Why Did It Take / Is It Taking Some Peope So Long To Accept The Obvious?

Nothing will change in the land of the sheeple, though.

They will simply go about their business bleating away with the official story they were told as if nothing ever happened.

When I was young, the left's mantra was "question authority". Today it is "I see nothing, I hear nothing".
USMB mods should be ashamed for delegating past threads on this topic to CT.

Fucking morons.
There is always a pattern to what gets moved to the conspiracy theory section, here. If it IS a conspiracy theory, like the Russia collusion hoax, it remains in place. If it reveals an actual hoax, it gets moved to the conspiracy theory section.

Deep state rules here.
How much more evidence do people need that the virus came from the Wuhan lab?

I mean, its even got the SAME NAME -

WUHAN Lab - WUHAN Virus...

Nothing will change in the land of the sheeple, though.

They will simply go about their business bleating away with the official story they were told as if nothing ever happened.

When I was young, the left's mantra was "question authority". Today it is "I see nothing, I hear nothing".
Which answers the same question as to why so many don’t question the obvious 2020 election fraud.
Why is the Biden administration hiding information from the public? What possible security issue is involved except maybe the Biden family's corrupt relationship with China? When is the mainstream media going to crawl out of the democrat party's pocket and become honest again?
And we have only one Democrat even willing to respond, and that one an obvious junior assistant to KJP.

The sick bastards will never admit that they were wrong. Meanwhile at my Jr High where I teach, mask use is actually increasing.
Did you really expect those in power to admit they got it wrong?
This story highlights the danger we face from the left, when they silence conversation with their screams of "racism".
It's a tool they use every day to silence their opposition.
And you believed the people who diverted and covered up.

Fucking sap.

You guys have to make up your mind if it was a devious Chinese Bioweapon or an overhyped flu bug... because it can't be both.

In other news, the sun rose this morning.
Uh, a "low confidence" report by an agency that isn't really involved in disease control doesn't impress me all that much.

Kind of sounds like someone bureaucrat with an agenda.

So no mention of the fact that the US Department of Energy has assessed that the COVID pandemic was the result of a leak from the lab in Wuhan?

"Wet markets" my ass. Another "conspiracy theory" proven to be a fact.

What does Covid have to do with "Energy", exactly?

The reason why the wet markets are the most likely source is that they've traced them back to three of them. It was the only commonality in the early cases.
There was more than enough credible information for people to deduce / accept COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan lab, to include the lab being cited years earlier for several issues that if not corrected could lead to a leak and a reported 1st-hand account.
Yet another important political issue turned into an idiotic partisan wankfest.
Yet another important political issue turned into an idiotic partisan wankfest.
Political issue?

Millions died around the world due to a lab leak and intentional virus spreading into a pandemic.

The people woth whom we entrust our country and our lives slapped the 'political' sticker and covered it up, lied, used it to control the populace, and is holding no one accountable.

'Partisanship' should have nothing to do with the TRUTH, but the current administration and its FBI gave been exposed for silencing anyone opposing the false narrative and telling the truth while intentionally spreading disinformation and propaganda.

'Politics' and 'partisanship' made COVID, the pandemic, and the negative effects of them being used against citizens infinitely worse.

The vaccines and the mandates to force them on people were 'politics' that have caused the deaths of many more, loss of jobs, etc...
Political issue?
Foreign policy issue" would have been more accurate. The point is: it's vital the we hold China accountable for their role in all of this.
'Partisanship' should have nothing to do with the TRUTH ...
Agreed. But it has everything to do with actions of our leaders. The Democrats deny the lab leak origin because it will be politically embarrassing for their party. The Republicans are behind it for the same reason. The TRUTH doesn't really enter into it.

'Politics' and 'partisanship' made COVID, the pandemic, and the negative effects of them being used against citizens infinitely worse.

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