre had been a leak during a time China was lying its ass off, telling the WHO 'nothing to see here', and trying to keep it hidden....

...but you keep toting the party line, defending China and Fauci, as the truth, like all things over time eventually, finally comes out.
Based on what? Your opinion?

Immediately after the leak China isolated the Wuhan Provence from the rest of China ... but left the Intl airport open. COVID-19 was 'exported' to the rest of the world from Wuhan.

China did not shut down the airport / Intl flights because it would have been a red flag to tbe rest of the world thre had been a leak during a time China was lying its ass off, telling the WHO 'nothing to see here', and trying to keep it hidden....

...but you keep toting the party line, defending China and Fauci, as the truth, like all things over time eventually, finally comes out.
There was more than enough credible information for people to deduce / accept COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan lab, to include the lab being cited years earlier for several issues that if not corrected could lead to a leak and a reported 1st-hand account.

There have been a lot of complex explanations thrown out to try to claim what 'could' have caused tbe pandemic; however, it appears that Occam's Razor came up with the real story of what happened nearly from the start:

Occam's Razor:
The simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex

(...and of course, it appears, Fauci knew all along.)

Yes, the obvious is there is already several threads on this posted over the weekend and guess what? One more was posted after you posted this. Seems like they all should be combined.
Well, the simplest explanation is that it came from Nature, probably introduced through a Chinese Wet Market.

It certainly makes more sense than the Chinese leaked it from a lab hoping Trump's response would be so incompetent it would economically wreck their best customer.
Plus, if China knew it came from their lab, why would they let it spread?

It's like when we do a controlled burn to prevent bigger forest fires, when one gets out of control, we don't claim the fire started naturally.
The report says that there's "low confidence" that COVID-19 came from a lab.

Of course, Republicans lie about it.
All their positions are based on there being a possibility.

They wished the 2020 election lawsuits would overturn the election.
They wished January 6th would have Mike Pence throw out Bidens electors
Then there was that Mike Lindell thing about Trump being installed to office in August 2021.

It's what lets them sleep at night.
In other news, the sun rose this morning.

US Energy Department assesses Covid-19 likely resulted from lab leak, furthering US intel divide over virus origin​

The US Department of Energy has assessed that the Covid-19 pandemic most likely came from a laboratory leak in China, according to a newly updated classified intelligence report.

Two sources said that the Department of Energy assessed in the intelligence report that it had “low confidence” the Covid-19 virus accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan.

Intelligence agencies can make assessments with either low, medium or high confidence. A low confidence assessment generally means that the information obtained is not reliable enough or is too fragmented to make a more definitive analytic judgment or that there is not enough information available to draw a more robust conclusion.

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